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  1. goodform

    Humour: Name for a new Canadian Tank IF we got one

    Why not Flower? Or name it after a racing horse, "Trooper's Delight" or "Moose Jaw Blue"?
  2. goodform

    New PT Test Requirements...Thoughts?

    The new requirements leave someone like me in an interesting situation. I was (still am?) a CIC officer who began transferring to the regiment in the same building I paraded in. The last thing I had to do to complete the transfer was my PT test. While getting ready for it I received an e-mail...
  3. goodform

    Grognards amongst us?

    Well now you've prompted me to go check. It's possible I'll be able to organize my next post better than a 'stream of consciousness'  :P I also need a turn based fix... Think I'll meet the Japs on the Kokoda Track!
  4. goodform

    Grognards amongst us?

    VG - As far as I remember my roomie assembled the monster from several other maps which were parts of games. He had a set of rules for the east front, west front and whole of Europe when the maps were combined. I want to say 'Europe at War' for some reason, but that seems wrong. There were...
  5. goodform

    Grognards amongst us?

    VG, SOCOM is an FPS, not a simulation of the type that would make a grognard. I slant towards the electronic versions. I play Talonsoft games (largely the campaign series, as I have trouble finding the battleground series games, especially when so outrageously priced on the take2 interative...
  6. goodform

    Self Evaluation and Preparing for Fitness Test & Course.

    Hey all, I'm transferring into the PRes from CIC, and have just my PT test to do. Unfortunately I work in construction and am tired/sore at the end of the day. Is there any way to train adequately while working a physical job?
  7. goodform


    Precisely, and it has been covered by ArmyVern. Though it sounds like Kid_X needs a 4 figure grid reference before he can move onto anything more complicated. I wouldn't worry though, as he has a long term girlfriend who seems to be willing to let him spend some time practicing on the range.
  8. goodform

    New game: army story

    popped the adjutant
  9. goodform

    What is your military status?

    CIC transferring to PRes, SHoC. I'm just a PT test away from being in, so as soon as I'm marginally fit (and not sore from work in construction) then hello Seaforth.
  10. goodform

    Army Alphabet Game

    Also the term used to describe a refridgerated unit attached to a semi tractor. I was a bit late in getting back to post here, I wanted W to be Walla.
  11. goodform

    Army Alphabet Game

    P - Pet
  12. goodform


    I did a search and found a couple of topics on swords. from those I have two useful links: http://www.solingen-swords.com/produkte/saebel/gb/index.html http://www.williamscully.ca/gallery/swords?page=1 I also know that you can buy from the 2RCR online kit shop. I curious to know if there are...
  13. goodform

    Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

    http://www.canada.com/theprovince/news/story.html?id=d816ef60-c65f-4c9f-866a-a797606d8ee1 Anyone else hear of this? Saw it in the Province today.
  14. goodform

    New game.....Story

    all you can eat
  15. goodform

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Canada has russian built ships? I honestly don't know, just looking at the title of said gem  :)
  16. goodform

    New game.....Story

    I saw
  17. goodform

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Agreed, Germany didn't do well when it was at war with or loosely allied to any country in the Asian continent.  ;)  Honestly though, I can't imagine that he may have thought any tangible gains could be made in a political/economic sense. Those that would be lasting anyway.
  18. goodform

    Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

    TCBF, agreed. You don't see many people downtown east side Vancouver (or anywhere for that matter) in lines for charity or welfare who would pass muster. I do think we should be more open to recruiting landed immigrants and commonwealth citizens, with options for citizenship after a certain...
  19. goodform

    Re: RIP forces.gc.ca/forum/forum (Army Discussion Forums) The Continuing Saga

    ...hich was her secret code word for hard narcotics. The more he thought about it the more he was convinced she was actually a mod, trying to either beat some sense into him or p...
  20. goodform

    Re: RIP forces.gc.ca/forum/forum (Army Discussion Forums) The Continuing Saga

    ...om told him to stay away from. Amongst the other evils of ladies of the night and j...