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  1. Cdn Blackshirt

    Why Not Canadian Amphib/Marine Capability? (merged)

    Even if we started out with just a small LCAC's fleet per coast, that would certainly be a step in the right direction and could be framed under "emergency preparedness" dual-roling.  :salute:
  2. Cdn Blackshirt

    The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

    In a way, it's the next logical step. Boeing really hosed the Liberals on the sole-sourcing of the Superhornet, while it appears Macron & Trudeau have hit if off very well. The fact that Trudeau could end up rewarding the company that Boeing tried to injure would be icing on the cake.
  3. Cdn Blackshirt

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    Just out of curiosity, did we invite foreign builders to bid on their own, under the caveat that they could build Canadian facilities from scratch? Or were they mandated to partner with existing Canadian-owned businesses? I seems some of the big international players could have built brand new...
  4. Cdn Blackshirt

    The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

    Waiting to hear of a new sole-sourcing negotiation with Dassault to commence soon. :salute:
  5. Cdn Blackshirt

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Why are they not delivering the last ship until 2041? That seems incredibly slow.... M.
  6. Cdn Blackshirt

    The Next Conservative Leader

    Totally agree....  :salute:
  7. Cdn Blackshirt

    The Next Conservative Leader

    @Jed I hope you are right, but if you actually talk to the Millenials in particular, the majority are completely ignorant of just about everything (no offense to those who have educated themselves), which doesn't provide me much optimism..... :salute:
  8. Cdn Blackshirt

    The Next Conservative Leader

    Just my opinion, but I think the Left has successfully rebranded "conservatism" as "racist/bigot/misogynist/etc", which whether honest or not, eliminate the party from consideration from upwards of 65% of voters. Until they nominate someone who is socially untouchable on the key hot button...
  9. Cdn Blackshirt

    The Next Conservative Leader

    Can anyone give us the rundown of how Scheer pulled this out? I thought Bernier had it in the bag.... :salute:
  10. Cdn Blackshirt

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    I think we should ask Davie to provide a Turn key CSC alternative bid and see what they come up with.
  11. Cdn Blackshirt

    All Things Air Defence/AA (merged)

    Dumb question but are all NATO aircraft (including helicopters) not equipped with IFF?  Would the more advanced GBAD systems not be able to make that proper identification?
  12. Cdn Blackshirt

    All Things Air Defence/AA (merged)

    Off the shelf? https://www.rheinmetall-defence.com/en/rheinmetall_defence/systems_and_products/air_defence_systems/mobile_air_defence/index.php I think I read that original Skranger turret has already been fit onto Piranha III and IV so that should simplify integration into LAV 6 chassis.
  13. Cdn Blackshirt

    May 2017 Manchester UK bombing (split fm Religious/Extremist Terrorism: Non-Muslim edition)

    Un-PC clarification:  If Europe did not have a Muslim minority, by what % would terrorist attacks/deaths have been reduced there over last 5-year period?  Broad generalizations like you've made are not going to cut it if these barbarians, all from the same demographic group, keep attacking...
  14. Cdn Blackshirt

    May 2017 Manchester UK bombing (split fm Religious/Extremist Terrorism: Non-Muslim edition)

    Sadly the public's outlook on this issue will be determined by celebrity statements. As long as the celebrities take on the role of useful idiots, the sheep will follow.  However, if the celebrities start to get upset and start tweeting the Hadiths that are used to justify the attacks, I...
  15. Cdn Blackshirt

    Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle - RG-31, LAV Coyote, and (partial) G-Wagon Replacement

    Hoe about small vertical uav plus Spike NLOS (as opposed to an ATGM requiring line of sight)?  The Israelis have already mounted on vehicles much smaller than TAPV.
  16. Cdn Blackshirt

    Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle - RG-31, LAV Coyote, and (partial) G-Wagon Replacement

    This is kind of as segue into procurement, but structurally can the army not request "force enhancement" funding as part of an operations tasking and budget? Example:  Liberal government  says:  "You need to send a battlegroup to Latvia." Army replies: "Absolutely.  But to perform the role...
  17. Cdn Blackshirt

    Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle - RG-31, LAV Coyote, and (partial) G-Wagon Replacement

    Followup..... Is there any talk of integrating light vertical drones with the TAPV? It would seem that such integration along with the mast-based sensors would allow for greater standoff distances which would minimize the impact of the larger silhouette. Thanks, M.  :salute:
  18. Cdn Blackshirt

    LAV 6.0

    Noob question:  What are the technical reasons why they could not use wider tires to better distribute the heavier weight?
  19. Cdn Blackshirt

    Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle - RG-31, LAV Coyote, and (partial) G-Wagon Replacement

    I don't understand your comment. If doctrine was already written for g-wagon and rg-31, coyote, how is this different? Thanks for elaboration. M.  :salute:
  20. Cdn Blackshirt

    Why Not Canadian Amphib/Marine Capability? (merged)

    What is the cost differential of a marine vs army infantry? M.