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  1. bossdog

    When should I call them?

    I would go directly to them in about 2 weeks.
  2. bossdog

    Signaller‘s - Training, Promotion, Retention, Employment

    Hoser, I think you're talking about vehicles within certain dets. Mr.LCIS is right, it is unit specific. It depends what the CO requires and what the unit is required to do within the military. For example, my unit is made of about 4 or 5 squadrons for which, each squadron will have 3 or 4...
  3. bossdog

    Ontario Taxes and Premiums

    Lower income tax - that's my vote.
  4. bossdog

    Signaller‘s - Training, Promotion, Retention, Employment

    I couldn't agree with this more!!! You are you're best career manager!
  5. bossdog

    Reality TV and the Decline of Civilisation.

    Anyone remember RAT Patrol?
  6. bossdog

    Worst Civilian Section (POLL)

    Fair enough. That still doesn't excuse the fact that it is a military gym and we should have precedence. Are we going to start renting out our C7's next time we need extra cash?
  7. bossdog

    Worst Civilian Section (POLL)

    Our PT facilities is another sticky matter with me. Civilians have access to our gym and they pay for a membership that is significantly lower than that of the gyms downtown. One problem that I have is when I go to the gym in the morning and the place is crawling with civilians using our...
  8. bossdog

    Reality TV and the Decline of Civilisation.

    For the most part I hate those shows too but everynow and again something like Joe Schmo comes along and I laugh my ass off. It's like a car wreck, you're concerned, curious and can't help but to stare in awe. Nobody is forcing these guys to participate. If they wish to expose their...
  9. bossdog

    Hackers crack Defence Department

    I want my Banyan back
  10. bossdog

    Does Anyone Miss The Old Days?

    I'll drink to that! But it does makes new guys soft when they walk in to a silver platter army...
  11. bossdog

    Whats the average number of recruits at St Jean at the begining of BMQ

    I don't think that Inspections are considered Performance Objectives but you can never be too careful. I also failed my swim test, no big deal. For the remainder of the swim classes I floated in the kiddie pool with a flutter board along with the other rock swimmers. I had no bearing on my...
  12. bossdog

    Does Anyone Miss The Old Days?

    I don't miss getting whacked with a pace stick in the back of the head (Basic Trg) but at the same time a know of a few new guys that could use a good sorting out (like the old days).
  13. bossdog

    Signaller‘s - Training, Promotion, Retention, Employment

    Currently, there is a recruiting allowance of $10,000 for sig ops joining the reg force if they have a 2 year post secondary program in technology. The 5's crse does focus a lot in IT but that is not the bulk of your trg. Myself, and this is only my experience, I was a network administrator as...
  14. bossdog

    Basic Trainig In St. Jean Que.

    Well said. "You're only as fast as your slowest person" and that slow guy may save your life one day and someday you might be that slow guy who saves another life.
  15. bossdog

    Older Recruits?

    Hopefully it's just a case of a few bad apples. Now that I think of it, we do get a few younger privates that didn't have their piss and vinegar strained out in basic but they are easier to sort out - they don't go running to the spiritual warfare department everytime they don't get their way.
  16. bossdog

    Older Recruits?

    Do you think that has changed the way we try to enforce discipline? Do you think there are higher expectations from older recruits? In my own experience (please keep in mind that this is only my opinion!) the older recruits (40+) have been questioning orders and demanding lower standards. A few...
  17. bossdog

    What's Your Status? POLL

    You are what you are - that's my view.
  18. bossdog

    Canadian Armed Forces Day

    I look at CF Day (regardless of what the GG says) as a day to appreciate our military and what we are willing to sacrafice for our country. It's a great tool for public awareness and to raise education that we are here and we are here for you (the citizens of Canada). Remembrance Day (for me)...
  19. bossdog

    Older Recruits?

    Maybe it's just my trade, but it seems like the privates that we're getting that are coming off of their 3's are getting older and older with every batch. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just strange to see after all these years of having young privates coming in.
  20. bossdog

    A Question About the RMC Grounds

    I could be wrong but I think that if you start at the bottom of Ft Henry hill and run up towards the fort, through the PMQ's and out at the Vimy side then run down Hwy 15 to the bottom of the hill - that should be about 5 Km.