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  1. rregtc-etf


    Seven years ago (2000) in Toronto a man named Otto Vass died after physical struggle with four police officers.  The Toronto officer's were charged with manslaughter and later acquitted by a jury.  During the trial, it was shown that the man died of over exertion and drugs.  Seemingly healthy...
  2. rregtc-etf

    "The chaser" pose as Canadians, attempt to smuggle Osama into APEC

    I saw NSW police chief saying this type of stunt is, NOT FUNNY, sorry but it is funny the way the news media reported it.  It seems to me that the police chief was responding to media questions about the incident.  It is hard to say how much of a security threat it really was, but the world...
  3. rregtc-etf

    UN Cranking Up Special Policing Unit

    UN 16 member police force, let me guess; 1 Chief, 1 Deputy Chief, 2 Staff Superintendents, 3 Superintendents, 3 Staff Inspectors, 2 Inspectors, 1 Staff Sergeant, 1 Detective, 1 Sergeant, 1 Constable
  4. rregtc-etf

    Drama at the Police Rememberance Service

    Now you know why RCMP Senior Officers wear brown pants. A few years ago I saw an OPP dog chewing on a hippie at a anti war demonstration, the handler was busy talking to another officer while he had the dog on the long lead.  The sight brought a tear to my eye...I was proud to be Canadian.
  5. rregtc-etf

    Diplomatic Protection

    Agreed, I guess I should have been more specific regarding government officials, I guess I should have said, first world Heads of State or International Protected Persons.  I am aware that protective security is contracted by government agencies like US State Dept. Diplomatic Security Service...
  6. rregtc-etf

    Diplomatic Protection

    I assume you are refering to body guarding duties within a war zone.  The level of protection affored to government officials will never be contracted out to a private company.  In my opininion the RCMP will be assigned to protect all International Protected Persons, and high level government...
  7. rregtc-etf

    Reservists in the civilian police??

    In my experience most militia - police guys can handle the workload, and I would be the first to congratulate them if they are able to stick with it.  In my case shift scheduling combined with family commitments and friends getting out for roughly the same reasons .....was the deciding factor to...
  8. rregtc-etf


    There are limitations to police patrol on horseback, but that can be said for any system of patrol.  I guess it is only as effective as the officer riding the horse is alert & observant.  Don't forget, he/she will be in radio contact with other officers in cars and bikes etc and can call for...
  9. rregtc-etf


    There is a destinction to be made between show horses and working horses.  The RCMP Musical Ride is a symbol of Canada and I doubt anyone would callfor their disbandment  As far as working police horses, nothing beats a trained mounted troop in large crowds and hostile crowd environment.  One...
  10. rregtc-etf


    The resources that a police dept has will definitely decide on number of officers assigned to any one type of duty.  Everyone wants to get the most bang for their buck. In Toronto officers patrol by car, bicycle, foot, horse, and motorcycle.  Each method is deployed for a different end result...
  11. rregtc-etf

    LEO Witticisms

    Pulled over a female driver for not wearing her seatbelt. Q.  Why are you not wearing your seatbelt ? A.  I'm pregnant The woman was at least 70 years old.  We laughed, she put on her seatbelt and continued on her way
  12. rregtc-etf

    Careless driving...anyone?

    Provincial traffic prosecutors are not lawyers and are hired to prosecute traffic cases.  Because traffic courts are so back logged, they'll usually accept a guilty plea on a lesser included charge, unless it is a very serious case of driving like an idiot or person with a history of driving...
  13. rregtc-etf

    Careless driving...anyone?

    ToRN - I hope you weren't charged with driving on the wrong side of the road and required a specialist.  I've been told that Canadian courts are based on British system (I have never seen Brit courts except on the tele), so how did the ex-Bobby make out in court ?  Did he address the judge as...
  14. rregtc-etf

    Careless driving...anyone?

    Talk to a person that specializes in traffic court cases such as POINTTS or similar companies that will have an ex traffic officer represent you as you agent in court.  This is not a criminal matter and a lawyer may not be the best option.  My previous post was in plain English, so I omitted...
  15. rregtc-etf

    Careless driving...anyone?

    The best advise so far has been given by GEO.  The courts are governed by case law as much as they are by statute law, so previous rulings have to be taken into account by the Justice of the Peace in traffic court.  In certain circumstances the police may just lay a careless driving charge...
  16. rregtc-etf

    Jack Layton of the NDP Accuses JTF 2 Troops of Abandoning the CF.

    Taliban Jack didn't have a problem with living in a taxpayer subsidised housing unit in Toronto while he was earning a better than average tax payer salary, now he has a problem with retired soldiers making money in Iraq.  The fact that they are free to do so doesn't enter the equation.  The use...
  17. rregtc-etf

    Passport Issues

    A statutory declaration is a form of affidavit, it is a document that is sworn to be true in front of a person authorized to take your oath.  This is so that there are some legal repercussions if a person files a false declaration under oath.  The courthouse in your are should have a...
  18. rregtc-etf

    Quebec Liberals call province 'nation'

    November 22, 2006 Prime Minister Stephen Harper moved to defuse a potential national unity time bomb Wednesday by introducing a motion to recognize that Quebecers form a nation within a united Canada.  quote from Toronto Star I guess Quebec is a nation according to the Prime Minister of Canada
  19. rregtc-etf

    Native protesters

    Since the Ontario Government now owns the land they should just build an L.C.B.O. outlet on it.
  20. rregtc-etf

    Immigrant groups fear dual-citizenship review

    If people are so concerned about divided loyalties, why do we accept landed immigrants (non citizens) into the CF, police forces and political parties.  In theory the landed immigrants in a political party can elect the party leader that you the Canadian citizen vote to be PM.  In today's...