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Search results

  1. xFusilier

    The Queen‘s Golden Jubilee Medal

    I think anyone who met the 2 or more of the following criteria recieve it. 1. Anyone who ever crewed a Centurion 2. Anyone who ever crewed a Ferret Scout Car 3. Held 404‘s for 3/4 Ton 4. Ever crewed a Sherman 5. Was in the Canadian Guards 6. Was in the Black Watch, QOR or FGH when they were in...
  2. xFusilier

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    I would say no. All running with wieght will to is increase the possibity of you injuring yourself. Especially if not used to running as your lower limbs will have to get used to the strain from the impact of your body weight let alone another 20-30 lbs. My suggestion is, if you are new to...
  3. xFusilier

    Another One Bites the Dust....Svend Robinson Leaves Politics

    I smell Infanteer‘s dirty paw prints all over this one. Besides everybody knows he‘s coveted the Burnaby-Douglas NDP nomination for years.
  4. xFusilier

    CFB Aldershot

  5. xFusilier

    Your View on Churches and Mosques used as Block Houses

    Exactly, Which shot makes for better television. Effective En SA fire from a mosque, or the US Marines firing a TOW or Javelin at a mosque in response to the above. Guaranteed that Al-Jazeera(sp?) notwithstanding, CNN, Fox, BBC and Sky will show the later rather than the former, simply...
  6. xFusilier

    CFB Aldershot

    I‘m sorry I couldn‘t help it and god will probably strike me down for it but. What‘s Cape Breton have to do with it? :D
  7. xFusilier

    CFB Aldershot

    You‘ve obviously never been to Gagetown ;)
  8. xFusilier


    Take them and the Socks Wool Frize put them together and you have the ultimate footwear for standing around on a mortar line during springtime in gagetown.
  9. xFusilier

    CFB Aldershot

    Aldershot, I think it‘s the only TRG Area in Canada where a 1:25,000 scale map of it will fit folded into the breast pocket of your combat shirt.
  10. xFusilier

    745 sqn

    Go to www.forces.gc.ca and search "745 Comms Sqn" you‘ll find everything your looking for.
  11. xFusilier

    Dallaire recalls Rwandan death threat

    It is irrelevant whether or not we had colonies in West Africa. The most ****ing thing of the whole affair is that those of use, who could have (with minimal expenditure of resources) put a stop to the Rwandan genocide did not. No moral relativism, absent of historical context the cold hard...
  12. xFusilier

    Dallaire recalls Rwandan death threat

    S_Baker, If I have understood Gen. Dallaire‘s thesis correctly it is that all off us, including the US, Canada, Belgium, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, and EVERY other nation in the so-called western world sat back...
  13. xFusilier

    Hired Guns

    It‘s a Minimi or M249 I believe is the US designation for it.
  14. xFusilier

    CFB Aldershot

    It used to get to the point in Aldershot where some people had 90% of the GR‘s memorized. So you‘d get your orders for a raid for example, and you‘d know, that‘s Mortar Hill, or the Demolition Range. It was an okay place to teach a course though, because if you had finished supervising the...
  15. xFusilier

    clothing at Basic and after posting

    BCT used to stand for Basic Classification Training which was the training officers under took under the MITCP plan. Recruit training for soldiers has never been called basic combat training.
  16. xFusilier

    US fingerprints ‘allied‘ visitors

    I think it has to do with the fact tht Canada is not part of the visa waiver program. The authority for us to enter the US without a Visa actually comes from a seperate law or something.
  17. xFusilier

    Why Acting Sub-Lieutenant, and Where are the Midshipmen & Ensigns (Merged thread)

    I remember watching the Queens parade in McMahon Stadium in 1990. Complete w/Sikh colour ensign and the CDS on parade as a piper. As for the colours comment, well I sometime have that tendency, people ask me what time it is and I tell them how to build a watch :D
  18. xFusilier

    Why Acting Sub-Lieutenant, and Where are the Midshipmen & Ensigns (Merged thread)

    ARmoured Regiments do not have an ensign (implying an officer) as in the Cavalry and Armoured Corps the Guidon is placed in the care of the WO‘s and Sgt‘s of the Regiment. For example IIRC (its been over 10 years) the KOCR kept their guidon in the RSM‘s office. Whereas IIRC the Calgary...
  19. xFusilier

    Anti-terrorism squads raid Ottawa homes

    The fear of terrorist attack is the price we now must pay for the liberties that we have. If we are not willing to endure the possible threat of terrorist attack in order to live in the type of society which those who would bomb, and murder, and hijack despise what value do those liberties...
  20. xFusilier

    Iraq barbarism-The Mutilation of 4 American Civilians-Article

    In "From Beirut to Jerusalem" Thomas Freidman talks about the way that Hafez Al-Assad dealt with the Muslim Brotherhood in Hama. Basically he shelled the city for 3 week and then sent the tanks in to deal with whatever was left. Freidman refers to this as "Hama Rules". The Americans cannot...