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Search results

  1. Kiltmann

    Airbus 340 crash at Toronto airport

    I was blinded by my ignorance and supposed intelligence as an 8-year veteran on flying in general, thinking I had more knowledge in the field of aviation. That earned me a mild consequence. Like I said above, we all make mistakes. I should have done supplementary research on the topic. Let me...
  2. Kiltmann

    Airbus 340 crash at Toronto airport

    I made a mistake on my part. It happens. It was corrected.
  3. Kiltmann

    Airbus 340 crash at Toronto airport

    This is an example of my knowledge of the Airbus/my expertise on aircraft. If you want to correct/opinion me or my writing, go ahead. The Airbus aircraft line (A300-A380) is designed to run completely on computers/advanced avionic electronics, and has 'fly-by-wire' systems controlling your...
  4. Kiltmann

    Airbus 340 crash at Toronto airport

    Again another reason for me never to travel on a ScareBus A340 flying death-trap. I will never trust them new-found airplanes. I am one of the world's expert on planes and, in my honest opinion as an enthusiast, Airbus has never had a good record of flying. Everything from that Airbus A320...
  5. Kiltmann

    Movie Quotes....

    These are three famous quotes from my all-time, 5-star rated movie: The Rock. John Mason: Are you sure you're ready for this? Stanley Goodspeed: I'll do my best. John Mason: Your "best"! Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and **** the prom queen. Stanley Goodspeed: Carla...
  6. Kiltmann

    "Cuppycake" - The song that will drive me completely insane...

    When I get back to cadets, I am going to burn the songs to a CD and play them over and over during the course of the night.
  7. Kiltmann

    Best Coffee Joints

    *sigh* If only I lived in eastern Canada. Western Canada is the Timmie's domination land. There are something like 10 Tim's within a 10 minute drive of my house, including one near the airport and one AT the airport. I wonder where all the pilots go to get their caffene fix. ::)
  8. Kiltmann

    Best Coffee Joints

    Following coffee joints get a 10 on the 'kilt scale for coffee': 5. 7-11 (add a cookie and a box of cereal). 4. Tim Hortons (with a Long John). 3. Seattle's best. 2. Starbucks. 1. Dunkin' Donuts! THE BEST coffee joint. Pity there are none in Canada. Just in the States. Kiltmann/Nik.
  9. Kiltmann

    What's the size of your......hometown?

    Calgary (born, currently residing): at LEAST 1 million. Vancouver: (6 months): 556,300.
  10. Kiltmann

    How "In-Touch" are you with fellow Canadians? Take the online QUIZ!

    14/20, Calgary. Better than what my friend Matt got. He got a 0.
  11. Kiltmann

    Canada Day!!!

    Fir_na_tine: Thanks for the offer, but I got all the bugs worked out. Hope to see ya at Stamps vs. Argos Friday. Nik. PS: GO STAMPS GO!
  12. Kiltmann

    short movie - very good

    Here's a piece of trivia that only airplane geeks know (such as myself, a vet of Flight Sim): That aircraft was most likely a DC-10, in the livery of American Airlines. There is one thing that bothers me though...why didn't the pilots use their reverse thrust and spoilers to slow the aircraft...
  13. Kiltmann

    Canada Day!!!

    Me? Canada Day? Well...now that ya mention it: I am going to the Stamps home opener game against the (gag) Argonauts. Stay around for the fireworks, then go home and try and light the house on fire for the 6th consecutive Canada Day with my famous 'midnight firebreathing' stunt. Oh, and BTW...
  14. Kiltmann

    Health Clock

    70.7 for me. Odd. I am gonna die in 55 years! Oh well, I still loves me coffee and caffeine.
  15. Kiltmann

    Lexi got promoted!

    Great job, Cpl. Maybe I can call a friend or two and do a minigun salute sometime? ;) Anyway, welcome to NCO-hood. Just remember, use the 'force' wisely. Your constant 5.56 connection, Nik.
  16. Kiltmann

    Hijacker movies

    OK, is it just me, or are plane hijacker movies getting to formulaic? I mean, all of them have the same basic elements. You get some terrorists or some disgruntled airline employee or whatever hijacking an airplane, killing one or both pilots and holding the plane hostage, usually demanding...
  17. Kiltmann

    The Minigun

    Thank you for your help, gents. It was a real pleasure for asking you this question. Hope y'all are having a good night. I know I am. 8) Cheers, Your one and only Cpl. Kiltmann
  18. Kiltmann

    Plush toys NOT to give to your friends

    All I can say is: no way am I letting these things take over the world, thank you. Stuffed toys that 'need' and 'fight' for your attention are just too scary. Just my two cents.
  19. Kiltmann

    The Minigun

    OK. Is this true or bull-dung: that a minigun can be used as a hand-held weapon in combat? 'Cause if it is, I want my hands on it! I liked it in Predator when Bill Duke and Jesse Ventura sawed the forest and that rebel camp. I also liked T-2 when Arnie was ripping those cop cars to shreds. So...