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  1. Steve031

    I hate seeing my tax dollar wasted on a military.

    Respectfully, Sir, you obviously fail to understand what we're talking about here.  Without launching into an explanation of the structure of the military and the significance of a commission, suffice it to say that many soldiers in the PRes and RegF find dealing with CIC officers difficult...
  2. Steve031


    It has to be remembered that many of the atrocities the Stalin committed were not known until long after his death.  Most western countries were nervous about the international nature of the USSR, which had as one of its stated goals the global proliferation of communism.  This fear was...
  3. Steve031

    Alternate for the CIC

    As far as bandsmen contributing in wartime, historically they have also been employed as stretcher bearers and medics (the band thread).  Here's the difference between CIC and the rest of the CF.  The PRES and Reg CF are soldiers who are trained and authorized to take deadly action against the...
  4. Steve031

    Chaplain ( Merged )

    You've gotta look at the role of the army in terms of what it is designed to do:  apply lethal force to support the will of our government.  The role of every member of the military is centred around that goal. As for peacekeeping, yes it is a capability we have as an institution.  Before we...
  5. Steve031

    Chaplain ( Merged )

    Sorry Padre, I don't mean to trivialize your trade.  But if you boil down everything you've listed, from protecting POWs to helping with humanitarian aid, all of these roles have one ultimate goal in mind: the furtherance of the military's role.  For example, by protecting POWs you are...
  6. Steve031

    Alternate for the CIC

    Fair enough: soldiers, sailors and airmen.  The argument here is not about what is, it is about whether what currently exists is agreed upon as a good solution.  Obviously, there are some problems that people have brought up.  There's no need to get defensive, these criticisms have been...
  7. Steve031

    Alternate for the CIC

    In no way was I attacking the CIC, I was simply stating the way alot of soldiers feel about the situation.  As far as the CIC being soldiers, that's a stretch.  I could find a definitioin in the dictionary, I doubt it would classify a youth leader as a soldier. As far as the chaplain's branch...
  8. Steve031

    Alternate for the CIC

    As a chaplain, you are a soldier.  Your job, correct me if I'm wrong, is to minister to the spiritual needs of those who fight or support the fighting in war.  I understand the idea of saluting a commission, rather than a person.  In fact, I have saluted many cadet officers in my time.  I...
  9. Steve031

    Alternate for the CIC

    Are you comparing yourself to the Queen? Actually, the Queen is a soldier.   The prime minister is not, however this is because he has no formal role in the CF.   The Queen is a soldier because she is the Commander in Chief of the Canadian Forces.   The Governor General is her deputy in Canada...
  10. Steve031

    Alternate for the CIC

    I think the problem most Reg/Res have with the CIC is that they aren't soldiers.  It's kind of odd to have a branch of the military that wears the same uniform of the military and yet is full of members who are not soldiers.  So the argument is that CIC members should not be commissioned...