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  1. midgetcop

    A truly "Canadian" moment!!

    Hey, at least the parents didn't go TOTALLY over the top and name the kid 'Tim'. That would have been the ultimate in cheese-factor. ;D
  2. midgetcop

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    I know I'm jumping into this conversation kind of late, but I think that MCG raises a valid question. And this is all anecdotal of course....but I know of many people who would ultimately consider themselves 'Christian' if asked directly, but don't actively attend church on a regular basis. It...
  3. midgetcop

    Does the gun registry help reduce crime?

    Seriously?? That's the actual wording they use? Who are these clowns?  ::)
  4. midgetcop

    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    Have you considered finishing your degree and going regular force? Either way, I've heard only great things about the Argylls. I know a certain corporal from that unit...just look for the one who's always challenging the rest of the guys to a grappling match and calls himself 'hardmore-core'...
  5. midgetcop

    Grammar and Sentence Structures

    Swedish and Polish. Both sound hard as hell to me, but I've always been horrible at picking up other languages. That includes French, for the reasons you mentioned!
  6. midgetcop

    Grammar and Sentence Structures

    In all fairness...I never claimed to be perfect either. But English was one of my better subjects. Better than math, but that doesn't say much. ;) I've been told by many people that English is one of the hardest to learn as a second language. Way too many exceptions, double-meanings, slang...
  7. midgetcop

    Grammar and Sentence Structures

    I'm not a teacher so I'm definitely not an expert....but could youths ever really write in the *first* place? I went to school with a lot of people whom struggled with English class, and I work with people now who are my age and still can't form a proper sentence or spell simple words. Are the...
  8. midgetcop

    Grammar and Sentence Structures

    Wow. As if growing up isn't difficult enough ALREADY. THANKS, mom and dad. You suck.  :D
  9. midgetcop

    Does the gun registry help reduce crime?

    :tsktsk: Racial profiling..!
  10. midgetcop

    Do i need a health card?

    I didn't need mine when I recently went for my Reserve testing. I can only speak for myself, though. You should seriously hurry up and get a new health card though.
  11. midgetcop

    Female gunners of 1 RCHA

    That was a great read. Inspiring! :)
  12. midgetcop

    Islam-bashing film sparks fears of violence

    It's also not nearly as exciting in print or as a sound byte.
  13. midgetcop

    Islam-bashing film sparks fears of violence

    Those are some of the scariest pictures I've seen in a long time. Not entirely surprised, but disturbed....quite.  :o Here's my stupid question for the day (don't mind me folks, I'm the ignorant agnostic): why the obsession with those who *aren't* part of your religion?? i.e. this whole idea of...
  14. midgetcop

    Does the gun registry help reduce crime?

    Yes. I'm sure they're going to make TONS of headway with those last two points there.  ;D
  15. midgetcop

    A two year set back or a chance to try something else?

    I know it's already been commented on, but just wanted to throw in my two cents. As a 5'2" female who's 115lbs, I've been able to do some astounding things with this small physique. You just have to work and train hard...and it *is* mainly a mental game. Best of luck in your application!
  16. midgetcop

    The Judge Superthread- Merged Topics

    Meh. If they're not doing it on their own accord, I wouldn't necessarily consider them "productive" members of society. ::shrug::
  17. midgetcop

    The Netherlands raises its terror alert level to "substantial" - BBC

    Trust me, I'd be pretty annoyed if I were in your situation as well. I don't want *anyone* pushing their beliefs on me, whether they're Muslim, Christian....Vegetarian. But mby your own admission, other than being a 'tad annoyed', I don't see what all the fuss is about. You have the right to...
  18. midgetcop

    Cadets vs Boy Scouts (role, "child soldiers", etc.)

    Well, I agree it would be dishonest to say that it has absolutely NO influence on youths who are involved. Those who have been exposed to the organization might take more of an interest in the military, depending on how much they enjoyed their cadet experience. But the article seems to imply...
  19. midgetcop

    The Netherlands raises its terror alert level to "substantial" - BBC

    Keep in mind that they are allowed to express their displeasure at your "god" remarks, just as you feel it is your right to express your displeasure at their displeasure. Er....I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this...  :D NOW, if your workplace implemented a policy which prohibited you...