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  1. GGHG_Cadet

    My situation (RMC)

    Seen. Thank you for the correction.
  2. GGHG_Cadet

    My situation (RMC)

    The 13 year contract is your obligatory service that you owe the CF for them paying for your education. That includes the 4 years you are at school, so that 13 years is 4 years at school, and 9 serving. The length of your contract depends on your trade. For example, I've been accepted as a...
  3. GGHG_Cadet

    Acceptances to RMC - When sent out?

    CFAT score? I'm pretty sure that AP refers to academic potential, not the CFAT score.
  4. GGHG_Cadet

    Army Cadet League Uniform Survey Now till 31 March 08

    No, they are just trying to get a general consensus on what cadets would like to see on their uniforms, whether they would like a dress uniform, a field uniform or both.
  5. GGHG_Cadet

    Cadet FA/ Medical stuff..........

    Coincidently,  this year we've been lucky enough to have a regular force flight medic start volunteering with the corps. He has been a great help all around, and is working on some form of first aid course for the corps I believe.
  6. GGHG_Cadet

    Cadet FA/ Medical stuff..........

    In addition to all that MedCorp's mentioned, Connaught also has experience already with national/ advanced camps as it is the home of the national marksmanship courses, the exchanges, the National Rifle Team, and the Cadet Para course. I believe they also have the space for more cadets. I agree...
  7. GGHG_Cadet

    Cadet FA/ Medical stuff..........

    I would think this would be better as an advanced camp rather than a CLI, that way you could place an age restriction on it (16+). Also a CLI course needs to have certain leadership and instruction classes, and from the sounds of MedCorps' ideas it seems too busy to include the instruction...
  8. GGHG_Cadet

    Summer Camp Weekends

    1) I've been to both Connaught and Blackdown. At Connaught during my basic year on weekends we would have a parade and then we would go into Ottawa to see some of the sights. I thought this was a really good idea instead of having cadets sitting around doing nothing on base. For Basic cadets...
  9. GGHG_Cadet

    First Aid

    mysteriousmind, where do you get your information from? I've never heard of that being done here in Ontario before, maybe it is a Quebec/ Eastern Region thing. For the cadet who is asking, if you are in cadets, then you are old enough. It depends on if/when your cadet corps runs first aid...
  10. GGHG_Cadet


    If you listened during the pre-indoc training yesterday, you would of heard the OIC say not to rush out and get combats if you don't have them. You were also provided with a kit list that tells you what to bring, there were no combats on there. You can get some if you would like, but it is not...
  11. GGHG_Cadet

    Cadet FA/ Medical stuff..........

    The Cadet Program Update that is being implemented next year will see Army Cadet courses be grouped into trade groupings such as marksmanship, drill and ceremonial, and adventure. The first summer course should be a general training that gives a cadet a taste of everything, then the following...
  12. GGHG_Cadet

    RMC Interviews

    My interviewer actually made it sound like they were shipping people to RMC from various CFRCs across Ontario.
  13. GGHG_Cadet

    RMC Interviews

    My interview was really short as well, no more than 15 minutes and I too was expecting a long one. Not only do you get an element, you are selected in a trade grouping which limits what trades you can be selected for. For example my first choice was armoured, and my third was infantry which...
  14. GGHG_Cadet

    Army Cadets and CADPAT- The Final Word

    There you have it ladies and gentlemen, there is finally something in writing that prohibits the wear of CADPAT by Army Cadets. As far as I know, there is nothing similar out for Air and Sea Cadets yet.
  15. GGHG_Cadet

    Up to par?

    The most frustrating thing for me is how they waited until the interview to tell me about the "new" scoring, and how they are now choosing trades for you at the end of first year and not before you join. It seems as every time I go into the CFRC something changes, first I filled out last years...
  16. GGHG_Cadet

    Up to par?

    I was under the same impression until today when I did my interview. The recruiters assured me that I was a good candidate because of my average marks and strong extra-curricular involvement, so I would have a good to average academic potential, and a good military potential. Today in my...
  17. GGHG_Cadet

    Up to par?

    I'm not quite sure that selection works that way any more. I just finished with my ROTP application today, and during the interview it was explained to me that acceptance to RMC/ROTP is based purely on marks and the essay you submit (academic potential), not your military potential. Military...
  18. GGHG_Cadet

    what qualifications do you have?

    Yes things like that are usually passed over, and no one really says anything but why continue the wearing of an unauthorized uniform part? Whats the point? I for one can't stand the pins on the cadet uniforms in the first place, so adding all the unauthorized pins just irks me even more. I am...
  19. GGHG_Cadet

    what qualifications do you have?

    In CATO 46-01(Army Cadet Dress Regulations) you will find that section 22 prohibits the wearing of such pins- Don't just assume that its authorized for wear just because you received the pin from an officer.
  20. GGHG_Cadet

    Cadet Pay Rates as staff

    That is not true. I was a staff cadet CWO this past summer and I know I made more than that. The lowest pay is that of Sgt, which is currently iirc $69.