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  1. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    Thanks guys, Kincanucks, at one time was the test different than it is now? The guy I was talking was probably full of ****.....
  2. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    Alright, last question ....i hope. Ok, R22e, All of the websites that I can find for it are in French, I was wondering if anyone had any sites in English, and what does R22e stand for? Thanks again,
  3. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    Thanks, thats what I was thinking. Was just trying to get some background on each regiment and seen the inf. units. I fly down to the peg tonight and do everything tomorrow. Wish me luck ;D Thanks everyone for your help  :salute: :cdn:
  4. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    http://www.army.dnd.ca/3ppcli/ I was looking on this site and under Infantry Units, it has the Canadian Scottish Reg, Calgary Highlanders, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, etc etc etc. If for example, I were to become part of 3PPCLI, would I be under one of those units? Or are those for Reserves?
  5. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    Yeah I have one, It's just I've heard several different things about it and like I said, I just wanted to clear it up.
  6. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    I know there are countless posts about the CFAT, but I just want to clarify a few things. 1) How is the test layed out? (different sections?) 2) Is there a time limit? 3) How many questions?
  7. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    :o Wow ... thats excellant... thank you very much!
  8. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    Thanks guys! I' ll make you proud  :salute:  ....  ;D Thanks for the link civvy3840, after reading it, I have another question. So do I need to know how long BMQ, SQ, and BIQ are and what they consist of? If so, where can I get that information? And what else must I know before going on...
  9. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    Thanks guys for the tips, Another question. Presuming everything goes well, how long afterwards do I have to wait to know I have a job?
  10. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    You don't think a nice sweater would do?
  11. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    I don't believe so ... I' ll have to see if I can dig one up tomorrow.
  12. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    Yes true, but the problem is that there is no where I can buy one where I am. I literally am in the middle of nowhere. The trip to Winnipeg were I to drive would be around 13-14hrs... longer on the bus. Luckily I get to fly  ;D I leave on the late flight (around 7 I think) on Sunday, and get...
  13. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    I don't own a tie, I was planning on a dressy sweater and pants.... Hope that' ll do
  14. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    Yeah guess I forgot to add that ..... I would like Infantry and Ncm
  15. Zensunni

    Interview this Monday!

    As the title says, I have to be in Winnipeg this Monday the 21st. At 0745 I have to be at the CFRC to do my Interview, Physical test, Medical examination, and CFAT. While the information on the site has been invaluable in what to expect, I was just wondering if anyone had any pointers for the...
  16. Zensunni

    Basic Training Kit List

    So what happens if you show up and did not know you needed any of this? Do they give you a list before hand? Also .. How much spending cash should you bring? ... and whats a brasso?
  17. Zensunni

    Few questions.....

    I plan on going Regular .. sorry...
  18. Zensunni

    Few questions.....

    HaHa .... for starters ... middle of nowhere  :P Roughly 3 hours NE of Thompson in Northern Manitoba. Here's something I quicky googled Click Map 13
  19. Zensunni

    Few questions.....

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the boards, so please forgive if this is in the wrong place or has been asked and answered before. I'm in my final year of high school and plan on joining the Canadian Forces. In fact this month on the 21st I take my CFAT/interview/ physical etc etc in Winnipeg ... ...