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  1. G

    Favourite War Movies

    300 was pretty good The seige of firebase gloria I think has one of the best lines R. Lee Ermey ever said. SGT major what should we do about the nurses? Nurses? What Nurses? The Nurses at the aid station. Well J*** H. Christ are there any nuns or girl scouts on my firebase I need to know about...
  2. G

    Medical headed off to be Reviewed

    I know this can take awhile, my question is should I be calling my CFRC every few weeks or is it a sit and wait situation.Thanks.
  3. G

    New Procedures for the medical in the recruiting process

    Doesn't make much sense to me, Like Keebler I had to get additional forms filled out by my Doctor to go to the review board. How would they deal with that in St. Jean seems it would cost alot more to be sending people back and forth for things like that.
  4. G

    Does the CF need any Baby Boomers?

    You don't have to reapply if you fail the PT test now they stick you in a PT platoon to get you into shape if you fail. I'm 35 and in the middle of my application process so I'd say go for it, worse that can happen is they say no.
  5. G

    Who operates The LAV III?

    Oops, Let me clarify. I know that they are used by everyone what I was wondering was do the Individual units train their people to operate the LAV's or do the armoued units attach people to the Infantry, engineers, etc to drive and shoot for them.
  6. G

    QC Jail dimisses Guard-in-training for wearing a Hijab

    I think the whole soccer thing was stupid, But I do feel that the prison was right. Defiantly not a place to wear something that restricts vision( I understand some can affect peripheral vi sion) in anyway or gives a inmate something else to grab on to. I also think that if you want to Work for...
  7. G

    Who operates The LAV III?

    Are the LAV III operated by infantry soldiers trained to do it or Armoured Corp attached to the infantry units?
  8. G

    My Doctor Retired- Could I Use a Walk-in Clinic For My Medical?

    Turned my completed paperwork into the CFRC today. Wish me luck
  9. G

    My Doctor Retired- Could I Use a Walk-in Clinic For My Medical?

    Looks like I may not be completely out of luck I spoke to the PO at the CFRC and he said I may be Ok with the walk in clinic because they do have some history on me, as I have been going there on and off since I was 15. Worst Case scenario I get a letter from the review officer telling me what I...
  10. G

    My Doctor Retired- Could I Use a Walk-in Clinic For My Medical?

    I was afraid of that, Doctor didn't sell the practice just closed up shop. Guess that pretty much ends my attempt to get back in since there would be around 17 years of file to try to get and I just can't afford that. Sucks cause thats all I needed to get back in.
  11. G

    My Doctor Retired- Could I Use a Walk-in Clinic For My Medical?

    Did my CFAT, Interview, and medical yesterday. Did well on the CFAT, and interview went great but I stalled out at the Medical. I have to get some old injuries assessed and get the paperwork done but my family doctor stopped practicing about 6 months ago, and he was the only doctor at the...
  12. G

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Winnipeg Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Armour Trade Choice 2:Firefighter Trade Choice 3:Medic Application Date: Nov 20/06 First Contact: Nov 20/06 Verification of former service:Feb 06/07 Aptitude completed : Feb 21/07 Med completed :Feb 21/07...
  13. G

    Slightly confused, question for a recruiting person

    Decided to rejoin because I left for the wrong reasons the first time (Read woman)and have kicked my own butt everyday since. I seriously miss it and really hope I get back in. Good Luck with your App.
  14. G

    Slightly confused, question for a recruiting person

    Was reserve Med "A" Went Reg armour back to Res armour but I've been out around 15 years. It doesn't really bother me to start over again in fact I would prefer it I'm sure I have forgot a ton of stuff getting old and all LOL. I just thought it was strange to be told that my scores didn't...
  15. G

    Slightly confused, question for a recruiting person

    Nope was a Crewman going back as a Crewman. Thanks very much for the input all it was just a bit confusing to me. I figured I would be doing the test that was never a problem it was just strange to be told I didn't qualify to do what I use to do. Been out 15 years need to relearn everything anyway
  16. G

    Slightly confused, question for a recruiting person

    I know that the Test has changed, it just confused me that the scores that previously qualified me as a crewman no longer do.
  17. G

    17 Medical Company (now 17 Field Ambulance)

    I was a member of 17 med back in 88-89
  18. G

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Mine took about 2 months
  19. G

    Slightly confused, question for a recruiting person

    I'm in the process of re-enrolling in the CF I have my interview and medical scheduled for the 21st of Feb. I was told I would have to re write the aptitude test as my scores from before did not qualify me for what I was applying for. I was previously a Armoured crewman in the Regs and reserve...
  20. G

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Schedualed today for the 21st to do my Cpat, interveiw and medical