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    Ph.D infantry soldiers

    Just as an aside:  Steve Jobs stole the use of a Graphical User Interface from Xerox on a tour of the Xerox labs... at the time Xerox hadn't patented the idea because they didn't see a demand for the concept - one of the biggest corporate mess-ups in business history... second or third to the...

    Ph.D infantry soldiers

    Roger that. ...but is a $40,000 receipt required to show that in the CF? Not necessarily.

    Ph.D infantry soldiers

    ...as I read this thread, I think to myself that it's the powers-that-be that desire the Officer corps to have a degree. Amongst all the different recruiting options for every officer trade (CFR notwithstanding), there is a requirement to either have or work on (in the case of CEOTP) a degree...

    Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

    Further evidence of proactivity: Getting on the case of my Course Training Officer to bug CFRG about the status of my VOT resulted in my message being cut and sent within 24hrs. So, things can get done if enough noise is made to make it happen. And it starts with the person who wants/needs...

    Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

    ...update to my last. And another reason one may want to be proactive about their careers. Fourty-eight hours after expressing my concern for the lack of information with regards to my VOT after four and a half months of being told to standby, lo and behold, I get an eMail from CFRG saying that...

    weird/funny photo with explanation

    I'm hearing free colonoscopy

    weird/funny photo with explanation

    Still trying to figure out the physics of it should that phone be a flip-phone... hmmmm...

    weird/funny photo with explanation

    Ringtone: "Good Vibrations" - Beach Boys

    Forced to pay / belong to a mess [Merged]

    If in doubt, call the SISIP folks. They'll know what to do with regards to the specific cases for military personnel and tax implications. Of course, every case is individual. And as for the mess kits... I never even considered the implications of shelling out close to a grand for Mess Kit...
  10. MARS2INF

    Forced to pay / belong to a mess [Merged]

    Alright, here goes... 1) Line 9270 of Form T4044    - Enter in the value of receipts for miscellaneous costs that are incurred as a result of earning your primary income. THAT value gets placed on: 2) Line 229 of the T1 General    - Continue filling form as per normal, and see the (small)...
  11. MARS2INF

    Forced to pay / belong to a mess [Merged]

    Mess dinner fees are tax deductible too... as is dry cleaning and a few other "business expenses" that we are "required" to do as part of our job.
  12. MARS2INF

    Cap Badges & CF Regimental Insignias - Searching for a Complete Image Collection

    Anyone know if a metal cap badge exists for Public Affairs Officers? It'd make a great gift for a friend of mine, should I be able to acquire one... Cheers
  13. MARS2INF

    weird/funny photo with explanation

    "Shake That Ass" by Eminem?
  14. MARS2INF


    yes, understood. from Infantry (Army) to MARS (Navy) and ATC (Air Force)
  15. MARS2INF


    ...a couple of guys in my platoon did a transfer from Infantry into MARS and ATC during basic training. I'm not sure what they put into the memo or request, but it was granted pretty quickly.
  16. MARS2INF

    Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

    from the outside wanting in, here's what I'm hoping for: 1 or 3 PPCLI - Edmonton would be my first choice for place to live, but... R22eme - my first choice for regiment, only because from what we hear out here, they're the crazy-ass "do-anything" crew... 1 or 3 RCR - Petawawa over Gagetown...
  17. MARS2INF

    Fully Trained ...Then VOT

    Question for anyone that may know the answer to this one: Will the powers-that-be regard completing trade training (i.e. MARS IV in my case) the same as graduating DP 1.2 and promote a VOT candidate to Lt before beginning CAP?? I hear rumors of this, but looking for confirmation... Cheers, and...
  18. MARS2INF

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    Similar story: The Setup: Inspection time @ St Jean, and questions about the 10 principals of leadership were popping up. NCdt Bloggins was 0 for 4 on the questions, so the Pl Cmdr decided to dumb it down for the struggling lad... The Jack-up: Pl Cmdr: "What's the name of the base...
  19. MARS2INF

    A Question Of Ethics...

    ...is that to say that we can pick and choose what ones we follow?? That's a mad-max society waiting to happen... a world that the squeegee kid weighing in at a buff 118lbs while holding a bucket of soapy water and wearing an ANARCHY t-shirt that, by virtue of the shirt, apparently believes he...
  20. MARS2INF

    New game.....Story

    on a melmac plate.