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  1. C

    Canadians losing knowledge of military history

    I am an avid studier of Canadian Military history (Esp. in World War II). The other day in history class my teacher asked something about WWI. And when I mentioned the Schlieffen Plan. She said, "I'm not interested in the military tactic stuff. I'm more interested in the Political aspect." To...
  2. C

    Sending a video.

    Well, it didn't end up happening anyway. I'm a little bit disappointed but it's okay there are other ways I can support the troops. I think a shared reading would have been best too, and maybe a video of all the Elementary school children that were there on the field trip. (Our class was the...
  3. C

    Sending a video.

    Right. That makes sense, I just find it hard write stuff down for me to remember, (Maybe I shouldn't write anything at all). I'm writing a little speech but I think I'm going to give it to someone else to read and edit for themselves (A person who wanted to speak to the troops pretty...
  4. C

    Sending a video.

    Tomorrow my history class is headed to the Seaforth Armoury in Vancouver to talk to veterans and other things. The class apparently has an opportunity to send a video to Afghanistan to thank the troops, and we decided to do the video. The class wanted me to do the talking for the video, but I...
  5. C

    Videos and clips featuring the Army

    I think you're referring to this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaC-w2dIxZc
  6. C

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Here's a question. Which popular character is most likely to die this season? In my opinion, my favourite, Chief is going to die. I love the series though, haven't missed an episode since I watched the first episode of season 1.
  7. C

    NHL 2006-2007

    Canucks are looking good with Luongo, played an above expectation game today and they obviously work alot harder this season. Lindens 300th in a Canuck jersey too =D. PS. Maple leafs still suck.
  8. C

    Fun with statistics

    I don't think they were trying to get any 'desired' result, if they wanted so, why would they even call anyone? The people hiring them could just fake it. By the way was the company Ipsos-Reid? Also it could have been Leger. I also know a guy who works at Ipsos-Reid and he said they're working...
  9. C

    NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

    This may be a bit off topic but: I notice that whenever I argue the issue (Although the legitimacy of the war isn't an issue with me), I have to repeat at least five times that Afghanistan is not Iraq. I usually just tell them that there is almost no good arguments against the war in...
  10. C

    Peoples Attitudes changed when stated I was joining

    Well, today I asked my teacher to give me a reference for the reserves, she has former military experience (5th Field Regiment) and said that she would be honored and said that she thinks I would be an excellent candidate for the millitary. Probably the best reaction I've gotten so far. It made...
  11. C

    Are you an Army.ca addict?

    It's 4:00 AM right now... Point proven
  12. C

    Peoples Attitudes changed when stated I was joining

    I don't think that is fair to most teachers to be honest. Just like any job, there are good teachers and bad teachers but, (Now I don't have a bastion of experience in the "real world") I know counsellors/teachers who have spent careers in the military, and teachers that have done tons of things...
  13. C

    Peoples Attitudes changed when stated I was joining

    Well, surprisingly, alot of my friends (Who are anti-war) have been understanding. They don't like it but they understood, mainly because they are my friends and they are good ones. I've obviously got stupid answers (Mostly not from my anti-war friends) like: - I'd join but I don't want to die...
  14. C


    Usually I picture me jumping through a flaming trench, which a damsel in distress draped over my shoulder, C7 in the other hand, shooting variously large hordes of nazi's/zombies/ignorant anti-war activists or any combination of the three. But no seriously, I've never had a very romantic view...
  15. C

    Afghan video

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_S9P1kMNuM&mode=related&search= and http://youtube.com/watch?v=B2r3C0PJ1LM&mode=related&search= I don't know if these are reposts but it's the first time i've seen them. They are really good. Edit: Whoops posted two of the same. Changed
  16. C


    Wow, definately worth the read. Really helps civvies like me to get a good perspective, from the soldiers pont of view. Quick question though, is it a bad thing if this makes me want to join the army even more? Because it makes me intensely proud.
  17. C

    CTV Video of Afghanistan Fighting

    I don't think he looks scared, he's talking on a radio and is probably tucked in like that because he's trying to listen, you know what I mean? It looks almost as though he's leaning against the wall to listen harder. I'd probably look the same way if I was talking on the radio. That's what I...
  18. C

    Where to buy Under Armour T-shirts??

    I'm not from Edmonton, but I'm sure most Army Surplus stores would supply them.
  19. C

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    This is what has been on my list lately. I'm mostly into punk music (I'm in a punk band as well) Against Me - Don't Lose Touch - Reinventing Axle Rose - Walking is Still Honest - Pints of Guinness Make You Strong - Rice and Bread Bouncing Souls - Kids and Heroes - Sing Along - True Believers...
  20. C

    Three Block War

    Alright cool, thanks alot for the help. I better start reading. =p