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  1. Flavus101

    Chair, Vice-Chairs named for Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee

    oldgateboatdriver, because you aren't "equal" until you are "superior". It's 2017 after all! In all seriousness you hit the nail right on the head. There are no significant differences in how this will affect women compared to men and vice versa. Although this is pure speculation I think that...
  2. Flavus101

    USAF B52J "Century" Fortress

    It's easier for the public to accept refurbishing vice a completely new airframe? Just a guess.
  3. Flavus101

    Policing Reform in Ontario

    Suspending without pay when not convicted by the judicial system is something that I will find very difficult to agree with (I will wait until the bill has been introduced before passing judgement). Perhaps dealing with the length of the appeal system is a better way to go about achieving the...
  4. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    What I was referring to is that it is generally very hard to survive as a reserve unit if you are not constantly taking on new troops (perhaps this rule mostly applies to the infantry regiments) each year. If it was a unit ex and the most junior person on that ex had three years in that speaks...
  5. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    The most junior person on Ex having three years in is a problem all unto itself.
  6. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Thinning the herd of NDHQ and starting to put more trust at the Unit level leadership is where things need to go. I understand that there has to be some standardization. I come from a reserve context, however I hear the same complaints from reg force folks at times. To use an officer example...
  7. Flavus101

    Infantry Officer while obtaining a degree?

    You absolutely can be a reserve infantry officer while pursuing a degree. I would make an appointment with your recruiter. If you have already written the CFAT the recruiter will check your results to ensure you achieved sufficiently high enough results to change your application and it will go...
  8. Flavus101

    Political Correctness

    I know I don't. I'm curious why they feel the need to bring attention to one aspect of the laws of Canada? The Oath already includes obeying Canada's laws, which the treaties (that are still to be observed) are a part of. This whole bending over backwards for the Indigenous is ridiculous...
  9. Flavus101

    U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

    The Americans (and the combined "West" in general) made our bed with the Saudis long ago. I am not surprised that Trump did not add them to the list that was in place prior to the new administration. It would be too soon for Trump to cut ties one week in (plus the press would have an awesome...
  10. Flavus101

    U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

    Chispa, check your bedroom... I think someone has placed a device that spews rhetoric while you sleep. ;)
  11. Flavus101

    U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

    My above post was in reference to the statement about the number of people who participated in the women's marches around the globe. Not that I really care about the numbers as 2 million isn't the majority of women on the planet, and we all know that everything must revolve around majorities. ;)
  12. Flavus101

    U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

    When you provide such a wide range estimate of 1 million to 2.6 million people I question whether or not you have any idea what you are talking about. Not you specifically mariomike, just the so called "experts" who provided the figures.
  13. Flavus101

    Back When Tug Of War Was King

    Tug of war is an awesome time. The silly Highland Regiments still carry it on.  ;D
  14. Flavus101

    Let "The Journey" Begin

    It is rather depressing that we have to contract outside personnel for this matter...
  15. Flavus101

    The war doesn’t end when soldiers return home

    Ah, that makes a lot of sense now that it's been explained. Thanks mariomike!
  16. Flavus101

    The war doesn’t end when soldiers return home

    Mariomike, it was just an observation. I do respect all the years you put in for your community. My point with that statement was why create a divide when we are talking about a way for folks who get out of a service to stay in touch with each other. (If that wasn't your intention, I apologize...
  17. Flavus101

    Therapeutic Cannabis use

    That's fair. Is it possible for that to be kept out of what really is an informative thread? As I said, I really do like learning about this subject and it does affect me in my role in the CAF.
  18. Flavus101

    Therapeutic Cannabis use

    Zeb, that is ridiculous. He is stating his interpretation of what his time in the group consisted of. I really do not have a dog in this fight, I do however like reading the articles that are posted and the discourse that comes from them.
  19. Flavus101

    The war doesn’t end when soldiers return home

    Mariomike, I'm really not sure why you have such a hard on for "part timers". XD I'm glad that we agree. I think that the Legion has ostracized itself from it's intended goal. Your point about having the local Chief come in and talk to the guys at the association lunches is awesome. I know...
  20. Flavus101

    The war doesn’t end when soldiers return home

    Does the low Legion membership rate (after getting out) with Afghanistan vets have a negative effect? Previous generations had a place they could go that had a mess atmosphere and was filled with all kinds of people who have similar experiences to each other and can relate to each other. There...