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  1. seamus

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    I think it goes, simple solutions for complex problems will not be tolerated? ;D
  2. seamus

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    Putting Mollee on our ballistic vests would solve many problems. I would however point out it would create other problems, (gunners and commanders). All they have to do for the present vest is the following. First make it a little bit tougher, I tends to fray and break after long use. Second...
  3. seamus

    Close Area Suppression Weapon (was Company Area Suppression Weapon)

    The problem or the base of it is , that we keep thinking in a typical manner. I have seen both used in a combat zone and both are equally as good at suppressing/fixing the enemy. As we keep relating to other army's and how they use both weapons systems, the fact of the matter is that they use...
  4. seamus

    The Latest (disgusting) "News" Article by Eric Margolis- 10 Feb/ 2008

    Its the new era of the press. The headline sells, content is optional. ;)
  5. seamus

    Latest on ending the mission in '09

    When reading into MacKay's comments on question period remember this. He stated that Canada would not keep the current configuration in Afghanistan without the support of Parliment. Does this mean they will up the numbers of the PRT. Or does it mean that if the Harper Government gets a majority...
  6. seamus

    Latest Threat to CF in Combat: Smoke Breaks?!?

    I just want to know, how our military did so well in all its previous conflicts when the smokers were at a higher percentage?
  7. seamus

    Canada's First CC177 gets painted

    I am just happy to see the plane,(thanks for the photo). It's good to know that our air lift problem is being dealt with and were the planes are first used doesn't matter to myself as long as they operate as predicted. Good luck to the first air crew, and I know you will have fun. In the end...
  8. seamus

    Military use of Gators outside fortified bases

    To tell the truth, it could carry more water than a quad. Quads are used by many forces outside the wire, but don't have the same capacity to carry suplies. Unless you hall a trailer but then your limiting the mobility which brings us back to why the gator's are being used in the first place.
  9. seamus

    Military use of Gators outside fortified bases

    So you might as well use the one that adapts best to the tactical situation at hand, to augment your ability to complete the mission.
  10. seamus

    Military use of Gators outside fortified bases

    I have seen the gator used in combat situations, when the area is narrow especially in urban areas and the temperature is above 50, you need the support. You cannot carry enough water with mission essential to do your job. The press is looking for headlines and trying to dictate doctrine. We...
  11. seamus

    Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

    This entertainment almost makes me want to cancel my cable. ;D
  12. seamus

    Pte Wiebe, Cpl. Bouzane, Sgt. Karigiann Killed in Afghanistan Blast - 20 June 07

    My condolences to the families, and godspeed to my friend.  :salute:
  13. seamus

    If it is written, then it's true. Toronto Star says new attack helicopters.

    I am pretty sure the Attack Helicopters are being stored right now with my new rucksack.  ;D  I want it to be true but who knows? But you need the one to support the other so they are probably looking at the problem at a very basic level. And hopefully they buy a real Attack Helicopter and not...
  14. seamus

    Dissention in the ranks? Don’t go where IEDs are?

    Overseas if we did not travel on every road with possible IED's I doubt we would have had a direct route to get to the KAF gate. It's the job over there, and sometimes tragedies happen. You have to suck it up and carry on. And as far as airlift goes, well we all know the answers to that one,(or...
  15. seamus

    Are you angry yet?

    Another reporter going for the headlines not the story, the common thread of the downfall of the modern press.
  16. seamus

    The Khadr Thread

    The latest on Khadr's trial is that it was a technicality.This does not ensure release, as well as prosecutors can just rename under which heading he is being held and retry him. Hopefully the prosecution just resubmits the paper work. Some of the blogs out there concerning this case,(in which I...
  17. seamus

    OCs/COs Hours, split from Re: Comparing the [Infantry] Regiments

    He may have had his OT already in, but still nothing happened, besides it was hilarious. I know our Sgt Major at the time laughed for the rest of the afternoon.   But back on topic how many times when you were a troop, did you have to sit through twenty stupid questions by fellow troops to...
  18. seamus

    OCs/COs Hours, split from Re: Comparing the [Infantry] Regiments

    I would have to agree with Teflon. If your going to make a statement in a OC's hour it should be intelligent and thought out. You should also be prepared for an answer that is not what you wanted to hear due to reasons that you were unaware. When a troop comes up with the statement "This idea is...
  19. seamus

    Manitoba chiefs want cellphone revenue

    Good humor, until they win.
  20. seamus

    Helmet Visor

    There are many ways in which the military wastes money and I think they have found another. In Afghanistan that would have been another piece of kit buried in the big green car.