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  1. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Oh yeah... and for those of you interested, Rick Mercer came to RMC last week and there's going to be  bit on monday report tomorrow. http://www.cbc.ca/mondayreport/
  2. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Just to add a little bit to Mr. OLeary's response.... BGen Romeo Dallaire, Col Chris Hadfield, Marc Garneau.... yeah, they all seem like their head is "rectally situated". This is a generalization that just doesn't work. RMC produces it's share of great officers, but as with any institution...
  3. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I didn't know there were a few other RMC students on here too... Anyway, I just read the whole thread... while I should probably be studying for exams.. but meh. I'm just a lowly little first year, so physics isn't too bad. As for all the people wanting to get into RMC after doing a few years...
  4. DVessey

    Basic Officer Training

    As of right now, there are a bunch of rumours flying around. On the CFLRS site, it says 14 weeks for IAP and BOTC.  I know for myself I did 9 weeks of IAP last summer and will be doing 5-6 weeks of BOTC next summer. I've also heard that for RMC cadets, it's going back to an 11 week combined...
  5. DVessey

    Time length to become an officer when starting from scratch (pte.)

    already posted that... drum major's not a rank, it's a position/appointment.
  6. DVessey

    Time length to become an officer when starting from scratch (pte.)

    Not sure how much of this is in the other threads.. but that's not how the rank structure works at all.... NCMs(Air and Army): Private, Corporal, Master Corporal, Sergeant, Warrant Officer, Master Warrant Officer, Chief Warrant Officer. Officers (Air and Army): Officer Cadet, 2Lt, Lt, Captain...
  7. DVessey

    Showers - Nudity

    don't worry too much about it. I think you're trying to do about the same thing I did, try to find out as much information about the course you're doing before you do it, right down to minor details. Sure, it's great to have an idea about what you're getting yourself into, but don't get caught...
  8. DVessey

    Infantry Officer - Degree Question

    I'm just a little ol' first year, currently science/engineering looking at going for computer engineering. My MOC is Communications Electronics Engineer (Air).
  9. DVessey

    Reserve DEO Questions

    I don't believe that's true. From my own experience, a friend of mine on IAP this past summer was DEO (Originally ROTP, then got switched to DEO) and she wasn't promoted(she was just an OCdt like the rest of us).  I'm pretty sure that for Reg Force DEO you get commisioned after you finish BOTC...
  10. DVessey

    Showers - Nudity

    Hansol: From the flow of the conversation, I'm guessing you're a recruit? I'm not sure what it's like in the green sector, but I believe some recruits got put into the blue sector this past summer. The green sector is just all cubicles. no idea what the bathroom situation is like in there...
  11. DVessey

    Infantry Officer - Degree Question

    Yes, there are a few Infantry OCdts here(RMC) getting BA's, so I'm pretty sure it's acceptable ;)
  12. DVessey

    Please post if you have received an offer from RMC.

    No, CELE was my second choice (as was RMC). my first choice was AERE at civi U, but I'm quite happy with CELE at RMC.
  13. DVessey

    Please post if you have received an offer from RMC.

    yes, i did recieve an offer and I did accept. I leave for IAP July 4, going to RMC. My occupation is CELE(Air). Did you get an offer? or are you just curious?
  14. DVessey

    Friendly Advice For New Officers

    Where would I be able to find such things? I‘m also interested in any advice as I‘m going into RMC in the fall.
  15. DVessey

    Good things to know about RMC

    There aren‘t any specific details I can think of, basically anything you wish you would have known going in. I‘ve talked to a few other people and have heard about the first four weeks and how much "fun" it is, so I have an idea of what to expect there. Are there any other surprises after that I...
  16. DVessey

    Good things to know about RMC

    It‘s "official" now. I just phoned the recruiting centre and accepted. Was set for basic for Jun 28 - Aug 27, but the Captain is looking into it since my graduation is the 28th as well. I don‘t really want to miss that, but I guess there‘s not much to do other than keep my fingers crossed.
  17. DVessey

    Good things to know about RMC

    Thanks! I had forgotten about him. I‘m pretty sure I have his business card at home somewhere from when all the universities came to visit the school.
  18. DVessey

    Good things to know about RMC

    Hello, I just recieved a conditional offer yesterday for ROTP at RMC, Communications and Electronics Engineer(Air). I‘m more than likely going to accept this offer, however I had been planning on going to a civilian university. I had already talked to various people about BOTC and what it‘s...
  19. DVessey

    Officer Basic Training, CFRS St Jean, 2004-2005

    I‘m still waiting to hear whether I got accepted for ROTP. If yes, hoping to get on the July 5th one because my grad is june 28th. Anyone know how these get decided?