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  1. helpup

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    That ranks up there with anyone over the age of 15 saying " But I didnt mean it"  ( as if that makes anything better) " It is not my fault"  ( like that changes anything) "I didnt know it would happen like that" ( hopefully leasoned learned) "It is just online stuff I didnt mean it" (oh like we...
  2. helpup

    Curious how everyone decided on their trade or Officer/NCM

    I grew up a Naval Base Brat on the East Coast.  Growing up I kept hearing all the stories from my freinds who were traveling the world.  My Dad's trade kept the family in the same port his whole career.  So I grew up with a yearning to travel but in a differant way then my Dad saw the world.  I...
  3. helpup

    All Things Socks (merged)

    I use cotton to fill out my boots and remove any of the stretch that has occured in my boots.  They are there to obsorbed the sweat and I will admit they can get wet quickly.  when I am going on a long hump in wet weather or long enough to get the sock soaked I just change socks.  But from my...
  4. helpup

    Afghan Rapes & Canadian Soldiers' Duty

    So is this the right forum to place that I am very concerned on Ceasefire.Ca's information and thier stance? J/K
  5. helpup

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Oh that will be a bit longer then the time it takes for them to polute the Gene pool
  6. helpup

    A True Fishing Story... really!!

    Cue the JAW's music
  7. helpup

    All Things Socks (merged)

    For myself, I wear the green ones. Prior to that it was the old grey wool type. ( making sure to have the same colored thread to keep certain CO's happy) For both socks if we were doing a hump or BFT/2by10 I would include a pair of sport socks.  The only time I have had troubles is when I...
  8. helpup

    09/10 Budget Impact on PRes - Unit stand-downs, Class B Freeze, and so on!

    The reservist I am refering to are enjoying the class B out of school, the only person in thier family in the army and just happy going from contract to contract.  They tend to no longer parade with thier unit anymore and take up a posn ( needed or not) with that unit as well.  I always found it...
  9. helpup

    Cpl Wilcox court martial - Sydney NS

    absolutely right Danjan, we are the first line as instructors but through out anyone career a NCO is the ones expected to enforce proper wpns handling and respect for any and all Wpns systems.  Troops are troops and never underestimate the ability of them to be stupid however one of the reasons...
  10. helpup

    Cpl Wilcox court martial - Sydney NS

    Agreed George but NCO's are suppose to be the backstop for ensuring things are done right and safely.  And my referance was to the video where a NCO was present when horseplay was video taped.
  11. helpup

    Afghanistan, is it worth it- Cheating Spouse Thread

    Funny name your doing your internship with. Reminds me of my own.  Anyhow I got a kick out of your other half's comments.  That is not just restricted to KAF.  I find people who call up guy or girl and comment on the antics of others tend to fall into one of 3 catagories.  The first being...
  12. helpup

    09/10 Budget Impact on PRes - Unit stand-downs, Class B Freeze, and so on!

    This will haunt us for the forseeable future.  We have the baby boomers who are at the end of 25 now or close to it.  They take a large chunk of the Snr NCO's posn and Officers of senior rank.  They are going to get out, look for other employment. realize that Class B is what they want to do and...
  13. helpup

    Cpl Wilcox court martial - Sydney NS

    This should be a wake up call for NCO's there is no tolerance, nor should there be for horseplay with Wpns. 
  14. helpup

    Commander-in-Chief Reportedly Rejects CF Truce During Olympics

    If I said it once I will say it again.  Alot of people were very leary of the GG when she was first proposed.  Full disclosure I was raised eyebrow leary.  But this lady has earned my respect and does a credit to her postition.
  15. helpup

    Afghanistan, is it worth it- Cheating Spouse Thread

    Good to hear, and Karma does work.  Most of the things going on in life are not Earth shattering.  They are forks in the road, as long as you dont just sit at the junction and go woe is me you will complete a journey.  I think I posted earlier.  I dont condem or hold myself superior to anyone...
  16. helpup

    Anglo-Saxon Treasure Found in Britain - NY Times

    You could make a very interesting movie, book, Drama about this.  Learn what you can from the find, extrapolate what you can and "Fictionalize" the rest. 
  17. helpup

    Hey Canada...Have we got a deal for you..Brown move to cut UK nuclear subs

    I get  the humour in the title, but there is absolutely no party that would want to touch that one with a 100 foot periscope.  Even with the Caveat of removing the "Forest" and just using it as a Nuc Powered Sub
  18. helpup

    Don Cherry Supports the troops! - MERGED THREAD

    You have that right, I could say the same thing about most of the most competant people I have worked for or with.  I may not have always agreed with them. But I respected thier convictions and abilities.
  19. helpup

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Carefull FDO, some agency or rights group out there may start wondering on your parent skills if your leaving your kid alone in the bathroom.  Heavens forbid that your toilet does not have a warning " Caution do not leave children unattended when bowl has water in it" followed with the outline...
  20. helpup

    Don Cherry Supports the troops! - MERGED THREAD

    I like recognition like that,  For example wasnt Rick Mercer made a honorary Col of some branch? Hat's off to the P's good choice