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  1. Prairie canuck

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Wouldn't 2 or 3 8000t LPDs be a priority over MCDVs? Or is that more of an army priority than the navy's?
  2. Prairie canuck

    A Hunting Thread- A Swerve from The Global Warming Thread

    Their focus is on the trophy not the harvesting. No trophy hunter brags about the meat, they don't pass around pictures of their freezer. It's all about the size of their .... horns. "African "trophy hunting" is done for meat as well" So why isn't it called African meat harvesting? The locals...
  3. Prairie canuck

    A Hunting Thread- A Swerve from The Global Warming Thread

    Those who kill for trophies or worse, just for fun (not including pests or threats here), are not hunters but people with egos that need to be fed or at worse criminals. Done correctly it's harvesting food and is not a sport. TV and magazines etc have made horn hunting a sport and unfortunately...
  4. Prairie canuck

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    Why not an RFP to Canadian industry stating the intent to manufacture limited artillery with an emphasis on barrels and see what you get? Dollars were provided to shipyards to upgrade their facilities to enable the manufacture of new ships why not offer to upgrade existing metallurgic industry...
  5. Prairie canuck

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    In today's social climate it would be best to stay well clear of using any indigenous names. There will be incessant complaints (given our history they may be valid) and claims of colonialism and appropriation. We have plenty of rivers, cities, provinces, trees, geology, ocean carnivores, and...
  6. Prairie canuck

    LAV 6.0

    M1283 (Bradley) - 39 tons - 600hp - BAEsystems US CV9035 - 37 tons (includes turret)- 750 - 810hp - Hagglunds / Bofors Sweden Tracked LAV (7?)- 38 tons - 675hp - GDLS Canada? 60 percent commonality with wheeled Strykers. WIKI - Stryker So weight concerns between them is a wash.
  7. Prairie canuck

    LAV 6.0

    Question, is there not a built and trialed prototype tracked LAV6 / Stryker? Built by GDLS Canada it would be top of the list for TLAV would it not?
  8. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Regardless of whether we think the public is listening or not the message has to be repeated at every opportunity. "two all beef patties special..etc etc"
  9. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    The guy with the coloured socks and all his friends have done a much better job selling their kool-aid then you are. You have a point that people don't care to educate themselves on the military but how many people have you won over by taking the tact you have? People only know what the media...
  10. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Now there's a statement that will get the public on your side. FFS. The Canadian public only know what they're told. If you want them on your side then stop insulting them and start educating them.
  11. Prairie canuck

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    As D&B posted they still seem to have their battlefield use in Ukraine. My concerns are about the 777 lack of mobility once it gets dropped off. If a local band of undetected comrades decides to attack it's position what then? how long before the chinook can get there and doesn't that put the...
  12. Prairie canuck

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    I am curious if the Hawkeye system would be an option for a 105 replacement. A chinook can move it and it's ammo carrier. Doesn't have the impact or range of a 777 but its ability to scoot and shoot seems to give it those abilities that the 777 does not have. It is being trialed south of the...
  13. Prairie canuck

    Informing the Army’s Future Structure

    IMHO taking the initiative would be to do as Poland is doing and divesting Canada of its Leos and adopting the M1A2. The 3 Baltic states would likely find a way to make use of the Leos. Donate a few more LAVs and replace them with Bradleys and their variants. Again, just my opinion.
  14. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    He had all the means and devices to stay in touch to deal with priority communications. He had plenty of staff and a government bureaucracy in Manitoba to do their jobs and take care of everything else. But lets not let the truth stand in the way of a manufactured for the media NDP crisis...
  15. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Is that statement taken from the Manitoba NDP propaganda book?
  16. Prairie canuck

    Informing the Army’s Future Structure

    I know I've posted this in another thread and it's conceptual but Davie's G-LAM does answer many needs along with supplementing the 2 new AORs with some limited RAS capabilty. Large flight deck and hanger etc.
  17. Prairie canuck

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    And the answer is (drum roll) G-LAM Well maybe not the complete answer but it does check off a lot of boxes. RAS capable, troops and equipment, looks like room for 3 S92 sized helicoptors, UAVs, large flight deck, ice capable (not sure to what class), etc. 3 or 4 of these could fill in a lot of...
  18. Prairie canuck

    Informing the Army’s Future Structure

    Maybe the question could be - What would the CAF be equipped for if the U.S. wasn't an ally?
  19. Prairie canuck

    America’s ‘Dirty Secret’- USMC General Admits ‘Wicked’ Logistics Problems In Western Pacific To Battle China

    Pity the Canadian government of any political stripe that refuses to assist Australia or NZ if they requested assistance. There are limited capabilities in the Pacific which are visibly in use such as the Auroras and the frigates still sail with US battlegroups. Some creative thinking may be...
  20. Prairie canuck

    Informing the Army’s Future Structure

    I am well out of my lane regarding force structure but my general view from all that is written here is I do not see anything that would enable Canada to be active in the Pacific. The US is restructuring the USMC to do exactly that. Adding amphibious capabilities to Canada's expeditionary...