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  1. R

    Hillier hands out a unit commendation to HMCS Corner Brook

    This is the first that I heard of this and I live in Corner Brook.Well Done.
  2. R

    Inspirational Letter to an Editor

    Now this is a story that should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country.His parents are doing an outstanding job.
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    Shin Splints, Blisters, and PT [Merged]

    Get to the doctor now.Ask for a circulation test.I too suffered with shin splints my whole life.I forced my way through the pain for my whole career.When I went to  the doctors the said it was everything from bad shoes to bad knees,A few years after I left the army I had severe chest pain and...
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    The fact is if you do as the officer tells you,then you won,t get tasered ,shot or some other unpleasant experience,We as a society ask these people to deal with people and situations that we don,t know how or don,t want to deal with.Often this requires split second decisions that we can pick...
  5. R

    Would you like to put a ‘Support our troops’ ribbon on your own vehicle?

    I have the sticker in the rear window of my car and 2 magnetic ribbons on the company service van that I drive.When the company owner,s wife seen them,she asked me to pick up some more for the other vans.I also proudly wear my red shirt every Friday and the only comments that I get is Where can...
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    Reservists Job Protection Superthread

    I think that it's a sad day in this country when we even have to ask for this kind of legislation.It just shows how little some companies think of the sacrifices made by our people in uniform.I personally would like to see the names of these companies broadcast so the public could choose if they...
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    Mat Techs

    Looking for Eric Donovan and other Mat Techs that I served with.
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    Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op) [Merged]

    DON'T even think about it. I spent 15 years as an MSE OP before remustering to 441MAT TECH for my last 5 years.I regret not making the move a lot sooner.Working with your hands is a lot more gratifying than staring at the same blacktop day after day.
  9. R

    Wearing of Iron Ring in uniform?

    I too got caught by a bolt under the ring about twenty years ago.I was bruised but luckily still got the finger.I still wear two rings but on the palm side I had the jeweler cut them 90% through.Easy to break away and easy to solder back together.    441 ret"d
  10. R

    NATO Veterans Organization

    Great Idea.This org may be just what we need.I was beginning my NATO service was a waste of time.My cheque will be in the mail shortly.
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    Bring Back the army Forage / Peak Caps ... ?

    As someone who wore the forage cap many times,I didn't mind it one bit.Even in windy downtown Winnipeg or riding the transit bus I Didn't even mind being asked for directions while waiting for someone at the airport, that was until one day while talking to a very pretty RCMP officer at the...