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  1. helpup

    Afghanistan: Why we should be there (or not), how to conduct the mission (or not) & when to leave

    I agree with Rambler summation.  However I would like to add, if you dont agree with the reason for being there fine.  How about we undertook a commitment to help that nation get it's collective feet on the ground with a Govt that can (corrupt or not is not the main point) look after the...
  2. helpup

    Decompression in Cyprus - various aspects, updates (merged)

    Ah the mental images of soldiers getting drinks pool side and regalling all ( civi and military) with head rolling blaaaah's quick dip in the water for a pause head shiver and back to the edge for more booze.  The odd guy gets into trouble most just get sloshed. Personally keeping my head out of...
  3. helpup

    Pakistan Taliban leader's wife dies in suspected drone attack - CNN

    I think there is enough range and scope to keep this under it's own topic for now.  But a " usual suspect" threw in a valid but questionable comment.  Hence the tangent it went on
  4. helpup

    Pakistan Taliban leader's wife dies in suspected drone attack - CNN

    Mistakes have happened with the UAV attacks, these have been reported and exploited by various parties as examples of "America's" cruelity. Exploitation of the media has been reported but seldom exlpoited of insurgents using these bombings to plant "civilian casualties" in a righteous hit...
  5. helpup

    Common Taliban Weaponry

    And the answer would be what ever they happen to be shooting at you with. Not to mention that they are constantly evolving thier Wpns mainly due to availability.  Originally it was old Russian stock. and although most of the wpns are based on a Russian template they are more then willing to use...
  6. helpup

    Heads of navy, army and air force on plane that barely avoided mid-air collision

    There use to be a running joke in the late 80's and 90's about junior ranks hoping for the buss that was going to a PD event to run off a cliff.  The buss of course being full of MWO/CWO and or Maj/LCol........ Glad it was ok but agree with most here it is not as big of a deal as it is being...
  7. helpup

    Decompression in Cyprus - various aspects, updates (merged)

    I hate those briefs as well.  I will give the article a point on troops spend their money in ways that suggest, " Hey I am young and stupid".  Not all mind you but enough.  I dont agree with using a 5 star resort to decompress.  There has been problems using such an open venue.  The old idea...
  8. helpup

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Didnt the HRC order MacDonalds to hire back someone who was dissmissed for not washing thier hands enough? That can explain some of it
  9. helpup

    Flash: Australia - Today 'largest ever' Islamic Terrorist Attack Foiled

    Kudo's to the authorities for catching them. Now of course will come the indignation from the accussed.  I would rather mea - culpa's done the odd time over mistakes then successfull attacks. 
  10. helpup

    Flash: Australia - Today 'largest ever' Islamic Terrorist Attack Foiled

    George, I agree with the cost cutting measures. But are you sure it was the Federal Govt that instituted the Open Base policy?
  11. helpup

    Does being part of military make you 'right wing'?

    No Problem NEO, and I thought I was quoting the orriginal poster.  Just confirmed it was Nemo,  My station comment was directed orriginally at him and through not proffing who was replying wound up quoting you.  All around group hug.
  12. helpup

    Cpl Wilcox court martial - Sydney NS

    No arguments there OS, but I can't stress enough the conduct of the accussed does not compare to the recent events.
  13. helpup

    Cpl Wilcox court martial - Sydney NS

    My own bad for bringing it up, I did not want T's name brought up. What is done is done.  However I didnt say that he pleaded guilty.  He did not however try to lie about what had happened. It was a automatic movement carried out with the Wpn in the improper state.  It shouldnt of happened and...
  14. helpup

    Cpl Wilcox court martial - Sydney NS

    I didnt put the details down for a reason but I will qualify it a bit more.  During Solmolia there was a ND that resulted in death.  I knew both of them but the accused better then the other.  I was also an escort for his CM and partook in the proceeding's.  The accused did not try to wiggle out...
  15. helpup

    Cpl Wilcox court martial - Sydney NS

    I know people who have shot thier Friends and did not try to weasel out of it.  It was a tragic misstake that cost a life, and altered another permanently as he did his time and was released from the military.  I thought at the time the sentance was too extreme as there was nothing that the army...
  16. helpup

    Does being part of military make you 'right wing'?

    Nah, I know what a Station is and have been to a few. My Comment was dealing with your Pedantic drivel on how progressive you are vice those not invited to the "gays" cerimony.  And the jab you took at those on this site.
  17. helpup

    Cpl Wilcox court martial - Sydney NS

    SW,  Muscle memory can be started in under 3 repititions. That I have to stress is started.  I can not recall what the exact ammount of practice to turn a motor control skills into a muscle memory but it is something that even if you have the basics of a action you wish to complete.  You only...
  18. helpup

    Does being part of military make you 'right wing'?

    Station?????? What bus station are you talking about. Was it Mark Twain who stated,  " better to be silent and be thought a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt" ( or words to that effect)
  19. helpup

    Cpl Wilcox court martial - Sydney NS

    the action of turning and firing with in the time ( less then two seconds) can be done. Not always accurately, not often if you are out of practice, AND OR if your Wpn is in the proper state of readiness.  But trust me on this if you have trained, practiced it can be done. A version of this is...
  20. helpup

    Does being part of military make you 'right wing'?

    WOW is the site slow Roy, I understand the concept behind the destroy ballet in protest but I don't follow the practice myself.  If there is not canidate that I want then I don't vote, If I dont vote I have removed myself from participating and in my mind reduced my ability by not...