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  1. RecDiver

    The Khadr Thread

    In all honesty I do not care if anyone saw him throw it or not or that he was coerced or tricked or whatever. He was caught in a terrorist war zone. Period. He was not picked up in downtown Toronto. He was in a place where he should not have been and he now has to live its consequences. Btw, we...
  2. RecDiver

    The Khadr Thread

    and his father!
  3. RecDiver

    The Khadr Thread

    I just sadly read that they are going to release the 7hr interrogation video which his family hopes to use for public outrage/rally to bring this killer terrorist home. Home is where I live with my family and I do not want this terrorist here! He belongs where he is now to rot. The real outrage...
  4. RecDiver

    Afghanistan: Sharia Court Sentences Man to Death for using Internet

    23 yo Afghan sentenced to death for downloading and distributing women's rights report!!!!! As expected the actual reason is being reported in a distorted way, However, in other coalition countries like Turkey, petitions are being signed to appeal to the Afghan govt to stop this nonsense and...
  5. RecDiver

    For Sale: Brand New Cp Gear Personal Kit bag

    Note to self: Read the forum more often to avoid disaapointments...
  6. RecDiver

    Canadian pleads guilty to funding terrorism

    Appereantly he is believed to be financing the Kurdish terorist group PKK as well as some others... http://dustmybroom.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=413&Itemid=29#jc_writeComment http://www.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=e5c733f9-0b79-48f4-9d82-e68525304fd0&k=62153...
  7. RecDiver

    Lost US weapons found in Turkish/Irq border town....

    Wes, I understand where your cynicism might be coming from. However, I suggest to maintain an open mind in this situation and attempt to see all possibilities and angles before you rush to assumptions, suggestions and post opinions. As you may or not may know, that particular area is very...
  8. RecDiver

    Lost US weapons found in Turkish/Irq border town....

    http://fotogaleri.hurriyet.com.tr/GaleriDetay.aspx?cid=7037&p=1&rid=2http://fotogaleri.hurriyet.com.tr/GaleriDetay.aspx?cid=7037&p=1&rid=2 Quick translation of the story.... Based on tips, security forces stopped a truck at the border crossing from Northern Iraq into Turkey. They found these...
  9. RecDiver

    Turkey vs Iraq news

    Yes unfortunately this political 'fiction' is costing lives and mega $$$ which could have been used for something better. Not to mention unstability to where it really is needed. Lots of puzzling things going on there.... Iraq govt just declared PKK as a terrorist organization (x number of...
  10. RecDiver

    Turkey vs Iraq news

    Thank you for clarifying that karl... PKK is just as bad if not worse than AQ. They are even more deeply rooted in western societies. A case in example is a known PKK supporter/ restaurant owner is being deported from US and now some political figures within US are trying to stop to stay the...
  11. RecDiver

    Turkey vs Iraq news

    I am not sure if you all know and/or have followed up the background to this conflict. Here is my very brief background.... Last 15 years or so, the terrorist organization PKK has killed about 30,000 civilians, police and soldiers. They are ruthless in their campaign to create havoc. With the...
  12. RecDiver

    Army.ca Pub Night, Tara Inn, Scarborough - 27 Nov 2006 1900h

    Tara Inn?? Wow... walking distance from my Bluffs home. I would ike to drop in and pay my respect to 'da man' himself. Cheers, Nick
  13. RecDiver

    A moratorium on immigration and refugee intake from terrorist-exporting countrie

    FYI... Current immigration rules determine admissibility by Medical status, Language Skills and Trade. Without shutting down Special Interest Groups (which deliver votes), the system can never be effectively 'fixed'. And words like discrimination and politically correctness should be...
  14. RecDiver

    Lt. Turner, Cpl. Dinning, Bdr. Mansell, and Cpl. Payne Killed- April/ 21/ 2006

    RIP Soldiers and Condolences to the loved ones.
  15. RecDiver

    Need NCdt shoulder boards!

    Good day: Neither my unit nor ASU have them in stock. Any suggestions as to how acquire a set? Rgds,
  16. RecDiver

    Naval Reserve BOTC

    Possible answer to your 2nd question. This year IAP starts April/30. Continues for 6 or 7 weeks (I cannot remember the exact duration at the moment). Then BOTC starts. I believe the combination of IAP and BOTC is commonly refered to as BOTC. I am sure someone more qualified than me could...
  17. RecDiver

    Happy Birthday USMC!

    Just finished reading 'Making the Corps' by Thomas Ricks. Bit dated (1994-5), but interesting to read how future (i.e. today's reality) was predicted back then... Happy birthday USMC!
  18. RecDiver

    Doing NavRes MARS phases in one year

    Unfortunately I am still in the dark. It seems, to continue, I have to take the long summer programme (IAP/BOTC etc) first. There are no alternatives that anyone knows as yet. However, I have submitted a memo to my divisional structure asking for their creative wisdom. May be (I am praying)...
  19. RecDiver

    The Khadr Thread

    Moments like this, I envy the creative and 'freehanded' approaches of certain M/E country formed sometime last century. I am assuming if this family had harmed one of their own they would be have been bagged overnight on to a flight and shipped to A-gan or somewhere. Then they could file all...
  20. RecDiver

    Independent Quebec will have own army: Duceppe

    http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20051029.wduceppe1029/BNStory/National/ A scary thought and move in my opinion...