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Search results

  1. familyman

    Several Taliban killed in gun battle--CNEWS

    those are probibally some of your boys armyrick
  2. familyman

    ERYX Misfire

    I agree,on my ISWQ we spent 2 weeks on it,thats unreal considering I will never use it.
  3. familyman

    ERYX Misfire

    I am pretty sure their is a 50 meter safety on it.
  4. familyman

    question for someone from petawawa

    ok ok,your right I probibally could break it up in paragraphs, but i don't.Now seriously show me a word I spelled wrong and i will shut up.Anyways thanks to every one for the help,next time I will show more initiative and just wing it,oh and i will be sure to make sure my spelling is correct and...
  5. familyman

    question for someone from petawawa

    sorry george wallace it seems we got off on the wrong foot,for the record i do have initiative,their is 36 other people in my dp1 course that will tell you the same,and if i was worried about my spelling and grammar i would have went to rmc or even college on civy street,so get off me about my...
  6. familyman

    question for someone from petawawa

    thanks for the help,that means allot,so u say the colors are on the right eh,better be sure to remember that ;)that was allot more info than i expected,thanks.what time do you suppose i do the in Clarence.In regards to gagetown,they could have had me going to shilo for all i knew?.but the truth...
  7. familyman

    question for someone from petawawa

    yes sorry ,three rcr,I do appreciate your help,I'm going through a pretty hectic time with all these movers and packers,and 2 little ones keeping me from being at the computer for extended times.George wallace,a wise man once told me that if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything...
  8. familyman

    question for someone from petawawa

    thanks for the bite,im going three
  9. familyman

    question for someone from petawawa

    I get to petawawa on Monday to sign in and get registered,I just finished my DP1,and they left me with nothing,no instructions for when i get their,I really have no idea where to go or what time.Do any of you have any ideas for me.I got separated from all the guys i trained with so i cant call...
  10. familyman


    congrats,i remember how excited i was when i got the call,now i am just 2 weeks away from graduating my DP1 infantry course,it was a tough go,but a good go.man it flew by,You are going to meet allot of good people,even life long friends.just remember try your hardest and get through those tough...
  11. familyman

    The Gagetown Thread- Merged

    Thanks for the info guys... I REALLY appreciate it, I was kind of worried after hearing how crappy the housing is...dealing with the cold isn't too bad...I was more worried about the mold and stuff like that, especially with small kids. It's good to know you were screwed come Halloween though...
  12. familyman

    The Gagetown Thread- Merged

    Hey, this is Angel, Forest-Gumps wife... we have been posted to Gagetown and are heading there in a few weeks, I was wondering if anyone out there can tell me a little about it. I tried checking on the search engine but came up with nothing!!! I was also wondering about the housing...we have 2...
  13. familyman

    looking for pmq pictures

    hey guys thanks a million for the replies, i just got to see them now,because i am currently in the dp1 course,i will definitely take that advice into consideration when i get their,hopefully I get to choose?so thanks again                                                                        ...
  14. familyman

    looking for pmq pictures

    thanks for thet advice guys,it helps alot,im only realy curious what they look like, so i cant ask you to actually go out and snap pictures although the guesture is very kind of you,im actually more curious for my wife and 2 daughters,ages 3 and 1,maybe you can tell me how the family life...
  15. familyman

    looking for pmq pictures

    i live 20 minutes from toronto
  16. familyman

    looking for pmq pictures

    hey fellas,just wondering if their are any links showing pictures of the pmq's in pettewawa,my wife and I are just curious what we are going to be living in for the years to come,I did try to look this up on the search link but was unsuccessful,got nothing but horror stories and how old and...
  17. familyman

    Training period 4 Battle School and SQ

    Hey everyone, I have a very simple question that I hope someone can answer for me...my husband is at the tail end of his Basic and was told that he would more then likely be moved to Meaford for the next training period. what I would like to know is how long he will be there before he is allowed...
  18. familyman

    Leave Policy – Christmas / Holidays [Merged]

    Hey everyone, this is Angel...Forest Gumps wife. My hubby has just left this past Saturday for Basic and was told that he would be getting 2 weeks off for Christmas, I was just wondering though if his break will fall during his next training period or if they will hold off on the training and...
  19. familyman

    I want out of my contract

  20. familyman

    I want out of my contract

    your right,i got freezing feet,and theirs nothing more that i want to do than honour my queen and country.im more than likely goin to do it but i need a good kick in the arse to keep me focused to many emotions,im also a big softy so take it easy will ya,lol...ty