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Search results

  1. Dirt Digger

    Limited opportunities with degrees in biology

    As a Bioscience Officer, I know that you can get into the trade with only a BSc.  It's not easy, and would probably need prior military experience alongside of the degree, but it can be done.  In the long run, your grades would also need to be high enough to get accepted into a Masters program...
  2. Dirt Digger

    Military families living in mould-infested homes: Ombudsman

    So far I've seen talk of "contamination", but nothing indicating that any actual sampling for mould has occured.  BTW:  I'm not talking about, "I saw this stuff and it was mould."  We are surrounded by a huge variety of mould and pollen spores - most of which have zero impact on our health. ...
  3. Dirt Digger

    Future of the OPME program/Everything you ever wanted to know about OPME

    Quick confirmation - Is the Fall 2012 session still on the table?  I currently have two OPMEs left to complete (Ethics and Tech/Warfare).  I've already signed up for Ethics over the summer session and want to make sure the program will still be around for the final push in the fall. ...
  4. Dirt Digger

    Can't do sit-ups. Am I still eligible?

    The CF Express Operations Manual does have a short section regarding physiological limitations (Google to find the pdf copy).  It allows for a member to apply for a modified protocol, "in rare or unusual circumstances."  I'm not sure how this would apply on application, or if your situation...
  5. Dirt Digger

    The Bio-Science Officer Merged Thread

    MC covered most of the bases already (excellent info), but do a search here for the bioscience thread.  Give it a read and if you have any further questions, feel free to PM me.  I'm one of the Bios in the recruiting video.  :)
  6. Dirt Digger

    Don Cherry to receive honorary doctorate from RMC

    If you wanna read Globe and Mail comments, select "highest score" and then go to the bottom of the first page and click "LAST".  That's usually where you find the sane stuff.
  7. Dirt Digger

    Lowe's: No vet discount in Canada

    It begs the question, would a member of the US military be elligible for the discount at a Canadian store?  As a Canadian serving south of the border, I've taken advantage of the discount offered by the local Lowe's here in Maryland...however, I now wonder if this has been a mistake.  Will a US...
  8. Dirt Digger

    Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

    The decompression chamber has already been addressed, but I'm curious about the white light exposure.  Was this somehow attributed to a lack of sunlight? Having done a short trip aboard Corner Brook as a "Relish Rider", the only post-mission special treatment I required was time on a...
  9. Dirt Digger

    Tim Hortons’ double dribble

    If the flap pops back up, just squeeze the two raised plastic ridges inwards towards the arrow.  Works every time for me.  :)
  10. Dirt Digger

    Re: PResent suggestions

    There's also the National Air Force Museum of Canada, located in Trenton, Ontario: http://www.airforcemuseum.ca/
  11. Dirt Digger

    William Shatner for next Governor General

    ...and each commissioning scroll will come with a $60.00 autograph fee.
  12. Dirt Digger

    The Bio-Science Officer Merged Thread

    As far as I know, I'm the only Bio that actively monitors this site.  A few others have posted in the past, but usually only for specific topics (i.e. ongoing equipment projects). Restricted, but not in the way you've phrased the question.  You appear to be leaning towards the role of a...
  13. Dirt Digger

    CAF Combat boots policy 2005-2018

    I feel your pain.  I have what can be best described as "monkey feet".  When this is coupled with low ankle mobility and orthotics for my pronation, I find very few boots will actually fit my feet.  (Then there was that bilateral fasciotomy for chronic compartment syndrome...but that's a...
  14. Dirt Digger

    'Demilitarization' of University Campus

    I've actually conducted environmental sampling in Afghanistan for DU - never found anything.  (Analysis by a accredited, non-military, third party lab using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for those interested.) As mentioned, a suitable physical barrier would be to hide behind a...
  15. Dirt Digger

    Injury Reduction in our LAV's

    Actually, pilots do sit on a high-density foam cushion on the seat pan, however your mileage may vary on the age and condition.  The g-force achieved during the firing of the seat may be high, but it's not a sustained over a long period of time.  The body has different abilities to tolerate...
  16. Dirt Digger

    From TV Guide: The best sci-fi shows--ever

    The pilot of Harsh Realm was partially filmed in the Jericho (Vancouver) PMQ patch.  My nephew made something like $200.00 in the opening scene for riding his bike down a hill.  Big coin for a five year old, but since then his acting career has stagnated.  :)
  17. Dirt Digger

    The gritty truth about Iraq

    For those that have missed the first episodes, if you're not able to pick them up through a torrent or usenet, you might find them with the free On Demand section of your cable box.  I have Cogeco, which offers pretty much the same selection as Rogers, and it's under HBO series.
  18. Dirt Digger

    Cell phones at work or in school.

    Back in my day, that spot on your belt where the cell phone goes is where we tied the onion, which was the style at the time.  ;D But seriously, when I was in junior high, the school had one pay phone.  In senior high it went up to three.  If someone needed to get a hold of you, they called the...
  19. Dirt Digger

    re:did anyone have some info about nathan smith camp(prt)?

    The one thing CNS has over KAF: Mirage yogurt.  ;D
  20. Dirt Digger

    Would you like to put a ‘Support our troops’ ribbon on your own vehicle?

    My CADPAT magnet made it through two years of living in Toronto, only to be stolen within two weeks of moving to Belleville. My current magnet is stuck to our front door, which acts as NDP repellent.  ;D