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  1. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

    yeah, again, when I get more advanced
  2. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

    there is so many diffrent ways to get better at pushups, I am going to stick with the 7-10 second rest one for a while, but thank you for the idea. Do you think it would be overtraining to do both. I really dont thing 5 sets of max is enough for a workout, but I could be wrong, it may take alot...
  3. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

    thanks, I will try very hard to increase my first set by 5 each week thank you, you have been a lot  help
  4. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

    OK, I will try doing this routine every second day for 3-5 sets of max with 7-10 second breaks. If it got you up to 85 from 50 in a month and a half it should work good. I have till the summer for the BMQ so that is like 3 months, so I should be able to bring my max up a lot. My goal is to go...
  5. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

    Is that all the pushups you do, you dont do these every night do you? 70,40,20  is still only 170, is that really all you do for pushups I dont meen to sound meen or anything, you can kick my ass but I thought it took a lot more than 170 every workout to get up to 70 in a row. I guess I am...
  6. Jonathan

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    how many are you guys doing a night, I would really like to now, I do pushups every second night and wondering how many do you think will help me best
  7. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

    ok ,thanks, If I only do 3-5 sets of those I will not do many pushups, so I think I will do that once every workout(3 times a week) and then do pushups between other things, like in breaks between sets on other things
  8. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

  9. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

    just tried it, waited 10 seconds in between each set, I got 27,11,8,5,5,4,4,4,3,4,5,4,3,1 I am not used to rested so little in between sets, I usuall rest about 90 seconds I actually got a little sore though , haven't got sore in a long time Is what I did good, should i have kept on going or...
  10. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

    OK, I think I am going to try this 7-10 second rest periods, I just realised that when I started working out like 4 months ago I could do 24, now I can do 17, not much progress. I would like you to tell me how many sets doing the 7-10 second rests, do I keep on going till I cant do 1 or is that...
  11. Jonathan

    having trouble adding reps

    My muscles dont heal in 7 seconds. I can do like 30 the first set, wait even 7-15 seconds and then I can only do like 10-15
  12. Jonathan

    Strange body shape or am I overweight? Need some help

    now I am worried, I am 5'7" and only weight 140 pounds, am I going to have a hard time with the ruck marches I am 16, going to BMQ this summer
  13. Jonathan

    elliptical's dont help running

    I am going to start running outside every day now, but I think I wil also keep running on the elliptical until all the snow melts, then I can bike in the forest behind m house.
  14. Jonathan

    elliptical's dont help running

    thanks, I will slowly work up to it PS.I have now found the spell check button
  15. Jonathan

    elliptical's dont help running

    I havnt actuall ran for over 2 months, It is winter and my mom bought a new elliptical, so I was useing that almost every day, getting better at it fast. I can run on the elliptical for an hour and do 15km on it. I went out for an outside run toady and my chest hert within 0.5 km, I had stop...
  16. Jonathan

    BMQ/SQ and work outs and living condition

    lol, not really, I dont usually were speedo's and no, I have not got a package yet for the summer because I have not been swore in yet I will be swore next thursday
  17. Jonathan

    Winter Workout Season

    Hi, I haven't been working out for long, maby 4 months and have tried over 20 different routines. I like this new one I found. 1pullup,2pushups,2dips,5situps 2pullups,4pushups,4dips,10situps 3pullups,6pushups,6dips,15situps ...all the way to 10 pullups,20pushups,20dips,50situps then back down to...
  18. Jonathan

    getting on training courses

    they told me 9000, do you not get this much?
  19. Jonathan

    BMQ/SQ and work outs and living condition

    I'm about to be swore in,(reserves) they told me that the BMQ is 10 weeks long, now I'm confused, you say it is shorter
  20. Jonathan

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    if the bar was set that high then alot of people would not be in the canadian forces, I would not be able to make it(probably). I think it should go up with the amount of years of service until a certain age