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  1. R


    So just to clarify, the CF is not accepting applications for already trained PCP's; they are only accepting applications for unskilled entry? I am aware that it's not possible for you to discuss personal issues with applications, but this might be a reason why I have waited 2 1/2 months and...
  2. R

    Med Tech in demand?

    Hey, I am just curious about the need for medtechs rights now. I am a PCP level 1 already. I am wondering if med techs are in demand right now? Also, I know after BMQ and SQ (or whatever they are calling it now) my 3's are in Bordon. But do I have to re do my PCP in BC? Or do I just get...
  3. R

    Re- Applying

    Just a quick question. When I was at BMQ I broke both of my ankles, and had to VR for fear of an MR. The releasing officer told me that I would have to wait 6 months to re apply. Does this mean I have to "start from scratch", meaning Re-do my interview, medical. I wouldnt think the CFAT. Thanks...
  4. R

    BMQ serial number

    Ok, makes sense. Thanks guys
  5. R

    BMQ serial number

    So a friend of mine and I are set to start BMQ Septemebr 10th in St. Jean. Thing is we both have different course serial numbers, and according to the PO at the CFRC, thats not possible. Whats thedoes it mean? Thanks Guys
  6. R

    The Geek Test:

    3.5503% - Poser I could skip all that Computer mumbo Jumbo, I barely know how to work Army.ca
  7. R

    I'm In

    See you guys there
  8. R

    I've been Selected!!

    Yeah a Month, Holy Moly, time is flying. Cant wait to see you there, I will be the guy who is throwing up he is so nervous
  9. R

    I'm In

    I try my hardest
  10. R

    I've been Selected!!

    Hey Chimo Congrats I will be there during BMQ with you, but I beleive it is the 10th  - 15th. Unless you are not doing it at St. Jean.
  11. R

    I'm In

    hey Everyone Just got a call from CFRC Yellowknife, I am in. ;D  ;D  Basic Starts September 10th, and I get sworn in on the 31st of August.
  12. R

    BMQ Start

    Yellowknife NWT
  13. R

    BMQ Start

    I go in today to get the date of my course, but the recruiter told me Probably the 10th of September. Where are you going? St. Jean or Bordon?
  14. R

    My Story

    I just got a call this evening, and they have a Medic who is flying to Whitehorse, and he is stopping here to do my Medical. Saturday June 23 at 0800. Should be fun. I am just nervous cause of how messed up my feet are.
  15. R

    My Story

    I am the only one in Yellowknife going through the process, I think. Becuase they kept refering to me as the one to bring up there numbers.
  16. R

    My Story

    My Story Continues..... Went into my CFAT at 0900 knowing that I had to be in Supreme Court 1000. I was nervous as Heck, but relatively OK. I walked into the board room, sat down and listen to the instructions carefully, making sure I caught everyword said. Started with part A, the language...
  17. R

    My Story

    The Recruiter said fractions was something big to know. So, I might brush up on them, other than that I should be relativly ok.
  18. R

    My Story

    Thanks, I am pretty Nervous about it, Math was never really my thing.
  19. R

    My Story

    So Here goes my Story. Monday Morning, I walk into The CFRC, with the papers in hand. Due to being underage, I spent the entire weekend with my mother, Pleading, begging, Cajoling, and any other adjective, to get her to sign the papers to allow me to Join Infantry (reg Force). I walk in, hand...