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  1. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    In my area the wait for a criminal background check to come back is several weeks if not months. I fail to see how third-partying this and medicals out will have any improvement. The problem is the bureaucracy. If you can cut out paperwork or rungs that paperwork must travel up that is where...
  2. Flavus101

    Word association (just for fun)

  3. Flavus101

    Parade Drills Help

    Your staff will make sure that you receive make-up training. (At no cost to yourself...)
  4. Flavus101

    US Election: 2016

    Now that may just be too much for the US to take  ;D
  5. Flavus101

    Political Correctness

    Thank-you for taking the time to lay out your side of things Scott. I do not agree with how far this no-scent policy reaches. However, in an office setting I completely get where you are coming from and you have changed my mind for that scenario.
  6. Flavus101

    Political Correctness

    One more series of questions and then I will most likely give up my backwards way of thinking.  ;D When you say workplace, what do you define as the workplace? Is a school considered a workplace? If so, does it extend past secondary school? How about a mall? Or a driver examiner who has to...
  7. Flavus101

    Political Correctness

    I thank-you for being reasonable and I will do my best to be reasonable here as well. Now please don't take this next bit as completely irrelevant because I will bring it back to relevance at the end.  ;D Banning things that people find pleasurable is 9/10 a losing battle. I am not saying we...
  8. Flavus101

    Political Correctness

    As George said below, this was brought up because it effects what people can and cannot do. Look at this from my point of view. 1. Are colognes and deodorants legal? Yes. 2. Is the percentage of people affected small? Definitely yes. Why should I not be able to put on a squirt of cologne that...
  9. Flavus101

    Political Correctness

    My current favourite is the "No Scent" zones.
  10. Flavus101

    Canadian Values do not include Canada for younger generation

    Kids in high school now days get very minimal exposure to "the trades". The amount of "shops" in high schools has been inversely proportional to the amount of new computer labs made in schools. You would be lucky to find any form of shop class in a school built after the year of 2000, especially...
  11. Flavus101

    Islam and Western Society

    Foam rolling works wonders, and if you are getting them while wearing boots try skipping the lace holes around where the ankle is. I found that helped a lot on long rucks.
  12. Flavus101

    Deconstructing "Progressive " thought

    Thank-you kindly!
  13. Flavus101

    Deconstructing "Progressive " thought

    Do you know when this came into effect?
  14. Flavus101

    Deconstructing "Progressive " thought

    You know, if you remove all of the catch phrases and general bullshit that panders to the "Activists" of today it actually looks like that course could have some interesting information. It seems like a rebranded COA developer. Here is what the mission is, here is what you have available to...
  15. Flavus101

    Alberta Schools; pick your own gender and bathroom

    http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/windsor-resident-denied-haircut-at-barbershop-because-of-gender-1.3814318 Not directly related, yet I found it relevant to the discussion. I view this in the way of, you wouldn't ask a cabinet maker to build you a pool table even though they are both...
  16. Flavus101

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    Best of luck at Depot Ryan!
  17. Flavus101

    Common Army Phase

    Some more than others. It's really not a hard course to pass. Focus on the immediate task at hand, help your buddies and try to find a bit of time each night to unwind.
  18. Flavus101

    Political Correctness

    I definitely wouldn't have known about the Vancouver flag raising thing if it wasn't posted here. It was interesting to learn that there is a flag pole dedicated for these guest flags and the frequency that it is used. I still view it as window dressing and another expense to tax payers that is...
  19. Flavus101

    Political Correctness

    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the general public simply ignore these "special" months and treat them as window dressing? I could not tell you when black history month is, nor could I have told you that May was Jewish heritage month. That does not make me a racist or a bigot. It simply...
  20. Flavus101

    Canada Savings Bond Payroll Savings Program

    The credit union I use has never charged for money to be moved out of the TFSA.