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  1. Dirt Digger

    Gen. Hillier pushes plan to boost army enrolment

    Is this per year, or a one shot deal? If I manage to press-gang 48 young and immpressionable lads into uniform, will I never have to show up for work again?  ;D
  2. Dirt Digger

    Continuing education after enrollment

    Do a forum search for: PGTP  You'll find your answer, plus some extras.
  3. Dirt Digger

    Military Discounts List

    Last time I checked, Shades of Green (the Disney World resort) was only for US Active Duty, retired and foreign military serving on a US defence establishment. However, that was in late-2004, and I know that Shades completed a major expansion in 2005.  Can anyone confirm if this has changed? ...
  4. Dirt Digger

    Liberals want Handgun Ban

    Ahh yes, D-cell justice.  ;D
  5. Dirt Digger

    Where does our problem lie?

    Paper strength works well on the battlefield.  I'm sure the amount of Reg Force personnel dagging red would go into the double digits and the Reserves can't come out because finals are coming up.  71,000?  I doubt it.
  6. Dirt Digger

    CFC Toronto as a posting

    Well, they've just started construction on the Canada forest-park-thing and shut off road access to a big chunk of the grounds.  Still a nice place to run without having the worry about being shanked by the locals. Moving right along ... depending on who you listen to, there are plans to...
  7. Dirt Digger

    Anyone else having trouble with The Personal Insurance company?

    Been with The Personal since moving to Toronto.  Only had one problem so far:  If they tell you that they're going to fax you something right away, they really mean, "sometime in the next four hours".  If they pooch that fax and have to resend...they'll send it, "right away".
  8. Dirt Digger

    Higher Education in a Military Career

    Maybe I can answer a few of those questions, at least for my own situation, since I'm currently on a PGTP. First off, I don't see my degree as some bird program for adding a few letters to the end of my name.  I'm taking a Masters in Health Sciences; Occupational and Environmental Health...
  9. Dirt Digger

    The 5th estate: Abu Ghraib and Torture in Iraq

    Those interested in the human condition regarding guarding prisoners and being put into a position of total authority should take a look at the Standford Prison Experiment: http://www.prisonexp.org/ While they could never get away with running a study like this today, it's an interesing look...
  10. Dirt Digger

    Psychological stress in training.

    Do a google search for the term, "stress inoculation".  Basically, exposing a person to a small controlled stress after being taught stress coping techniques.  This in turn will allow them to mentally cope with a similar stressor of greater magnitude, because they've already experienced it in...
  11. Dirt Digger

    What to send to the boyfriend!

    Depends on what he likes...if it was me: Hand written letters (about once a week...don't go too crazy) Beef jerky Can of Gatorade powder Hot drink mixes for the field I can't stress it enough...hand written.  Getting a letter when you're in the field is one of life's truly great moments.
  12. Dirt Digger

    Higher Education in a Military Career

    Not mine at least.  I'm a DEO, but this is the first I've heard about the program you've mentioned.  In the Bioscience trade, we pretty much have two dedicated PGs that we apply for (Hygiene or Human Factors).
  13. Dirt Digger

    A Pittance of Time

    Unfortunately, A Pittance of Time rang true for my wife several years back when we lived in Victoria.  Her company called for a moment of silence over the store's intercomm and she had to deal with a customer that didn't think the request applied to them. Today I had to hold it back.  I...
  14. Dirt Digger

    Higher Education in a Military Career

    Every year around the end of July, DGMC will put out a list of possible PG studies individuals can apply for.  Most of the PGs are only open to specific trades. The application process requires you be accepted both by the military (for the funding) and by the approved educational institute (for...
  15. Dirt Digger

    Year of the Veteran Commercial

    Nope.  All of the large, uniformed line drawings are of me.  The smaller ones in the "alternative exercises" section are myself and two other members of the Canadian Scottish (in 1999).  I got the "job' because I was working in the OR on a Class B contract. I was actually very surprised when...
  16. Dirt Digger

    Year of the Veteran Commercial

    Speaking of "altering"....a few years back I posed for some pictures that were going to be drawn into the Army Fitness Manual.  Imagine my surprise when one of the pictures in the draft copy came back as a poorly copied female.  Credit to Kelly Dukeshire for the male version...who knows for the...
  17. Dirt Digger

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Unless things have changed, if you're doing a winter BOTC serial, you'll be getting out of Language School around August.  Basically, your job during that time frame will be to learn french...regular work hours, Monday to Friday.  After hours is your life and you can take off on the weekends...
  18. Dirt Digger

    4 Wg Cold Lake and This Hour has 22 Minutes

    Hmmmmm.....HCol Bubbles.... <shudder> At least the mess dinners would be interesting.
  19. Dirt Digger

    Kabul health/lungs concern

    Actually, the air we breath is full of assorted crap...pollen, mould spores, diesel exhaust, insect parts, dead skin cells...  However, the body has a pretty well adapted system for removing it all. As I mentioned in another topic, if you can actually *see* the particles, they're so large that...
  20. Dirt Digger

    Year of the Veteran Commercial

    The one wearing the dangley earrings?