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  1. CDNBlackhawk

    Not New! BUT!- CDS Talks About Forces Expansion-Article

    Here is a link to the speech the CF's general made on expanding the forces, Their is a quick time link their to listen to it. I know its not new, but for the ones who didnt see it on tv. ;D http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/Feature_Story/2004/aug04/24CDS_f_e.asp At a recent news conference...
  2. CDNBlackhawk

    Canadian Military Prison

    I heard a few soldiers down in toronto at CFRC talking about Our Military prison, I was going to ask them a few questions but i our lunch break was almost up and didn't have the time. Maybe some of you could answer some questions. They were saying that prisoners their only get fed bread and...
  3. CDNBlackhawk

    Re-Joining the Reserves?

    A VR Doesn't close the door to getting back in by anymeans, The recruiters usually understand that things happen and mistakes are made, or in your case, you were 16 and your priorities were somewhere else at the time. It will take you allot longer to get back in however if accepted, you will...
  4. CDNBlackhawk

    Loss of the 280s

    Maybe i am Naive but i cant see the government getting rid of more and more equipment, IE:Ships, Jets etc.. just to come up with the money for 5000 more troops. I can see the Government either comming up with more funding to do this or simply just not follow through on their campain promise's...
  5. CDNBlackhawk

    LAV III 105 mm SPH

    Very sweet Since we are phasing out the Leopards is this what will replace our leopards?
  6. CDNBlackhawk

    want to join but wife says no

    Bring her to the www.dnd.ca website and both of you look around and read everything, their is alot of good information their that will answer both your questions and her questions. If you are going Reg force Infantry, you will be gone for 10 weeks of basic training, around the 4th weekend the...
  7. CDNBlackhawk

    And so my new lifes begins

    Armymedic i will do just that, and i am hopeing i get 3RCR anyways, on a side note, i just realised a few minutes ago that i posted with another account by accident, but this is the same guy lol. *thinks to self* Must pay better attention to detail :P
  8. CDNBlackhawk

    So Long!

    hey fuzzy, i also leave on the 29th and start on the 31st By chance were you ar CFRC Toronto today getting sworn in? I Was!
  9. CDNBlackhawk

    The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

    Being ADD or ADHD doesnt mean they are goona say no to you, infact they will ask for your Doctors note saying that it will not effect you with training and duties.. How do i know this, Becuase I am ADD and this is what i was asked to get, and regardless to contrary belief, ADD is with you for...
  10. CDNBlackhawk

    OVERSEAS BUGS(pests)

    No need yo yell  ;D
  11. CDNBlackhawk


    Congrates Cathy,
  12. CDNBlackhawk

    New MH Announcement

    I sure he probably seen a S-92 which is just the civlian version of the H-92 if i am not mistaken, but i could be wrong
  13. CDNBlackhawk

    Sniper Video on Army Website

    it will not work for me either ??? ??? :threat:
  14. CDNBlackhawk

    When should I call them?

    6 weeks isnt long man, but i would still call every week to two weeks to find out where you stand in the process. Just be Polite and let them know that your are concernd, they will answer any question to the best of their ability if you ask the questions. good luck
  15. CDNBlackhawk

    Reg force 031 infantry called sworn in and given date..

    I see His frusteration and its very Valid. Recruiters seem to be telling people one thing, but either mean another thing or have been given wrong information themselfs. 1 day before i got my offer which was almost 4 weeks ago, i was in my recruitment center asking for info on my file, I was...
  16. CDNBlackhawk

    So who starts in 2 weeks

    Donna it sounds like we will be in the same Platoon, look forward to meeting you on the 31st
  17. CDNBlackhawk

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    Obviously you missed my point and only read the one line on that whole post, i was not advocating lyeing in anyway, i was trying to  make him see both sides of the equation, obviously the way i did it was poorly thought out though. Again, i used poor choice of words.
  18. CDNBlackhawk

    Weight Requirements

    297 at 14%, damn you must be one stacked MOFO Lay off on the steriods eh  :P ;D ;D.......JK
  19. CDNBlackhawk

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    <MODERATOR EDIT: Not only is this bad advice, it is advocating an illegal action> But thats a risk and question you need to ask yourself. My one question to you is: what possessed you to do some of this hard Drugs. I realise everyone makes mistakes, but as some point you must have realised...