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  1. H

    US Economy

    The US economic situation nicely summarized.
  2. H

    US Economy

    Other Democrat voters got a taste of spending as much of other people's money as they wanted.  No limit EBT  cards hit some areas and the word got out fast.  A Walmart was essentially looted.  The no limit glitch was fixed and the shopping mob left hundreds of full carts in the store once the...
  3. H

    Canada's First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, etc. (merged)

    So whatever money we send to fund the UN  should be diverted to pay for our aboriginal policy sins. The UN will understand.  People are the priority after all.
  4. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    OK Kirkhill, just stop with the common sense and practical ideas.  Enough is enough.  It is hard these days, what with the total failure of our climate models and the cooling atmosphere to keep the hysteria and fear mongering going.  Thank goodness we still have the CBC and the Toronto Star in...
  5. H

    Canada's First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, etc. (merged)

    She was probably too busy driving around in her Escalade, checking out the very expensive Zamboni ice resurfacing machine at the community rinkthat they bought instead of doing basic housing repairs, planning her next  publicity diet stunt (don't forget to make reservations at the local five...
  6. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    The most charitable description for solar generated electricity is Intermittent Power. 
  7. H

    CH-148 Cyclone Progress

    To be accurate, it would be the ability to Group Cluster F@ck.  Takes a team to really screw up.  :salute:
  8. H

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    And in other Program news, http://marietta.patch.com/groups/business-news/p/f35-lightning-ii-program-surpasses-10000-flight-hours Momentum continues to build.  Now that enough aircraft are in place at both USAF and USMC squadron levels, they will get the bugs worked out of the deployment in...
  9. H

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    RAAF #1 http://media.globenewswire.com/noc/mediagallery.html?pkgid=21368 99 more to go. Have to keep a bottle of good whiskey on standby for when RCAF #1 gets going. A day worth celebrating.
  10. H

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Correct.  Only the "C" model has folding wings.
  11. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Good idea.  Saves a lot of people the problem of when to get sterilized or promise to never fly again because we all have to do our bit to save Gaia. "Scientists Recommend Having Earth Put Down" http://climatism.wordpress.com/2013/10/01/scientists-recommend-having-earth-put-down/
  12. H

    Re: CBC: Bias, errors, etc. (merged)- Split Off For a Nutbar's Swerve

    The core problem America has is that spending has gone wild. Love when Obama brags he has cut the deficits in half.  Which is true. It is also true he almost quadrupled deficit spending first, so by citing it in half he has really doubled it buts gets credit for a reduction.  Good...
  13. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Judith Curry (2013) is following the AR5  SPM.    "The Australian media continues with thought provoking articles on climate change.  This week, there are two good articles in Australian Financial Times, which are unfortunately behind paywall.  These two articles provide a good summary of the...
  14. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    the global warming thingy is so over, a dead end of public policy initiatives.  AR5 SPM gets released and within 24 hours is virtually out of the news cycle.  Nobody gives  a crap anymore. The Euros are pulling back from their shoot  themselves in the foot energy policies, the world is just...
  15. H

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Higher prices, less performance and no industry kickbacks . . . Should be a no brainer. I am sure the Rideau Institute and Prof Byers will disagree.
  16. H

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    With the Rafale and the Eurofighter being priced in the $120-$135 million per copy and delivering inferior performance, while the F-35 is on track for about $85 million per copy fully mission ready in 2020, do you think the Euros have a realistic chance of competing?
  17. H

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    No worries Mark. When the RCAF orders our F-35s, they will insist on buying ones with engines. The JSF is going to look awesome in RCAF livery.
  18. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    AR5 SPM . . .  The Coles notes version. "Ross McKitrick says: September 27, 2013 at 5:32 am SPM in a nutshell: Since we started in 1990 we were right about the Arctic, wrong about the Antarctic, wrong about the tropical troposphere, wrong about the surface, wrong about hurricanes, wrong about...
  19. H

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Korea is in competition with us for a whacked procurement system. http://breakingdefense.com/2013/09/24/korea-dumps-boeing-f-15-for-stealth-f-35-pacific-sweep-likely/
  20. H

    Liberal Party of Canada Leadership

    The CPC should get Rick Hillier to run against Leslie. Would make for a most interesting riding for debates. 