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  1. Nemecek

    BMOQ Sept 2010

    I feel like we should start a facebook group. Or is that kind of lame? aha.
  2. Nemecek

    A very amusing story about my first day at BMQ (today)

    What rotten luck across the board! Definitely a real pain in the ass. But throughout all this it really looks like you have a great sense of humour. We can't always influence what happens to us in life, just how we react to it. Just stay as positive as you are and I'm sure you'll go places...
  3. Nemecek

    BMOQ Sept 2010

    Sir, I never looked at it that way! The way I see it comparing trades is very much apples and oranges. You can't have an army without cooks; everyone would starve. Without intelligence; everyone would be blind, and on and on. I applied for the Combat Arms because I felt what I had to offer...
  4. Nemecek

    BMOQ Sept 2010

    I'm going infantry! And I'm going to drive up because I just live in Nova Scotia so it's only about a ~11 hour drive. Good to know of someone else! It's really sneaking up on me I find, it's basically in 2 weeks! I'm looking forward to it though. I know it will suck bad at times, but I think it...
  5. Nemecek

    BMOQ Sept 2010

    I noticed a little bit of a derail here, and instead of starting a new topic, I'm hoping to resurrect this thread! Anyone else going for the Sept 27th BMOQ? Getting pretty excited to start!
  6. Nemecek

    My Name is Earl

    Oh jeez. Clumsy me! Here I was thinking I was on army.ca; must have clicked my eHarmony.ca bookmark instead!
  7. Nemecek

    Secondary Interview at Basic

    Alea speaks the truth!
  8. Nemecek

    Aerospace Engineer ( AERE )

    Have you read the information for each specific job on www.forces.ca ? All the questions you have are quickly explained in the job fact sheet as well as the accompanying video for the trade. As well as regarding the Halifax posting, there's a chance you may be around Shearwater or Greenwood...
  9. Nemecek

    The day has finally arrived

    I was younger when this happened, so I may not specifically remember all the factors. From what I do recall though, the ambulance driver was unable to find his way off the premise for at least 25 minutes, my brother was kept in an elevated position when he should have been laying down, his...
  10. Nemecek

    The day has finally arrived

    Hello everyone, I figured I would share my story with everyone who is curious and everyone who is just trudging through the process. I hope it helps anyone looking for reassurance, motivation, or anything else related to the dark void that can be the recruiting process of the Canadian Forces...
  11. Nemecek

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    Just before the mods get angry, you should tidy up your post a little!
  12. Nemecek

    Operation Nanook 2010

    HavokFour, The Lee-Enfields have a proven reliability in freezing conditions like one would experience in the arctic autumn/winter/spring. I completely agree with the CADPAT comment as well. It seems logical to recreate as many of the conditions as possible for an operation when conducting...
  13. Nemecek

    US Navy blues

    medicineman, Do I need access to CF computer to view the link you posted? I tried on a few different computers/ISPs to no avail. I was quite interested in the topic... alas!
  14. Nemecek

    Gates establishes review of USMC

    Sounds a little treasonous!
  15. Nemecek

    Navy Morale

    Ahhh okay. Definitely clears a lot up. It seemed way too high to be accurate; God love Navy.ca for quick responses! Thanks for the replies everyone!
  16. Nemecek

    Navy Morale

    Is that assessment of 5 000 officers in the Navy accurate though? Where would the rest find themselves if it is?
  17. Nemecek

    Navy Morale

    Hey again, I had another question that doesn't exactly fit into this thread, but I didn't think it was big enough to merit it's own thread. Is there big list of the demographics of the Navy such as rank make up? What got me thinking was that I read an article on the executive curl and it...
  18. Nemecek

    Milpoint calculations

    Right on. Variety is the spice of life anyway. I couldn't eat just one kind of food for the rest of my life, so why would you pick just one time zone? Thanks for the heads up. And I'm glad my hypothesis of you knowing my future didn't pan out. Would have brought a whole new dimension to the...
  19. Nemecek

    Milpoint calculations

    ahhh, that makes sense. Zulu/Greenwich time eh? I love milnet.co.uk!
  20. Nemecek

    Milpoint calculations

    Hey, I was just browsing my milpoints and noticed this: 2010-08-11 12:30:03 20 Congratulations! You've been online for 54 Hours! It's not 12:30 yet it's only 10:30, and this isn't the first time I've noticed it. How does it calculate for time that hasn't happened yet? Or... do you guys...