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  1. dont.get.it.48

    Recruiting change Oct. 1?

    I was at the CFRC not that long ago, and the toronto star was there. they did a story on a change in the recruiting process on Oct. 1. does anyone know anything about what exactly is going to happen with the process...
  2. dont.get.it.48

    Peoples Attitudes changed when stated I was joining

    yeah, I'm still going through it. My whole family doesn't like it and tries to convince me not to. aside from my family most of my friends don't want me joining either, allot of them just don't say anything (thankfully) because the know this is what i want to do so the support that fact not the...
  3. dont.get.it.48

    looking for an old friend that her father was in the military

    I don't know how well this is going to work but, if this description maches you pretty close please come in contact with me, i don't have much to go on here. I was best friends with a girl in senior kinda garden and grade 1. after grade one i had to switch school and I've always wondered what...
  4. dont.get.it.48

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    I honestly think our commercial now is good. but it's to.. like general.. and not specific enough. the U.S. commercials are fantastic for the military, because they don't have just one commercial like we do. they have air force, army ,reservist, and ones that show what you can get out of being...
  5. dont.get.it.48

    Reserves going to war?

    It's just what I've heard. I didn't even know if it was true or not. My perants told me..probably there attempt to stop me from joining. I know the CA military is underfunded, but in 2 years our military will be getting 1. something billing dollars more a year, so i figured it could be possible...
  6. dont.get.it.48

    Reserves going to war?

    Hi, I heard Parliament called the reserves to war in 2 years. Is this true? were are they going?
  7. dont.get.it.48

    Re: Disability on course - BMQ, QL, Trades, ect...[MERGED]

    Thank you for all you help so far though it's much appreciated
  8. dont.get.it.48

    Re: Disability on course - BMQ, QL, Trades, ect...[MERGED]

    I take aderal every morning for my A.D.H.D. my N.L.D. i heard was some disorder were doctor's and everything thought if you had it u were mentally disabled and put you in a mentally disabled program at school. but a couple of years ago they found out it was just a learning disorder like any...
  9. dont.get.it.48

    Re: Disability on course - BMQ, QL, Trades, ect...[MERGED]

    I have A.D.H.D. (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and Non-verbal Learning disorder (something about i learn by hearing best)
  10. dont.get.it.48

    Re: Disability on course - BMQ, QL, Trades, ect...[MERGED]

    hey, how much does it hurt you during the recruiting proses if you have some learning disabilities? thank you for all your help Nick
  11. dont.get.it.48

    Tee Shirt Mottos

    i saw one in Intercourse PE. in the U.S. "Intercourse athletics" "I only drink beer on days that end with 'Y' "
  12. dont.get.it.48

    Question about joining as a Medic

    I think it's best that you go in a occupation that you want, not one that no one wants. If you end up to hate the occupation you signed up for, your going to have a miserable time till you can switch occupations. But if  you still want to go for one that the CF is in need for, I heard there in...
  13. dont.get.it.48

    The Recruiter...

    If you don't like the occupation the recruiter pointed out and you like another career allot better, you should go for the one you like best. Remember that if your thinking of having a career in the CF, you should really pick an occupation that you enjoy doing. It would really suck if you get...
  14. dont.get.it.48


    so it be a regular day then, with no birthday things going on at all in any sort?
  15. dont.get.it.48


    so does that mean when it's my birthday during the summer at bmq, i would get the day off or celebrate it? (i live in Ottawa, so I'm pretty sure i would go to St. jean)
  16. dont.get.it.48

    Dog Tags

    wow.. that's not too long ago sins they were invented. it's really interesting though. I don't mean to get personal or for this question to be disrespectful. But have any of you had you had to take one of someones tag before, and how did you feel when you had to do it? (if this is to personal...
  17. dont.get.it.48

    Dog Tags

    how long do dog tags date back? like when and where were they first invented and used?
  18. dont.get.it.48

    Dog Tags

    just leaving it to my imagination after saying it like that sounds kinda scary haha. It's one of those lines that are  writen in horror movies. what els will they know?
  19. dont.get.it.48

    Dog Tags

    do they take a blood test just to find out your blood type to put on the disk?
  20. dont.get.it.48

    Dog Tags

    I know, I feel really bad about what I said. I really shouldn't of asked that.