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  1. sneak and peek soldier

    "Wake up, Canada - we're at war!"

    Great find great articles good job thanks.
  2. sneak and peek soldier

    Let The Sucking Up Start- Defence Firms Converge on Ottawa

    Honestly I'll just wait to see what happens i ain't getting my hopes up although i do think Harper does want to spend alot on getting new equipment...but it's just that I'll believe it when i see it.
  3. sneak and peek soldier

    British Soldier Killed in Afghanistan

    :salute:R.I.P :salute:
  4. sneak and peek soldier

    Christie Blatchford with 3 Platoon 1 PPCLI

    That was one hell of an article...great stuff.
  5. sneak and peek soldier

    Applying After Foreign Military Service

    I was on a tasking last summer and met a guy he's a warrant but he used to be in the Britsh SAS he's now Reg force but not sure with who though i was actually to terrified to ask him....he was probably one of the scariest, meanest mother F****** i have ever met....but he did have some...
  6. sneak and peek soldier

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    Well at least were getting new commercials i mean like i was sick and tired of seeing the same one over and over again....But yeah you're definitely right we need a commercial that shows what the Military actually does like we don't just rescue kitties from tall trees.
  7. sneak and peek soldier

    CF policy on Quebec Seperatists in the army.

    Guess do us all a favour and keep your opinions to yourself OK....it's just a little bit of friendly advice cause everything u have said has been complete BS and absolutely ridiculous so just keep everything to yourself from now on thanks.
  8. sneak and peek soldier

    How long to get DEU's

    yeah i have been in for more than a year and i have my trade now so they sized me for my deu's and I don't know why i would want that....guess to look just so damn sexy in it LOL....oh and thank god i have my TV and Small pack but i have one other question... I just got my Mortar gloves but i...
  9. sneak and peek soldier

    How long to get DEU's

    Alright thanks alot armyvern appreiciate it
  10. sneak and peek soldier

    How long to get DEU's

    I got sized through my unit and they never gave me a time that they would come in they just said that "i would know when it arrived" but that didn't really give me a time frame.
  11. sneak and peek soldier

    How long to get DEU's

    Hey guys i was just wondering i ordered my DEU's about a month ago and they still haven't come in....i was just wondering how much longer i would have to wait for them to come on. Any ideas for how long i still need to wait would be great thanks alot guys
  12. sneak and peek soldier

    Cpl Bailey's on the mend!!!

    Thats awesome news.
  13. sneak and peek soldier

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    I agree with Armymedic.....if we go in there it wont be because they wanted us to it will be because we had to..
  14. sneak and peek soldier

    The Sgt. Paisley Merged Thread

    JTF2 soldier missing since 2003 surfaces in Thailand Last Updated Fri, 15 Apr 2005 14:54:38 EDT CBC News OTTAWA - An explosives expert with Canada's elite commando unit who disappeared after a two-week leave in August 2003 is now in military custody in Canada after showing up in Thailand...
  15. sneak and peek soldier

    LAV III Roll-Over, 02 Mar 06, 6 Injuried and 2 Dead

    My prayers and thoughts go out to Cpl Paul Davis and his family and also to those soldiers who are injured and there families... i hope they all recover soon.... I also think that the Fund would be an excellent idea and u can just contact me to let me now where to send the money.... :salute...
  16. sneak and peek soldier

    Military short on money for basics, Hillier says

    WOW.......Really were short on money no way that's incredible i never knew that  :o
  17. sneak and peek soldier

    Canadian Sea King crashes off Denmark

    Who wants to bet that the sea king that they sent won't work once it gets there....Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if that crashed to (even though i hope it doesn't for the safety for our guys) but like honestly they're in there 30's for god sakes....just go without the chopper.
  18. sneak and peek soldier

    Royal Navy takes early delivery of world-beating submarine detection system

    Anybody know if Canada has ordered any of these.....cause i'm sure it will help with the whole Arctic sovereignty deal.
  19. sneak and peek soldier

    Military running out of time

    Why are they planning on shuting down the production line for the C 17?
  20. sneak and peek soldier

    Military running out of time

    Time running out on Canada's Hercules planes Transport aircraft lost to old age Harper urged to tackle the problem Feb. 20, 2006. 01:00 AM BRUCE CAMPION-SMITH OTTAWA B UREAU OTTAWA—Old age has claimed another Hercules transport aircraft — considered the lifelines for Canadian troops abroad —...