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  1. Dariusz

    German soldiers are 'too fat to fight' Taliban because they drink so much (while

    Having served with the German military, I would have to disagree with the article. There has been many articles about how fat German soldiers are, written by the British press, in the last 4 to 6 years. I think that any military has it’s overweight troops. Speaking from my personal experience /...
  2. Dariusz

    Toughening one's feet.

    I always found that previously worn socks were a big help (I always wore two pairs: one issued one civie underneath) , softer, no excess detergent left on them etc... :salute:
  3. Dariusz

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    FV101 Scorpion ?
  4. Dariusz

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Is it the new German SchPz Puma, the replacement of the Marder?
  5. Dariusz

    A Canadian Soldier-Good Poems

    Here is a short one for this time of the year / remembrance day, from the book "Black Devil Brigade" : My Buddy You've been a friend, both good and true In time of strife, you've seen me through When we advanced, you stood the test You did not quit, you did your best I leave you here, to meet...
  6. Dariusz

    Change Occupation Choices ( merged )

    How about we trade: I give you my Civy status and I get your ArmourOffc slot  ;D Stick it out until you get to your regiment, training is always a little different than garrison life. You might have a positive experience there! :salute:
  7. Dariusz

    What is your military status?

    Hi, Served four years in the german military police (with one deployment to Kabul), now I am a Corrections Officer in Canada waiting for my application for Armour Officer in the CF to get through! The forsaken Secret Security Clearance is killing me, it is taking forever!!! :salute:
  8. Dariusz

    Passchendaele movie

    Watched the movie on Friday at Oxford in HRM! Only 50% ot the theatre was full. A good movie, not as much of a "war flick" as I thought it would be...a little to much romance for my taste! But I loved the historical part and the battle scenes! Cheers
  9. Dariusz

    Afghan Killed by Canadian Troops - Fri. Sept. 19

    I know of cases where locals got injured in order to collect some money, rice, sheep...and so on, for their poor family, from the military forces ( nation) that injured them. :bullet:
  10. Dariusz

    General Natynczyk Visits Poland

    Thanks tech2002! Another half german half polish guy..just like me!
  11. Dariusz

    General Natynczyk Visits Poland

    Howdy, does anybody know if General Natynczyk has some polish roots (ancestor wise)?....his name looks pretty polish to me?! :-X Those hats are sharp, different, not “round” like the rest of the militaries, got myself one the last time I was in Poland.
  12. Dariusz

    Germany Discovers a War in Afghanistan

    I guess it is what it is... the German population and politicians still do not want to accept that the Bundeswehr is capable of patricipating in war! The old complex: loss of WWII > "evil" German military of the past> we can not allow our soldier to ever kill again! As a former German soldier it...
  13. Dariusz

    Security clearance for a naturalized citizen (originally from India)

    Howdy! I do not mean to discourage you, but I would prepare for a long wait! I am originally from Germany , which is on the list. Did a NATO tour for the Germans in Kabul so I was hit with a Level II clearance. I had all my paper work completed on May 24, 2008, and my file hasn't gone to...
  14. Dariusz

    What book are you reading now?

    Just finishing Friendly Fire by Michael Friscolanti. It is about the April 17, 2002, bombing of Tarnak Farm, Kandahar, in which 4 Canadians were killed by an american F-16 pilot. Very interesting, covers the incident from many angles and perspectives, plus the findings of the investigations...
  15. Dariusz

    Require Advice choosing my 3 Officer Jobs on Application?

    Aren't most Int O selected from the Officer Occupational Transfer Program (OT), University Training Plan Non-Commissioned Members (UTPNCM), Special Commissioning Plan (SCP), and Commissioning from the Ranks (CFR). ???
  16. Dariusz

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Became a Canadian citizen on May 22, 2008.... Recruiting Center: Halifax Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer (CEOTP) Trade Choice 1: Armour Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: May 22, 2008 First Contact: May 22, 2008 CFAT: n/a Medical: n/a Interview: n/a Position...
  17. Dariusz

    Just begun the Application Process

  18. Dariusz

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    Ahhh. Thanks for pointing out the " 's ", my third language, must have gotten carried away!
  19. Dariusz

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    What do you mean there is no difference? When I worked with the Canadian MP's on deployment, it appeared to me that there was a big difference, quiet similar to the German MP's! The Officers would do the management part of the work and the NCM's would execute it...drafting up a schedule and...
  20. Dariusz

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    That is strange...I have a few friends who have a BA's in criminology and wanted to become an MP NCM's ,they were told that they could become an MPO but not an NCM!  ???