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Search results

  1. The_Falcon

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    Mod note Lets try to keep this on track since there is already a large thread, discussion, disection of the failure/success of multiculturalism around here.
  2. The_Falcon

    ISIS and the threat to Canada

    Pick your thread and post your questions there, next time do a better search.
  3. The_Falcon

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    That's a good way of putting it.  One of the thoughts that came to mind when I read the news of this video, calling for these fanatics, to attack random people in their own countries, is if it were to happen, would that be enough ammo to loosen the iron fist the various CFO's have regarding CCW...
  4. The_Falcon

    Wolverine (X-men comic character) set to DIE (and stay DEAD) in new series

    Old news, this was announced end of spring/early summer.  Issue #1 is already on it's way to my house, and will be awaiting my return.
  5. The_Falcon

    Is there a difference between Corporal and Private?

    I'd would sort the Pte's out, politely but firmly, and try and set the tone by being more formal with your own superiors. If anyone says anything, tell them you prefer working in a more professional work environment.  It may not change everything wholesale, but may  change how people interact...
  6. The_Falcon

    Australia to deploy military force to UAE - ABC Australia

    Emirates has been flying multiple times a day to several Australian airports for years now, and they have had a partnership with Qantas with for about 2 years now.
  7. The_Falcon

    Opportunity for Reserve deployment [Merged]

    Merged (with a few topics, there are still plenty of other ones) and locking since this is not new, nor has anything changed in the last several decades regarding how reserves are deployed/activated etc.  Also friendly reminder, if you aren't a recruiter DON'T answer threads in the ask a...
  8. The_Falcon

    Civilian Police to Military Police

    A PLAR should be requested by whatever RC you end up dealing with, that said, make sure you have your graduation certificate from whatever police college you went to (OPC, Depot, JIBC, etc) and any course outlines you may have (as well as courses/training you have done on the job).  FYI there...
  9. The_Falcon

    2 Canadians among 98 passengers on US-chartered jet forced to land in Iran

    FlyDubai is the carrier, but the company that chartered the flight is called DFS.  All their flights are basically contractors from the sandbox.  Most of us here believe this was deliberate since the passengers on DFS flights are usually mainly US contractors.  Commercial Emirates, FlyDubai, and...
  10. The_Falcon

    Civilians complaining about Police/Emergency Services' Pay

    Possibly one factor, however the problem is (at least on the police side of the equation), how quickly officer can move up the ranks is codified in law (http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/regs/english/elaws_regs_100268_e.htm), give how much foot dragging has been going on regarding changing...
  11. The_Falcon

    Civilians complaining about Police/Emergency Services' Pay

    I read through the arbitrator`s decision re: Toronto Fire`s last contract, and it`s outstanding the mental leaps of logic that employed.  To boil it down, TFS was awarded their increases based on what the police had obtained.  Why the police? Just because, that's why.  It's always been done like...
  12. The_Falcon

    2014 Ontario General Election

    Of course most Ontarians will agree with the tax, because most just assume it will only affect those who travel frequently, and have no consequence on them at all.  The fact that Pearson is the largest air cargo hub in the country (and one the main ports of entry for cargo via air), will go...
  13. The_Falcon

    Burger King to Buy Tim Hortons ?

    You beat me to it.  Don't know why people are going nuts over this.  There was a time when Tim's and Wendy's were part of the same company.  As well speaking more to the point you just raised, how many large publicly traded companies are truly "American" or "Canadian" ?
  14. The_Falcon

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    There are several old topics about this (well Wicca, but that gets lumped in with Pagan).  It's actually something I have wondering as well, since I have looking into/researching Asatru/Norse-Germanic Paganism, and how that would play put if I decided to get back in.
  15. The_Falcon

    'Older' games on newer OSs

    If company that made the game still exists, they may have made a patch for more modern OS's (but it's a small may).  You can either try to find an emulator (like DosBox), or set up a virtual machine, that runs the appropriate OS.
  16. The_Falcon

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Same in Toronto.  Gun death are more or less holding steady....# of shootings by gang member using illegal firearms has increased over the years, in conjuction with better/faster EMS-Trauma care so the idiots don't die.
  17. The_Falcon

    The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

    HUGE thread on this topic.  Seek information, there.  This is locked until I get to real computer and can merge.
  18. The_Falcon

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    Been doing some house keeping, and consolidated MANY threads over several YEARS.  Like many other megathreads, there should be plenty of information contained herein to satisfy any question you may have.  So...I will NOT entertain any new threads regarding this topic.  New threads will be locked...
  19. The_Falcon

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    There are a myriad of threads and an official website, as well as recruiting centres.  Learn to search and utilize them.  Everything you have asked has been answered many times.