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  1. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Pfft, planes and trains...you guys could practically walk to St. Jean!  :P
  2. derael

    Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

    You have to wonder where the whole "hey lets go vandalize stuff" enters the thought process...let alone "hey lets go vandalize war vets graves!" I hate people slimy beings.
  3. derael

    Recruiting Success Story (asthma related)

    Congrats. No need to bring up old wounds. Move on; they have. :)
  4. derael

    I am supposed to start in January

    It depends what you mean by that. See you at IAP.
  5. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Horse and buggy?  :P
  6. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

  7. derael

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    My CEOTP offer says I'll become 2Lt. once BOTP course is completed, and Lt. after phase 4. I'll go with that till things change.  ;D
  8. derael

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    For an answer to #1, you shouldn't. I start IAP in January after coming through as a CEOTP applicant and I have never been asked for one. The only thing I was asked for was my high school transcript. However, of course, I would double check with your CFRC. Good Luck.
  9. derael

    I'm so freaking mad right now ...

    Welcome to life. Shit happens, get over it and move on. Some things are worth fighting over/for and raising a stink about...however this is not one of them. Save your energy for PT. :)
  10. derael

    Gagetown soldiers charged with drug trafficking

    I guess you would have to ask them.
  11. derael

    BOTC training session in the SPRING??

    Poor marc, he'll be stuck with going to SLT.  ;D
  12. derael

    G&M: CBC's military obsession just feels creepy

    Yeah, shame on the CBC for doing some real journalism for once. They should have hidden the truth because the reality of what our troops do in combat should never be seen!  :tsktsk:  ::)
  13. derael

    2007 Stanley Cup Champion?

    Maybe if Luongo can save more than 1 in 5 pucks that come at him and the Canucks actually find some offence...then just maybe.  ::) If the stats told the story it would be Buffalo vs Anaheim for your final...and it rarely ever does...it usually comes down to heart and determination. Montreal...
  14. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Aye clearly someone wasn't sending enough gifts to their file manager.  :tsktsk:
  15. derael

    Epilepsy (Merged)

    They'll probably want a letter of some type from your neurologist and/or specialist. Now I don't have epilepsy nor have I ever had it, but I did at one time have an unknown neurological condition which had never been diagnosed. My application was initially rejected do to this fact and therefore...
  16. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    3 PPCLI....if not 1 will do.  ;D If not 3 22eR. What can I say...the RCR has no appeal to me! Now watch me get posted there haha
  17. derael

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    It's not an IQ test. It tests aptitude in pretty much the exact same areas that the CFAT will. I have taken both and the test that GW suggested to you will help and also save you $140.00. There is also plenty of advice on these army.ca forums as well that I found useful. It just takes a bit a...
  18. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    If the government owes you money I wouldn't worry too much if your return is a bit late. It's really only when you owe them that they get annoyed with late tax returns, or so it seems.
  19. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Just thought I'd let you guys know, marc and myself seem to have realized that there are at least two course serials for IAP and BOTP going on at the same time. Are the two courses combined or pretty much separate? I'm guessing GW might know. :)
  20. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Don't inflate my ego anymore or I'll have to put up a picture of your lady friend.  >:D