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Search results

  1. Megs

    Kids wearing camo

    I own a couple of camo items, nothing cadpat though. I'm not against people wearing it, nor do I think it's disrespectful, unless it's overdone. A friend of mine purchased a cadpat hat, shirt and pants. We called him Captain Cadpat. I also called him a dumbass. That I found somewhat...
  2. Megs

    Im in desperate need. Please HELP

    On the topic of PMQ's, is it possible to get a PMQ even if you are not married and/or common-law? I know myself and my boyfriend aren't entitled to one, but I'm curious if it's still possible to get one.
  3. Megs

    Borden Thread- Merged

    Hello! I've lurked around these forums more than posted, but knew my membership here would come in handy some day. ;) My boyfriend recently got accepted into the Canadian Airforce and is leaving for CFB Borden in late August. The only reason I'm not going with him is that I'm starting school in...
  4. Megs

    What is your military status?

    Civillian, girlfriend of Master Cpl. in the PLF Army Reserves, friend of many attached to the Navy, relative of some in the Army and Airfroce. :) I'd join the military, if it wouldn't chew me up and spit me out! Heh.
  5. Megs

    Members' Marital Status

    Horray for a first post. ;) I suppose I fit into "other" and category 3, as I'm not married or single, but have a boyfriend involved in the military. My boyfriend is currently in the The Princess Louise Fusiliers reserve infantry, but is wanting to join the Air Force. He's in the beginning...