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Search results

  1. leopard11

    Massive tsunami kills 150,000+ in Asia

    when i was watching a news show ( i think it was BBC, i may be wrong) an expert in earthquakes was being interviewed and noted some facts on Tsunamis: -it takes an earthquake of over 7.0 richter to initiate one (the initial quake was 8.9, the first aftershock was 7.0/7.2) -3 signs to an...
  2. leopard11

    Massive tsunami kills 150,000+ in Asia

    unfortunately the death toll was just raised to 5600 with notes saying it is expected to raise again, sad day,
  3. leopard11

    Massive tsunami kills 150,000+ in Asia

    8.9 on the richter scale, worlds largest in 40 years, 5th largest since 1900. Story from CTV.ca Tidal waves kill more than 3,300 in Asia Associated Press JAKARTA, Indonesia â ” The world's most powerful earthquake in 40 years triggered massive waves that slammed into villages and seaside...
  4. leopard11

    paul martin?

    i edited my above post before while you responded, i added that  "theres a difference between trying to institute a change in the military, and bashing the government and the members of the government who make the decisions." if you want a change so be it, im sure youre not the only one that...
  5. leopard11

    paul martin?

    treasonous activities, no? treasonous thaughts, in  my opinion yes? these comments dont exactly paint a pretty picture for the government, and once again in my opinion, doesent show much loyalty to the government. theres a difference between trying to institute a change in the military, and...
  6. leopard11

    paul martin?

    seen, must have missed that post, thanks for the re-direct
  7. leopard11

    paul martin?

    [b]trea ·son  (trzn) n. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies. A betrayal of trust or confidence. I find it rather odd that you want the Prime...
  8. leopard11

    how did you find this site

    Wait so u mean this isnt the recruiting site?????   :-\:blotto: jk, anyways i came here about 2 years ago when the army.forces.gc.ca forum closed down, i didnt post there, just read,which is what i did for a while here as well
  9. leopard11

    Camp X - Canada's Spy Training School

    The book i believe is being refered to here is called INSIDE CAMP X by Lynn-Philip Hodgson. The front cover reads: CAMP X, The top secret World War II 'secret agent training school' Strategically placed in Canada on the shores of Lake Ontario I have this book at home autographed by the author...
  10. leopard11


    Im not exactly understanding this particular CANFORGEN, does this 'pay raise' include all NCM rservists as well or is it trade specific i.e. not infantry??? if i understand the rest,  it is retroactive to Apr 2004, which will be a nice bit of cash for me, Half of BMQ, SQ, BIQ, SG04, and all...
  11. leopard11


    one word: ok so it wasnt a word,
  12. leopard11

    2 snowbirds crash

    i was looking up the news this morning on ctv.ca, and noticed a poll: Another Snowbird pilot has been killed in an accident. Do you think the squad should be disbanded? Yes  651 votes    (22 %) No  2362 votes    (78 %) Total Votes: 3013 I for one am glad to see that thus far a...
  13. leopard11

    Tom Ridge Resigns [Wait For It- CNN]

    seems like its finally happened. Im watching Global news now and they just had a blurb on Tom ridge the secretary of Homeland Defence, saying he resigned today. more details to follow... EDIT: heres the more details ...
  14. leopard11

    Stalwart Guardian 04

    anybody know when the SG site is going to be updated with the 2004 pictures, all i see on that site is the pictures of the 2003 concentration, id be nice to see some of the pictures that were taken this summer, and the videos i saw getting filmed while we were at the different "stands". so if...
  15. leopard11

    Tac Vest Issue (when is it comming to a QM near you?)

    Jeff, Thanks for the informative reply,   like i said that was my opinion based on my limited experiance so far, havent been on tour, and a basic rifleman battleload(plus a bit more ie: C6 Belt)is all ive ever been given(plus water, field dressing...) and for that, the tac vest suited me fine...
  16. leopard11

    reserve life...

    from my own personal experiance, yes we do go on ex's longer then 2 or 3 days. Annual  Reserve concentration (stalwart guardian in my Area) was 9 days this year for me(including travel days), Aug 20-29th. also this summer on course, our SQ Ex was 5 days 4 nights, and if  I remember Correctly BIQ...
  17. leopard11

    Tac Vest Issue (when is it comming to a QM near you?)

    j, gayson the "Buttpack" will come, in due time, thats part of the small pack system, it encorparates small pouches that can also   attach to the TV and the New ruck that is set to come out as well somewhere in the future. as for the magpouches, maybe they should be able to hold 2 mags, but...
  18. leopard11

    US flag on US Army BDU'S

    makes sence to me, thx
  19. leopard11

    US flag on US Army BDU'S

    was just wondering why the flag on american BDU's is reversed (stars on the right side of the flag) as opposed to the typical stars on the left hand side of the flag, ive been wondering this for ever, and couldnt find any info anywhere,so if anybody knows let me know, reference the flag on this...
  20. leopard11

    All Things Air Defence/AA (merged)

    http://www.armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/2_0_29.asp?uSubSection=29&uSection=2 http://www.armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/2_0_34.asp?uSubSection=34&uSection=2 http://www.armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/2_0_47.asp?uSubSection=47&uSection=2...