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  1. redleafjumper

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    I enjoyed reading this thread, there are many thoughtful comments on it. As far as Territorial Defence Battalions go, I think that change for the sake of change without a real effect is not worth it.  The problem seems to be quite simple: 1.  There aren't enough troops to do all the work, now...
  2. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    Darn good 3rd herd.  Commodore Nelson left his ship, HMS Captain, took the San Nicolas (80 guns), and crossed her deck to board the San Josef (112 guns).  That's quite the bridge, and an unusual action as Flag officers weren't generally expected to be leading mere boarding parties.
  3. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    What was "Nelson's Bridge"?
  4. redleafjumper

    Sound suppressors in Canada

    For a longer answer than the accurate "no", see the definitions section of Part 3 of the Criminal Code, under section 84: "prohibited device means"  (c) a device or contrivance designed or intended to muffle  or stop the sound or report of a firearm. See also the offences created under section...
  5. redleafjumper

    LGEN Leslie: Troops, helicopters, tanks needed

    3rd Herd, I understand and agree with you that it is not only demographics that indicate whether or not a unit is viable in the long term.  However, where I sit I am damn sure that I could put together a full strength company in pretty short order, if given some time for training, the resources...
  6. redleafjumper

    LGEN Leslie: Troops, helicopters, tanks needed

    If the good general was really interested in more reservists, he would start looking to those communities with suitable demographics to support new reserve units and start a few up.  Cheers,
  7. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    Oh oh, we've already done the Gustloff...
  8. redleafjumper

    Trying to start a reserve unit

    "As well, from what Redleafjumper said, there has never been a "No", but rather a "We're busy right now".  Far better for the Army Commander to be upfront about other items that are looming large, rather than stringing people along." I would say that it was a bit stronger that a "We're busy...
  9. redleafjumper

    Trying to start a reserve unit

    Thanks Ruez.  It has been a long slog, and it isn't over yet.  The one thing I am having trouble accepting is that a two week sporting event in 3 years has such a dominant influence on defence policy.
  10. redleafjumper

    Trying to start a reserve unit

    It would make it interesting if there was ever to be a need for more troops, or say, some sort of war...
  11. redleafjumper

    Trying to start a reserve unit

    Here is a brief update.  The Chief of Land Forces (Army Commander) has declined the Mayor's invitation to come to Prince George to see the potential of the area for a reserve company.  Reasons cited included other priorities for the military, such as current operational requirements.  Also the...
  12. redleafjumper

    All You Want To Know About Bagpipes[ and then some]- Merged

    One point that I might add is that learning to play the pipes is a major commitment.  It requires a good teacher, but just as important, it requires that the student practices everyday in order to develop the skills and techniques needed to play well.  It is easy to get discouraged in the...
  13. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    Hmm.  If not Churchill in his early years, and the reporter is limited to WW2 and D-Day, then it must be the famous photographer Robert Capa.  He's the fellow who took the moment of death picture in Spain. I believe he is known to have bought a burberry coat and a hip flask for D-Day.
  14. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    Winston Churchill.
  15. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    Close enough.      Macksey, Kenneth.              First Clash: Canadians in World War Three Stoddart 0-7737-060-X 1985, 1st edition. (Hardcover)
  16. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    In the 1980's a novel was written as a training manual to show the doctrine that would be used in battle by Canadian military forces.  Who wrote this novel and what was it called?
  17. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    As I am a bit of a Churchill fan, this one wasn't as hard as it might have been. Sir Winston Churchill, originally published in: The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899 :)
  18. redleafjumper

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    Wow.  That sounds like a "career firing alright, career STOPS!" situation.  Acts like that contribute to a break down of discipline at all levels.
  19. redleafjumper

    Dealing with being home from Kandahar

    Thanks, that's great information.  I wondered if a Gortex bag might work better in that sort of climate when compared to hide and Hardies' Bag Seasoning! If you follow through on the Cadpat bag covers, etc., please pm me about them.  In dry climates I tend to store my chanter reeds with some...
  20. redleafjumper

    Dealing with being home from Kandahar

    Something I am interested in regarding the piping over there is what challenges were there for pipe maintenance?  What sort of drone reeds were you using - cane or tupperware?  What did you have to do to keep them going given the temperature and insect conditions?  I am sure this will only be a...