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  1. B

    Wearing Uniform in Public (merged)

    You're an engineer.. When I was a 648 we were at the hardware store all the time, purchasing for jobs.. You can't honestly be expected to change into civvies every time you need to pick up supplies.
  2. B

    Pay Increase

    Maybe we should stop wasting the money we already get before we ask for more (the military I mean).. And I don't mean wasting on training or bullets or any of that, I mean the politics that drain us dry. It's unfortunate that at the highest levels of government it's no longer business but politics.
  3. B

    Ranking females in the Canadian Army...

    I won't even edit that post to get rid of my shame. Lesson: never trust the spellchecker or your own ability to spell correctly. As for the MWO, she was air force, and when I said SSM, I meant the School Sgt Major, which might not be the proper way to address someone but that was her title when...
  4. B

    Ranking females in the Canadian Army...

    You can ask her, I'm happy to say that the closet I got to her was when she was yelling at the course one day and I was sitting in the third row :P  There were a few of us who were lucky enough to have course senior duty when she was off somewhere for a week.
  5. B

    Ranking females in the Canadian Army...

    We got warned about calling the SSM on my PLQ "Ma'am".. Apparently she freaked on the course senior when he did so. She preferred "Master Warrant Officer"..
  6. B

    What Changes Should be Made to the DART

    If ignorance is bliss you must be pretty happy. I don't need to justify my experience to you but for an initial setup you would require far less than 100 pers. Yes, support staff is required, but how much support staff do you need for a beddown? Not much. Once you get set up, sure, send more...
  7. B

    Reserve Full time ?

    What's this "reserve cap badge"? I seem to remember wearing an engineer cap badge, not a reserve cap badge. And you can make a nice living in the reserves, depending on the unit and your trade. I did for several years, there were guys in my unit who did it longer than I did. It's a great way to...
  8. B

    Water Purification Blues?

    I know 4 AES in Cold Lake has 5 of the newer SUWPS (Sub-Unit Water Purification System), 2 boxed up ready to go (minus filters of course), 1 set aside for training for Level 2 in Cold Lake, 1 at 192 AEF in Abbotsford (last I checked in the summer anyways), and 1 set aside for spare parts. And it...
  9. B

    The Glue Factory Corral, Tired Old Horses That Just Won't Die

    I'll go with #4, 11, 15 and 21. And a side of #3..
  10. B

    What Changes Should be Made to the DART

    What surprises me is that the DART team isn't run by an Engineering (Army) or Airfield Engineering (Air,duh) Officer, similar in structure to an ACT or AEF. These units are designed to be first into an area, set up a CP/living quarters and be completely self-sufficient. If you combine this with...
  11. B

    Boot cleaning / polishing / care of

    And when he says a tiny amount of polish, he means it.. You can make twenty times more work for yourself with just a touch too much..
  12. B

    Questions on use of personal defence weapons in the feild or on tour?

    Cool, are you that guy on gate duty with twelve knives strapped to various parts of his body?
  13. B

    04 Back pay

    Hehe, yeah, you get your back pay before everyone else ;)
  14. B

    Toronto-based group helps deserters

    I don't remember who it was on here that said this (or something along the same lines), but today everyone is so concerned about their RIGHTS, but they seem to forget about their RESPONSABILITIES..
  15. B


    These electronic pay stubs, where can you sneak a peek at one of these? Do you need to be on a DIN machine? Since I'm never near the base unless I have a damned good reason, I only get my pay statements by mail, and for some reason they're never on time..
  16. B

    Military Discounts List

    Hmmm that's too bad.. I wonder if that is a post 9-11 security policy? What about our service flights overseas? Are they still running (something about Germany once a week?)?
  17. B


    Well, close to a year of back pay and a decent wage hike after that should make a lot of people happy.. I know it'll be nice to see OCdt pay go up a total of 5%  ;D
  18. B

    What is your military status?

    I know I already posted but I got my VOR, 46 AE now (after 5 months as a CELE)..
  19. B

    Redress of Grievance – Mega thread [MERGED]

    http://www.cfga.forces.gc.ca/pubs/contact_e.asp You can redress the day you are getting out, however once you are retired, that's it, no more chances. The redress process will go on regardless of whether you are in the forces or not. The new streamlined system is supposed to make things faster...
  20. B


    Hehe no kidding.. I got promoted to MCpl and got 70$ LESS each paycheck because of tax.. Grrr..