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Search results

  1. DC Roundsman

    HMCS WINNIPEG departs for six month deployment

    I love seeing my old ship in the news.  Had a good 2 years on her and wish that I was with her again on this deployment.
  2. DC Roundsman

    CF PLQ equivalent to BOTP?

    Ok...let me start by saying that granting a Cpl with some time in is probably not the best candidate for a IAP bypass, however, is it really necessary to make them learn how to do drill and to requalify on items that can or should be done at unit level. (like first aid, CBRN, weapons) Also, I...
  3. DC Roundsman

    CF PLQ equivalent to BOTP?

    My "significant other" is currently on her IAP/BOTP and there is a nasty rumour running around St. Jean that you need only to be QL5 qualified to get an IAP bypass.  I told her that the validity of this rumour is highly unlikely, but I would try to investigate it for her. Is there any update on...
  4. DC Roundsman

    Mike Richardson

    I'm looking for an old friend of mine,  LS Mike Richardson.  He is a former Admin Clk that remustered to MP in 1997.  I believe he was posted to Kingston until 2000 when he released to join a Civi Police Department.  If anyone knows where he is working now, please PM me, thanks.
  5. DC Roundsman

    Gag Bos'n Pipes

    Back in the day, I got caught with pipping the Buffer and Chief Bosn's Mate at the same time.  Being very new, I didn't know that they were the same person.  I certainly found out when the Buffer/ CBM showed up at the Bosn's Mate shack.  I also got caught with Dockyard Worker Phil...
  6. DC Roundsman

    Marine electrician

    Well done Frank67. Off to the East Coast (my old stomping grounds).  I hope you enjoyed Esquimalt (my old stomping grounds also).  Halifax has lots to offer and you will be kept busy on the Athabaskan.  Cheers Sailor B
  7. DC Roundsman

    Airforce clerk wants to be on ship...

    I absolutely and unequivocally agree with PO2FinClk.  Hang in there, you will eventually get your wish. Cheers Sailor B
  8. DC Roundsman

    CF Rank

    That's for sure :D
  9. DC Roundsman

    Anti War Vandals

    Hearing crap like this just infuriates me. I can't believe how stupid some people can be. You know what they say, "Hatred breeds hatred" well apparently so does stupidity. There is so much misinformation out there it's sickening to hear some of the crap that is being told to our youth today. I...
  10. DC Roundsman

    Battle of the Atlantic Parade and Ceremony - 6 May '07

    I know what you mean airmich , now that I'm on loan to the Air Force.  ;) I think the most memorable Battle of Atlantic Ceremony was in 2001 on HMCS Winnipeg on route to the Gulf. Alas, I hope one day I will depart beautiful and picturesque Trenton for Halifax and back to the NAVY. :cdnsalute: