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  1. B

    Scoliosis and Pilot Occupation

    What it sounds like is that you meet the CF medical standards, but you don't meet the medical standards for aircrew. They are two different things, and the aircrew medical standards are more restrictive. I'm not aware of any way to challenge the results of your initial aircrew medical exam, but...
  2. B

    Pft living arrangement

    You'd have to request it, but it would likely be approved. They'll ask you what I'm about to though, why would you drag your family to the middle of nowhere and rent an apartment for a 6-8 week course that requires 100% of your focus? No offense, it just sounds like you'll be breaking the bank...
  3. B

    PFT Syllabus

    It's not wise to get ahead of yourself, you are given plenty of time to learn what you need to know. If you sit there with a pile of books in front of you, what you read will have no context. Memorizing things in advance, with no context or direction, is more likely to bite you in the ass than...
  4. B

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Correct, there is no pilot pay scale for 2Lt/Lt.
  5. B

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    You are a second lieutenant for the duration of your pilot training, whether it takes 2 years or 5+ years. Once you get your wings you are promoted to lieutenant, however if getting your wings took longer than 3 years from your commissioning date, you go directly to captain when you get your...
  6. B

    CF Pilot Medical Standards

    The reason you are taking them in the first place is more likely to be the real issue.
  7. B

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    You mean you weren't given the joining instructions? http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/en/cf-aircrew-selection-centre/joining-instructions.page The medical isn't an arbitrary decision, you go through a barrage of tests to determine if you meet the set medical standards for pilot. If they find...
  8. B

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    Yes, the aircrew medical is in Toronto the next day. Don't the joining instructions mention that? Should be a little blurb about what kind of underwear to bring and stuff. If you fail, you go home. If you pass, you do the medical then you go home and wait for the phone call. When I went...
  9. B

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    The aircrew medical is at DRDC in Toronto the next day for those who pass. It's good to be nervous, it means you give a sh*t. I was nervous before ACS, before basic, before phase I, phase II, PhIII, I was nervous showing up to my first day on Sqn. Being nervous is normal, but don't let it...
  10. B

    Pilot Timeline

    It all depends on your entry plan. CEOTP does their own thing, but for everyone else OJT is usually a posting. Phase 1 is TD from OJT (and you return to OJT after course), Phase 2 and Phase 3 jet is a posting, Phase 3 multi and helo is TD. Also of note, 2Lts are only entitled to two pay...
  11. B

    Two CF members arrested in Petawawa over Cpl Bloggins Facebook page

    http://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=294469 I'll be interested to see how this story develops.
  12. B

    Current backlog for flight training?

    Just based on OJTers coming through the squadron right now, waits are less than 6 months for all phases, usually closer to 3. All in all the training system works now. All's not perfect in pilot training land though, high output combined with drastic flying cuts across the board means that...
  13. B

    Air Force Bending on Medical Requirements to Deal with Pilot Shortage

    It says in the article that all pilots must still meet universality of service requirements, so likely not the PT test. The article mentions hearing and vision. Makes sense too, since pilots have higher medical standards than the common CF standard, these are likely pilots who meet the common...
  14. B

    Disresectful member of the US Forces.

    I'm guessing there was a bit more ignorance involved than disrespect.
  15. B

    RCAF Pilots survival vest

    We carry the Browning hi power in the multi world, only on missions where it is required though.
  16. B

    RCAF Pilots survival vest

    Some do, yes. Depends on the aircraft/mission. Usually basic survival gear, first aid stuff, signaling gear, survival jujubes. Sometimes a life vest is attached or other maritime survival things. Not exactly an exhaustive list, but not going to pull mine apart right now. Some crews carry...
  17. B

    2013 FY DEO Pilot Selection

    Perfect, I was hoping someone who knew more about it than me would pop up (all my info is from the OJTs that come through my unit). I'm curious, is the planned timeline actually going to work out for you guys? It seems a bit ambitious.
  18. B

    2013 FY DEO Pilot Selection

    Correct, Seneca grants credit for CF training, so CF members do not take all the same courses as the civi program, in fact the military pilots only do 4 academic semesters, vice 8 in the civi program, they also do AFOD and CFJOD as part of their academics. They do not do any of the flying...
  19. B

    2013 FY DEO Pilot Selection

    2. No, it's not. The CEOTP program and the "Bachelors in Aviation Technology" program are completely different (as I've already explained), even the academic semesters they do are not all the same courses as the civi program. There is no provision in the program for someone to start part-way...
  20. B

    2013 FY DEO Pilot Selection

    Yes, but they have both aviation diploma and degree programs, just wanted to make sure. CEOTP pilot is totally different from Seneca's aviation program, so he would have to basically start over from scratch if he went that route. They do all their flight training with the military instead of...