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  1. JBP

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Also keep in mind folks, this plan is suppose to be effective as of 2016, so I imagine, by that time, we'll have boosted the numbers of troops in PRes and Reg Force, as well as probably more equipment... Again... I imagine that's how it'll be... Because it won't even work any other way without...
  2. JBP

    Moral vs Manning

    Wow... Reading all this and a few other threads about the trade really opened my eyes I'd have to say... Comming from an Infantry background (I'll be swearing in as Sig Op recruit sometime this March/April) in the reserves to fulltime Sig Op will be very interesting. I can see that the...
  3. JBP

    Anyone Else's Enrollment Going So Fast?

    Well some good news to report! Submitted my Component Transfer to my unit late Dec 2006, CFRC Hamilton recieved my application Jan 11th 2007, called today and spoke with a Cpl who scheduled me for my Interview and Medical Feb 6th 2007, he said so long as nothing goes wrong with my medical and...
  4. JBP

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Thanks, seen it. That movie initially made me think... "So that's why the human race is such a mess!"... Then again, I was a lot younger. But I would be very curious to see how our 'hardware' would turn out in the future. Course, I suppose we are curious about that...
  5. JBP

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Something I've been thinking about... If you take a look at the designs, interior and exterior of the ships and equipment in BSG, Alien(s), you see ships and equipment that appear to be designed for functionality, purpose, rugged. Most of it isn't pretty to say the least but it damn well gets...
  6. JBP

    Guelph Army.ca Night

    :'( Bad news... Not going to be able to make it out tonight... That 1 little thing I didn't think would happen got in the way! I hope you all have a lot of fun and make some good memories! Don't forget to post the pics!!! Cheers, Joe
  7. JBP

    Guelph Army.ca Night

    If someone could PM me a cellphone # or some type of contact info for someone going in case I get lost... This happens to me from time to time!!!  ;) Joe
  8. JBP

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Well that explains why Col Tighe is an alcoholic!  ;D Just kidding... Nice ... Cold... Place I bet!  :blotto: I honestly didn't know there were any Canadians on the show, that's awesome, very fantastic. Does anyone know in fact if any of it is/was filmed in Canada etc? OBTW~ Anyone going to...
  9. JBP

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    WHOA WHOA WHOA there tiger!... Correction: Couger! ... I would not have such an adverse reaction!... I just thought that's rather crazy... Considering the size, manpower and firepower of those!!! 120!!!.... That would be a wicked battle scene.... They should somehow have a flashback episode...
  10. JBP

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    That's because there was originally 12 Battlestars, not 120... 1 for each of the 12 colonies! ;)
  11. JBP

    Guelph Army.ca Night

    I think I might actually be able to make it out to this one... As long as 1 thing doesn't get in the way, count me in! Hope to see you all there... Joe
  12. JBP

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    I think I could quite possibly pull my eyeballs out.... I'M DYING to see how this turns out!!! 4 freakin' weeks!!!! ..... S'alright.... S'okay... I'll be... Ok... I'll just like... Go to work and stuff.... ;D Seriously though folks, watch it ASAP so you can be in agony like the rest of us...
  13. JBP

    Training Value of Reserve Brigade Exercises!

    Interesting... Our unit goes down to Florida every couple years or longer to train with the Americans. Some even apparently drove Humvees and all that good stuff! And also apparently they used to have National Guard units come up with their helo's and do rapell drops and training w/us in our own...
  14. JBP

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    PS> Anyone have any good spots where I can find good torrents etc etc? ... I have 2 websites I feed off of for my Battlestar and Heroes episodes but they often go down I think with certain 'legal' problems or issues... Any hints/suggestions???... PM if you don't want to put'm out in the...
  15. JBP

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Yes, Baltar depicts the very worste in humanity and what humans are capable of... EVEN if it was originally just for self-preservation... Just gone too far! I want to see him die very horribly!!! It would bring very much pleasure to my soul to see him mutilated... :threat:
  16. JBP

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Okay... It's all YOUR faults!!! Yes, I'm blaming you all... I started reading this post a couple weeks ago... I had previously caught a couple episodes of BSG back in season one here and there and was interested but too busy to watch... Read a bit here, started watching it, all the way from...
  17. JBP

    To those who are and those who know people on active duty during this season..

    Nice rythm to it... Not bad.... It's "battlefield" though... Not "warfield"... Sounds kind of odd!!! But nice.... It's not cherry though! I think they need to be cheered up around this time!!!! This might make that "December has the highest suicide rate ever" stat jump up on bases ..... No...
  18. JBP

    Anyone Else's Enrollment Going So Fast?

    Well, either way that sounds like good news that they're figuring it out and at least your file is moving forward... Too bad they didn't start doing that prior verification of service before though because it can take well....... Along time from what I've read here and heard... One of the guys...
  19. JBP

    Anyone Else's Enrollment Going So Fast?

    Have you maybe tried calling (harassing) them??? Be friendly, professional and polite, but stay on thier A$$es!!!... That seems to help!? Also what trade are you going for?
  20. JBP

    George Carlin's Rules for 2007

    I watched good ole' George live at Casino Niagara (the new one) and I busted a gut the entire time, he is phenominal! I highly recommend if any of you ever get the chance to SEE him do it, no matter what you have to clear off your schedule! Also, if that fails, buy one of his books!!! You just...