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  1. helpup

    Military examines camouflage redesign - Does this mean new uniforms?

    Interesting article that points out amoung a few other things. - All the screaming from politicals and Armchair generals about being ill-equipted and pointing to the green cadpat...... that were found to be better suited in many areas then the Arid pattern. Now I wonder if they will solve the...
  2. helpup

    Word association (just for fun)

  3. helpup

    Should the C-6 MMG be upgraded??

    I think a earlier post hit the nail on the head.  The IPSW Crse came out of the need to streamline Trg and since the 50 cal at that time was expected to be removed from the System.  It was decided to condense the MG Crse into a IPSW as part of the DP package.  This was done with the noblest...
  4. helpup

    Should the C-6 MMG be upgraded??

    Point to note in accuracy.  N Coy since 3 RCR stood back up has been light Inf with a leaning towards role of being the SME's on Heli Op's.  They were Mech'd up for the tour. ( plus and minus of that is for a differant thread) Not sure if someone has already pointed that out as I am still...
  5. helpup

    How did you meet your spouse?

    LMAO, Women place great stock in that.  As in Oh he must care for me as he was holding my hair as I was throwing up...... or in the hands.......... good story
  6. helpup

    Should the C-6 MMG be upgraded??

    What doesnt help is taking a 5-6 week long MG Crse and condensing it to the currrent PSWQ.  In that the C6 in the SF role is taught and passed in a fraction of the time as it use to be.  Gone are the in depth lessons that use to be mandatory for the SF kit.  I dont know if I should laugh or...
  7. helpup

    Mom says daughter should get slain soldier's medal

    This is where it falls on the soldiers to ensure they keep the forms updated.  You can while deployed add and remove as required for recipients.  It also helps if you let your family know who was chosen and that invariably means you should let it be know why someone was not choosen.  By not...
  8. helpup

    Mom says daughter should get slain soldier's medal

    It is automatic,,,,,,,,,,, if that child is put down as the recipient for it.  There is space for 5 (I think) it is up to a soldier to designate to whom.  I can see in the case of a large family running into problems. However there is range and scope in the system for flexiability.  Bottom line...
  9. helpup

    What does 'serving your country' really mean?

    Personally I hate the whole hiegharchy of needs. but I do understand where it comes from. ................. with out trying to sound like a cheer leader I think she answered some questions. That were, in my opinion, unfairly put forward. Let loose the perspective of someones past and try and see...
  10. helpup

    The Jody Mitic Thread- Merged

    Go Jodi, I hope you got your wife and daughter to join you. 
  11. helpup

    Animals In War Memorial

    Nice article, however I am waiting for PETA to take a swipe at this somehow, way shape or form.
  12. helpup

    What does 'serving your country' really mean?

    I am not trying to start a bun fight nor say Correctional services do not belong.  ( nor police, fire, EMS) we can add Medical services in general, custom agents, National Parks employees, Coast Guard.................... Where do we start and stop.  Civil service is serving your country.  Being...
  13. helpup

    Looking for answers....[Questions About Benefits While Engaged And On Tour]

    You can but that does not stop the bun fights that happen with Family vs Girlfreind regardless of what the members wishes were.  I have seen enough of them.  It is fine to say that the army only follows the members Family plan laid out prior to deployment.  And in that they are right we do try...
  14. helpup

    What does 'serving your country' really mean?

    Oh I dont know I think she expressed herself pretty clearly and threw out the fact that she does have beliefs that allow her to feel nationalism and its end results can feel silly.  However she also stated that she has noticed herself going through those same thoughts.  End result I see...
  15. helpup

    Looking for answers....[Questions About Benefits While Engaged And On Tour]

    I echo's Elf statement.  To add, try a JP ( city hall ) quicky one and then when you come back fall back to the big wedding plans you were orriginally thinking of.  I recommend you talk to your parents at least about this so there is not suprises worse case scenario.  Everything else has been...
  16. helpup

    Afghanistan: Why we should be there (or not), how to conduct the mission (or not) & when to leave

    He can be boxed in on that issue, especially during an election.  If he comes out publically to refute hidden agenda claims and catagorically states ( much like he has now) no we are out of there.  That would slow to no go changing things even if he wins a majority ( and I dont see a healthy...
  17. helpup

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    I wonder if the lady uses her computers cup holder...... The one that pops out when you push one of the buttons on the front of the computer.
  18. helpup

    Can a busy female politician give reliable evidence? A judge says no

    I followed the story as it is in the local paper. Hence why I posted that I did not get that feeling from this judge, whom most reporters have stressed. Went well and above what was expected of him in providing a clear and concise reasoning for his verdict.  That it was taken out of context by...
  19. helpup

    Can a busy female politician give reliable evidence? A judge says no

    I have been following this case and my understanding ( Dont have time to re-read the orriginal full artical) The judge outlined a bit more then her being a woman, politician, mother as to the reasons he did not fully accept her version of the events.  It was also not a overriding concern WRT the...
  20. helpup

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Just finnished a ruck march...... Had a quick chat with one of my soldiers who called Sunday ( he didnt get in touch with me)  and took Monday off as his cat is deathly ill ( his cat is with his GF in a town a few hours away.  He wanted to talk to me as he thought I figured he was lying.  Told...