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  1. cpl-cam

    favorite PO's to either teach or be taught

    Well, I have a plan. We could speed up global warming they by raising the temperature of the atmoshphere so high that water vapour could not condense and must remain a gas. The only problem with this plan is we would then most likely have to come up with a new set of icao standards!
  2. cpl-cam

    favorite PO's to either teach or be taught

    414 defiantly, I also like 418 because even a monkey can learn it I like 417 because that's my future career of choice with the CF. I loathe 413... to quote me while I was on ITAC, in ground school, and studying 10 minutes before the start of the entrance exam, "$@#^ing clouds! You all look the...
  3. cpl-cam

    Cadet Dress in Public

    Never said I wasn't going to follow the rules ::) Ah yes, the tin foil hat, it has served me well in the past... stopping MLB from reading my mind. Half of my rant was sarcasm... I really hate hippies, I really think they're trying to take over and I really don't like braids but oh well, life...
  4. cpl-cam

    Cadet Dress in Public

    I completely agree, expessially when doing drill...hair everywhere! I'm all for updating to keep Cadets relevent and in touch with today's youth but you need to draw the line. What's next, guys can have long hair aslong as it's braided?! The hippies are taking over and I don't like it! To...
  5. cpl-cam

    The air cadet thread

    Centre wheel? That would be interesting to see. I've only seen flag party do forms at my sqn. If I'm picturing a centre wheel correctly in my head I personally feel that a centre wheel would look kind of dumb... but what kind of standards do I have? I'm in band :P
  6. cpl-cam

    Pay for CIC pilots?

    When someone is at RGS for 8 weeks it helps to have a little money.... the whole food thing being a rather larger motivater.
  7. cpl-cam

    The air cadet thread

    Ok, to please WO2 Mandal: This isn't reallt specific to Air Cadets but I was wondering, what are you guys doing right now to prep for next fall, if anything? We just had a 20 minute meeting last thursday to find out who's coming back, who's aging out, who's joining the reserves etc. We're also...
  8. cpl-cam

    The air cadet thread

    The correct sentence structure would be to say, "It's spelled....". The phrase "Spelled..." is a sentence fragment what did school teach you?
  9. cpl-cam

    Pay for CIC pilots?

    I was Looking at the pay charts and noticed that for the base pay of a Lt. a pilot makes 20% more money an a normal Lt. I was just wondering if this only applies to reg force pilots or CIC pilots working at a region gliding school are included in this. I know this might belong in therecruiting...
  10. cpl-cam

    Living Quarters / Personal Items

    To give it in a way that may make sence to you let me put it this way. If memory serves me 4 Canadians were killed and 8 wounded in the friendly fire incident,  2 were killed and 3 injured by a mine and 1 was killed and 3 were wounded by a suicide bomber. Now that's 7 killed out of several...
  11. cpl-cam

    Paul Martin's photo-op from Human Tragedy (video inside)

    That was a very poor video in my opinion. First fo all I didn't find it well done in a sence of film making quality, very hard to keep the viewers attention. Second it seemed more like thekid was pushed by another kid not a cameraman third as was previously mentioned it was an awkward situation...
  12. cpl-cam

    HK High Reliability Magazine

    Easy there Banks, just because the reply button is there doesn't mean you have to hit right away and shoot off your mouth. Sure you shot a C7 good for you, that doesn't make you an expert. I've been gliding multiple times but you don't see me posting "The Sea Kings are fine, I've seen them...
  13. cpl-cam

    a little off topic but still flying related

    Yup, that's the plane. Thanks alot :D
  14. cpl-cam

    a little off topic but still flying related

    Hi, Way back in the day my grandfather made his own air plane and the registration was CF-DEA but he sold it a long time ago. I was wondering, is there a website where I could type in the registration and see who he sold it to is and where it currently is?
  15. cpl-cam

    The air cadet thread

    Congrats! I just found out I got glider 2 days ago.... I'm still hyped.  I can't wait until July 11 now. As for your advice about always running for the gliders I agree. I was on ITAC last year and one night we helped push the gliders and after 3 hours I was exhausted but it was fun and you...
  16. cpl-cam

    food in your cadets

    Good for you, I wish I had enough summers left to go to SI but sadly I don't. I don't use the term hardcore to sound superior I just do because my vocabulary is rather small (if you don't count certain four letterwords) so I have no other way. And what you see as making myself miserable in the...
  17. cpl-cam

    food in your cadets

    Yes, well we've all learned a lesson that sarcasm is undetectable over the internet. Now if you read properly you would see I said our survival programme is hardcore and you would see the officers mess comment was for a pilot ground school weekend, not a survival ex. Also I use the term hardcore...
  18. cpl-cam

    Vision in the regular forces as an officer (combat arms)

    To continue the thread jacking a little.... when I was in penhold a cadet didn't shower for 1.5 weeks and that was bad enough, a cadet going 1.5 months must be awful! Some kids eh? Anyways... back on topic I'm also not an expert but I'm +/- (can't remember) 3.75 and the CFRC said I would be...
  19. cpl-cam

    food in your cadets

    Snack foods? How slack  :P In my glorious cadet career I've experienced: In the field - IMPs every time except once when we ran out so we had cold campells clam chouder Provincial biathalon- mc donalds for breakfast every morning for the athletes and 1st class chalet pancakes for staff like me...
  20. cpl-cam

    Corps attendance

    Way back in the glorious days of my time 176 RCACS we had over 200 on paper and probally 150 every night. This ment 4 normal flights plus band plus flag party. This made for good braging rights but the classes sucked since they were so big so we split into 176 and 199 RCACS. So now I'm with 199...