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  1. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    thanks, all thats left now is the wait ::) ;D
  2. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    So Happy...just did my physical and passed. I was so worried but in the end it turned out really easy. I got total 93 for the hand grip, 30 pushups, and 32 situps(could have done more but she said timesup), she said I did good on the run thing, but I didn't understand any of the numbers she...
  3. MysticLies

    Cut off date

    As in Windsor Ontario...cause thats were I live. I got a letter in that says the process must be completed before June 17th to get accepted into BMQ which starts around June 26th. I hope its not June 3rd because that would be terrible.
  4. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    ;D, I have never been to Borden, all I know is that is above toronto. I just thought you were going to Borden because you sent your file to Borden....or does everyones file go to Borden?
  5. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    that must be some trauma, having to wait for a phone call, and you don't know when you're going to get it :) Esquimalt BC? wow I thought you were in Ontario.  :)
  6. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    now I am worried, because my medical file has'nt even been approved yet, i still have to go to my eye doctor tommrow and hand it in on Monday. my local branch said all your files must be finished by June 12-15.  :-\ hey T-bird are you going to Borden too?
  7. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    well hope you get to go to Borden. :)
  8. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    hey are you going to Borden? because that is where I am going to be doing my BMQ, for the Naval Reserve. the Borden BMQ I heard starts at June 26 and ends at August 27 or something close to that.
  9. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    thanks NavComm, If I fail the first time I will most likely try again ;D my application process is going somewhat good, everything had to be done before June 12th, in order for me to go to BMQ this summer.I will be done everything by this Friday, I just hope time is on my side.  :)
  10. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    thanks a lot. I think I may have a good idea what it is now, hey and if they give us 2 tries that's even better. :)
  11. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    Yup, I have been running for 20 minutes for about 2 weeks now. so the step test/pushups/situps won't be to hard. Just I have no idea about the hand grip, I want to think I can get 75 and over, and I never know . And that heart rate thing also worries me. But hey I'll do my best. :)
  12. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    thats great:D. I just finished my medical yesterday everything was ok, but I had to get an eye checkup just in case. I have my physical this Friday, I just hope I make it. the requirements seem a bit hard at first glance. lol
  13. MysticLies

    Another Israel/Palestine debate that started as something else - Carpe Diem

    the only clear solution I see to this is that Palestine becomes a country. So then both Israel and Palestine have their own sovereignty, instead of both people fighting over the same land. The only problem with that is the land division, which is the main reason that no peace deal has actually...
  14. MysticLies

    Another Israel/Palestine debate that started as something else - Carpe Diem

    I think one misconception, is that the majority of the mothers want their kids to become suicide bombers. While infact more then the majority encourage their children to hate the Israelis, but only a rare number of mother actually encourage their children to go on a suicide mission. Wile the...
  15. MysticLies

    Another Israel/Palestine debate that started as something else - Carpe Diem

    Words fail me. You have earned my instant and complete disgust. Congratulations. -the feeling is mutual seeing as how you can judge people just by a single paragraph. There is a difference between fighting between soldiers and sneaking onto a school bus and blowing up a bunch of kiddies. NO...
  16. MysticLies

    Another Israel/Palestine debate that started as something else - Carpe Diem

    my terrorist is your freedom fighter, and my freedom fighter is your terrorist. Palestine unlike Israel does not have a top notch weapon system nor does it have anything close to it. from what I know Palestine and Israeli's don't like each other, maybe a couple of years ago you would ask why...
  17. MysticLies

    BMQ Living Space?

    sorry but I couldn't find the answer to the question bellow, so i am hoping someone her might answer it for me. but how are the BMQ living Space, for the Reserve Force in Borden Ontario. I applied to the Navy as an NCM (Reserve Force).
  18. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    yea I will have to call them again most likely just in case. they gave me a forum during my interview but I didn't know if it was for my medical or for my doctor. lol are you going to BMQ too? because I am going to BMQ in Borden but my due date for applying is June 10th while yours is May 30th
  19. MysticLies

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    thats good to hear. Mine is on the May 25...I just hope I make it in time...because the due date for BMQ is June 10 or something like that. yesterday my recruiter called my house, and told my mom that I had to get a letter or something from my doctor. I was at work, so I couldn't answer the...