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Search results

  1. Dirt Digger

    The Bio-Science Officer Merged Thread

    I can't really tell you much about the recruiting process except for my own story.  I applied to the Bioscience trade back in the Feb/March time frame (after a huge nightmare of nobody knowing the trade even existed), received my acceptable message in the summer and was in St-Jean in the fall. ...
  2. Dirt Digger

    Fallen seal hunters, enviro-pirates & the Coast Guard in Canada - 2008

    Irony = Complaint of pirate action against a boat painted black that flys a pirate flag.  ::)
  3. Dirt Digger

    Afghan donkey named Hughes eases burden for Canadian soldiers

    Canadian Forces Fun Police here.  Have the following questions / concerns been addressed: Has the donkey been checked by a vet? Does the donkey have its shots? Is the donkey suffering from fleas / ticks / parasites? Is there a plan in place if the donkey gets sick or injured? Does the donkey...
  4. Dirt Digger

    University of Ottawa Paper Fulcrum Boycotts National Defence Advertisements

    I don't think the issue is as much about 95% of the student body being apathetic voters, rather that 95% of the student body cares more about their classes & education (or partying) than the normally pointless campus politics.  What was originally designed to help students and provide support...
  5. Dirt Digger

    University of Ottawa Paper Fulcrum Boycotts National Defence Advertisements

    Apparently, few of them can afford to write articles to promote their views?  That would cost them...hmmm...nothing?   ::)
  6. Dirt Digger

    Shin Splints, Blisters, and PT [Merged]

    So from what you've said, after about ten minutes you start having severe pain in your lower legs.  I'm assuming that it causes you to shorten your stride.  When you stop running, does the pain go away after a few minutes?  Have you ever had your leg go "rigid" and been unable to flex your foot...
  7. Dirt Digger

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    I tend to not put a lot of faith into any phone polling...way to many opportunities to introduce bias into the results.  Even when they claim accuracy to the 95th percentile (that 19 times out of 20 line) I seriously doubt their methods: Biased towards the wording of the question. Biased...
  8. Dirt Digger

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    Many designs start out as COT prototypes and are then modified.  I think what you're hitting on is the "good enough" concept and wether a COT design meets CF requirements without the whole modification process.  Obviously there are a lot of good manufactures out there, several of which post on...
  9. Dirt Digger

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    If they're tossed into your yard, that's fine.  If they have a better understanding of how the system is working/not working, then all the better.    I'm not disagreeing that the system is broken or that procurement takes too long, but I think you'll find disconnects with kit in every force you...
  10. Dirt Digger

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    Those that need it first should be in the queue to get it first, which are those in dismounted ops.  I should have been more clear about that.  In time though, the 82 pattern will be replaced.  Until then, I'm happy with my 64 pattern...   Which is why I stayed away from commenting on the...
  11. Dirt Digger

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    Due to the competition to get into the trade, most come the ranks, either as a CFR or DEO with Reserve experience.  UTPNCM has also occurred, but it's rare.  Just having a degree usually isn't enough to make selection.  Of the three currently in the cell, two have prior experience in the...
  12. Dirt Digger

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    Liability can become an issue if a soldier has deliberately modified PPE in such a way as to defeat its intended function.  i.e. removal of kevlar from the vest.  This is more of an issue of what was "not" worn at the time of injury than what was worn.  All PPE is returned to DRDC-Toronto for...
  13. Dirt Digger

    Tim Hortons in Theatre Merged Thread (in AFG, no plans to preposition)

    Facebook has a group entitled, "Tim Hortons Rules of Ordering and More".  It's actually a pretty good list....they have a section on "worst customers" as well.  Looks like they get as pissed off as I do when someone tries to order lunch for 12 at the drive through window.
  14. Dirt Digger

    Biomedical Electronics Technologist

    Can't answer about foreign schools, but will say that many of the advanced degrees in the trade come from foreign schools.  Several in the trade have Master degrees in Human Factors from Loughborough, England and the current Industrial Hygiene MSc comes from the United States. Also can't say...
  15. Dirt Digger

    Biomedical Electronics Technologist

    a) Posting areas are: Toronto, Ottawa, Winnipeg & Suffield.  A few other singles:  Trenton & Maryland. b) Needed?  Yes...biased answer though.  Extremely difficult trade to enter; recruits maybe one or two positions a year. c) St-Jean + language school = minimum training.  From there, specific...
  16. Dirt Digger

    Support Our Troops - Stealing Magnets

    Survived two years in the GTA without having my magnet stolen.  Moved to Belleville, and had it stolen within one month, while I was overseas...
  17. Dirt Digger

    UFC Stuff - Merged

    No kidding about that decision...  Two judges go one way, while the third is 30-27 for the loser?  I don't know if the camera gets better angles than the judges at octagon-side, but they let the wrong guy win the Bisbing/Hamil match.   :P  I was pretty surprised about Bisbing's comment after the...
  18. Dirt Digger

    Atheist Mistreatment in Iraq (US Military)

    Being a devout atheist for a number of years and with "NRE" stamped on my tags, I can say that I've never run into any problems with my belief model.  Usually the only other time you "see" the atheists is when people bow their heads to pray, and the atheist just keep looking around the room...
  19. Dirt Digger

    WHY? Soldier staying in bed during fight Split from Soldier sentenced for......

    Now before the dog-pile begins, what the MCpl did was reprehensible and he deserves every minute of time he's going to be doing in DB.  Some will argue that 21 days is no where near what should have been dealt (myself included).  However Kiwi99 is focusing on investigating the route cause of the...
  20. Dirt Digger

    Whats a good buy and whats a waste?

    Are there any issues with the eventual repatriation of rugs?  I can't imagine trying to cram a 5x7 rug into a kit bag and was wondering what the shipping charges/size restrictions are. Asking because a) moving, b) deploying soon, c) 9er needs new rugs, and d) 9er put a, b & c together.