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  1. Kinote

    Cpl. Hamilton, Pte. Curwin and Pte. Jones - 2 RCR - 13 Dec 2008

    As it so happens, my cousin lived across the street from one of the three and was required to assist the family. Not a job I'd wish on anyone. Yet another sad day.
  2. Kinote


    Picnicface has a few decent videos like that, including the second Powerthirst ad: http://www.picnicface.com/videos.php?videoID=37
  3. Kinote

    Punishment Too HARSH

    No violence, eh? Ten minutes with him and there would be violence a plenty.
  4. Kinote

    21 Gun Salute

    All hail the great Wikipedia! I had always pondered that question too, now we know.
  5. Kinote

    I can't get past level 3

    http://www.compfused.com/directlink/1219/ I feel sorry for the kid, but atleast you guys didn't get that scared.
  6. Kinote

    "Happy Slapping" claims its first victim

    I agree. With the video evidence they should all be sentenced to life, or death. Regardless of age, or anything for that matter.
  7. Kinote

    Something to do to kill time..

  8. Kinote

    Ultimate Showdown....

    I have far too much free time on my hands. I've memorized half the bloody song!
  9. Kinote

    Co-Op or Summer

    I just checked in with my school's Co-op co-coordinator fellow and he confirmed that CFB North Bay doesn't have the military co-op program. Dang.
  10. Kinote

    What's the food like on course? (BMQ, DP, ect...) [Merged]

    "Join the Canadian Forces! See the world! Meet new people! Challenge yourself daily! And damn, do we ever have good food!" ...You know, it might just work!
  11. Kinote

    Co-Op or Summer

    That's pretty strange. I'll have to check into it in greater detail with someone else at the school. Thanks for confirming that it's still around!
  12. Kinote

    Co-Op or Summer

    By co-op, are you referring to the Military Co-op program offered through High School? I was talking to a guidance counselor the other day and they informed me that the program was scrapped.  ???
  13. Kinote

    Tonites debate - 9 Jan 2006

    Anyone else find it strange how most of the parties attack each other whenever they can but never do any better when in power?
  14. Kinote

    When to realise a tanker is going to win.

    ...I bet that stung for a second.
  15. Kinote

    Drunken Gaming!

    People still play Rainbow Six? The original or one of the new versions?
  16. Kinote

    Drunken Gaming!

    I play Battlefield 2, C&C Generals, Battlefront 2 and several other games. TeamSpeak is a great tool, adds alot of fun to the games too!  ;D
  17. Kinote

    Electric Armour Detailed - Brits buy Tech Demos

    This new electric armour idea is very interesting! Maybe it will be in service and in Canadian armour by... Mid 3000's? What would happen if the armour were to be struck multiple times in the same area? A cooling system? If you're vaporizing semi-liquid metals into simple nothingness there will...
  18. Kinote

    What's the food like on course? (BMQ, DP, ect...) [Merged]

    A friend of mine gave me some of his spare field rations one day and is there ever some good stuff in there! ...Got me addicted to Mirage bars too, although I haven't seen those in a few months.
  19. Kinote


    Am I ever glad I don't have to clean the mud out of those bloody weapons. I figured that barrel on the M60 would melt after the first few hundred rounds of constant fire, simply amazing what modern technology can do with weapons.
  20. Kinote

    Gen. Hillier's "Remedial PT Class" preview...

    Someday... that will be the entire Basic training course if things keep going as they are. Great video!