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  1. B

    Military Discounts List

    I just got an email forwarded from a friend about the Oakley discount for military members. You need to contact the company and they will send you an order form. Just contact them through their website. Only certain items are up for the discount, but it seems to be a BIG discount on some items...
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    US Army Shuns System to Combat RPGs

    What's interesting is the next-gen Trophy system is being developed to intercept kinetic energy projectiles, aka tank rounds etc.. Systems like this and the Tactical High Energy Laser look like they'll be able to make the battlefield a lot safer (bet the Israelis wish they were a little further...
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    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    I didn't mean any offence by the "rednecks and hippies" comment. Just my attempt to break up the argument into two seperate camps. It's all too easy to stereotype these kinds of issues into a black and white argument, but you're right when you say there is a lot more depth to the situation. I...
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    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    We're never going to make everyone happy: it's not green enough for the hippies, it's too limiting for the rednecks, etc etc.. But even if Canada alone won't affect global warming, it's all about setting an example. Fixing this problem needs to start somewhere. Yes, a gradual phasing in of taxes...
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    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    To answer a_majoor, I'm not advocating converting large scales of Canada's wilderness to produce plants, I'm just saying that we have a large land mass that sustains a large plant population, and this plant population already takes a lot of CO2 out of the air. As for hybrids, I suppose I should...
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    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Net-zero means that our absorption and our emission cancel out. Plants convert carbon dioxide into its base constituents: carbon, and oxygen. Plants grow on the ground. Canada, has lots of ground to grow plants on. Hence, more ground equals more absorption. When absorption equals emission, there...
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    Sailors Can't find Parking Spaces

    Yeah until someone cuts themselves, then the media will jump all over it and before you know it he'll be the victim. Parking in Esquimalt would be better if more took advantage of the blue boat from Colwood.. If you live in the PMQs you can walk or bike, or if you so desire you can park your...
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    Back in the 'Wack'?

    When I was with my old unit there was a lot of talk about a reg/reserve unit being stood up in Chilliwack again.. I'm light on details, but one of the reasons was disaster response and another was better training areas close-by. This was also two+ years ago though, so I'm not current on what is...
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    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    Well I'm on the list somewhere to get my backpay so once I've got first hand experience I'll post what happens to me.
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    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    There is a huge issue going on with this right now.. I don't know if we're talking Reg or Reserve, and since I have no knowledge of how UTPNCM works for the reg guys, I'll leave it alone. What I do know is this: before, UTPNCM was not available to the reserve guys coming over to officer in the...
  11. B

    We could only wish for a Intelligent Opposition

    I just checked the URL, it works on my end.. It's only accessible from the DIN though.. The title that irked me though is: Opposition blames Harper for deaths of Canadian troops: PM is forcing soldiers into combat by 'militarizing' conflict, says NDP critic How Dosanjh got his job we'll never...
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    We could only wish for a Intelligent Opposition

    I don't know how to post the articles (or if we're allowed due to copyright issues), but there's another great one from the DIN newsroom (yes I know it's pretty much the same thing as was posted above, but the title really gets me going)...
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    Satire Wire - Fake News Funny Stories

    This one is older, but still pretty good: http://satirewire.com/news/july02/canada_invasion.shtml
  14. B

    Books Regarding Middle East

    "From Beirut to Jerusalem" by Thomas Friedman is an interesting take on things.. "The Arad World" by Araf Mosof (I think, check when I get home).. Basically a really good, indepth investigation into why things are the way they are.. Not about conflict but more about the underlying reasons for...
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    Aerospace Engineer ( AERE )

    Well, it looks like it will be an interesting time for AEREs with the new air equipment being purchased.. I found that for officer post graduate work, it seems that a higher proportion of the positions are open to AEREs. Do you find that the trade has a higher number of pers with post-grad degrees?
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    Aerospace Engineer ( AERE )

    How does aircraft affiliation work for AERE anyways? I know nothing about the a/c in the CF other than the fact that they fly (insert appropriate joke here), but obviously a herc is going to be quite different from an f-18 from a sea king.. Again, I know AEREs don't turn the wrenches or...
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    Costly fuel prompts cuts at northern military station

    Personally I'm sad. I loved the place. But they have been talking about putting the contracts out to civvies since I first went up there, so it's been coming for a while. I do think solar power would help quite a bit though, if not as a primary source, as a backup to augment the generators...
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    Question about memo rules

    I've also submitted a couple of memos (one in January, one last June) and I haven't heard a thing back, even after repeated inquiries into the status of my requests (every 1-2 months). I understand admin can take time, but shouldn't I at least get a message back saying "Wait, out."? It gets...
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    Current/Past Officer Cadets

    And even for engineering officers, you don't have to have an engineering degree. UVic Physics, 2nd year, Airfield Engineering.
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    Vehicles in Gagetown

    Renting is a good idea, I never would have thought of that.. Considering the hit you take on insurance and the money lost on selling a used car in a hurry, it might be worth the extra bucks.. Thanks for the suggestion.