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  1. Z

    Regarding Air Navigator Aptitude Test

    Math is important for the air nav test. If I were you I would defently review math.. high school stuff. If your going such a speed how long will it take you to go such a distance, those kinda problems...also fractions, linear equations.. stuff like that. And speed is the important thing. Speed...
  2. Z

    So far so good

      I had a $500.00 advance before I left, which I picked up from CFB Gagetown a week prior to leaving. I was the only one of the group who had any kind of advance, the rest put everything on credit cards and kept receipts. You don't spend much money until you get toronto, I think all I had to pay...
  3. Z

    So far so good

    Yeah, it really is too bad. She is such a kind and fun young woman, and you can just tell she would make an excellent pilot in the forces if she had the chance.     However, she is only 17! She still has some time left to grow, so who knows.               And I agree about how the measurement...
  4. Z

    So far so good

    Just got back from the medicals.. what a long day! Thank god one of the guys brought a deck of cards or it would of been even worse.     I think everything is just fine with me, the doc made some sort of comment about everything being in order and that I shouldnt have any problems. The girl who...
  5. Z

    So far so good

    Oh, sorry. All three that had the PPL passed.     Zach
  6. Z

    So far so good

    3/10 Had Pilots Licenses: two of these guys were in high school and got their PPL through air cadets. The other had done ACS back in 1999 I believe, and was back with a degree and a PPL. Thank you very much, Zx. Air Nav seems like a great career - the Captain who was a navigator at ACS seemed...
  7. Z

    So far so good

    Thats great news, man. Just be confident and I'm sure you'll do fine.     Just need to sit tight and hope for a call with an offer now, I think. Assuming my medicals are processed without incident :)         - Zach
  8. Z

    So far so good

      I just got finished the simulator part of ACS. I met the requirements for pilot and navigator.     I had to keep looking at the piece of paper to reassure myself I actually made it :) Very happy right now, to say the least.     7/10 of us made pilot, and one other guy made navigator only...
  9. Z

    My DEO application

    Right on man, you seem to have the proper attitude. Best of luck!
  10. Z

    Got tha infamous Call

    grats man
  11. Z

    Question about age & joining

    I'm 20. Not in the forces yet though..
  12. Z

    Great CFAT!

      When I wrote my CFAT they just told me I qualified for the trade I wanted. They didn't tell me how well I did on it, and I didn't really care seeing as how I passed.                           Zach
  13. Z


      I think what he is referring to is things such as BMQ and the flight training phases.     However, my feeling about that is if I pass ACS, determination and hard work will get me through the rest of the way.                 Right now I have no experience, and that is why I am worried...
  14. Z


    30% pass rate for people with no experience..    Yikes! I don't know what I'll do if I fail.. get my PPL and try again I suppose. That doesn't seem possible for me any time soon though.             Better nail it on the first try, experience or no experience.
  15. Z

    Interview advice (merged)

    I sported a shirt/tie with dress pants. I feel that is sufficient. Some guys opted for the full suit but I thought that was overdoing it for me personally.     I would say wearing tie is pretty much a given for the interview process. This is an important part of your life!       - Zach
  16. Z


    Congratulations man,   I go next weekend. I am scared as hell! Did you have any previous flying experience?     I have none, besides going up in a piper a couple times with a friend of mine who has his PPL. I also can't really afford to pay for sim time right now, so I think I will just have...
  17. Z

    So far so good

    And there you go :cdn:
  18. Z

    So far so good

      Hey all,     I just received word that I am booked for march 6th-13th, which co-ordinates perfectly with my march break from university.         Good luck to everyone! I need to start preparing!     And to double0three, I believe you will have to fit the PT in before you would be able...
  19. Z

    So far so good

      I can't remember the specific number right now, but from what I remember it was the overall cholesterol was 3.9, which was 0.3 above what I was told was normal. That put me in the "high normal" range.     For my good and bad cholesterol levels, I can't remember exactly, but my bad...
  20. Z

    So far so good

    Hey, Yeah I have had experience with the high cholesterol worry.     My cholesterol level was 3.9, which was 0.3 above the normal range..       I was a little worried about this, so I have changed my eating habits and have gone to a dietician to try and rectify the situation. However, no...