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  1. probum non poenitet

    Reservists Job Protection Superthread

    This is an illegal order (unless the Class B employer is also the home unit). This sounds like an abuse of authority redress waiting to happen.  :o
  2. probum non poenitet

    Medals for Technical Assistance Visits?

    You don't speak for the dead. That upsets me. Please don't bring up the dead when you are talking trivia. Which, in the end, is all this is. If anyone is going to Afghanistan for 'shits and giggles' now, they're quite deluded. So it happens from time to time. Who cares? You can spot a wanker...
  3. probum non poenitet

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    Further to that, McNamara was one of the godfathers, if not THE godfather of "run the Army like a business and you will succeed." Gen Hillier made huge waves by stating the obvious (to me anyway) "we are not just another department of the civil service ... we kill people" (forgive the...
  4. probum non poenitet

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    Comparing General Hillier to Robert MacNamara is a bit desparate. Hmmmm. A charismatic individual who weilded great influence in times of conflict - they must be cut of the same cloth. You mean General Hillier is this generation's Mahatma Gandhi!!!???  :D
  5. probum non poenitet

    Troops' Internet postings pose security risk, warns military official

    I think a big part of the unease is that many Canadians are uncomfortable with the idea of us fighting, it's THE political issue of the day, and the more graphic the video, the more it stirs the pot. My mind isn't made up yet on how graphic is too graphic. Does it honour or exploit the...
  6. probum non poenitet

    Edmonton Thread- Merged

    If you are looking on MLS, be aware that some (not all) of the neighbourhoods in MLS Edmonton areas 05 and 13 are not the greatest. (That's where most of the 1920s-1930s homes are ... if that's what you meant by "older places in the North") You can also check out com.free...
  7. probum non poenitet

    Required Reading

    Above All, Courage by Max Arthur, first published in the 1980s. Broken up into several short interviews with British personnel in the Falklands War - Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, etc. Lots of different trades: chaplains, medics, pilots, sailors, infantry, even some civilians, if I recall...
  8. probum non poenitet

    Question of the Hour

    Tirpitz ... EDIT: and weren't Scharnhorst and Gneiseneau 'mini-mes'?
  9. probum non poenitet

    Question of the Hour

    HMS Suffolk, I think.
  10. probum non poenitet

    What Countries Should be Part of the Lebanon Security Force??

    Unlike all of us wimps actually serving.  ::) When you are old enough, you can finish training in the army, do a tour, come back and tell us what you've learned. In the meantime, you may want to check who the commander-in-chief of Canada is. Roger, out to you ...
  11. probum non poenitet

    What Countries Should be Part of the Lebanon Security Force??

    T. Rux's point seems to have escaped you ... not that "both sides are equal" but "Israel isn't perfect." Further to his point that any statement moderately critical of Israel results in a charged and often illogical emotional response - you have illustrated his point perfectly. Calling down his...
  12. probum non poenitet

    What Countries Should be Part of the Lebanon Security Force??

    " Did not Israel only attack Egypt after Egypt annexed the Suez Canel? " (Gap's question) Actually, it's very interesting how that one came to be ... Britain, France, and Israel did a secret deal to capture/liberate/repo/enslave/whatever Suez. Secret diplomacy ... how fun. Anyway...
  13. probum non poenitet

    Is the CAF as diversified as canada is?

    http://www.armee.gc.ca/lf/English/6_1_1.asp?id=284 May fall under the 'obvious,' but it has some detail and a toll free phone number for more info.
  14. probum non poenitet

    Is the CAF as diversified as canada is?

    There is one Muslim chaplain in the CF. He was the first, and completed his training about two years ago - I might be off by a year. I don't know of any other non-Christian chaplains currently serving, but I believe there is a movement on to recruit more. During the Bold Eagle program (basic...
  15. probum non poenitet

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    I personally approve of these methods ... without them, I'd still be a private and posted to Alert.
  16. probum non poenitet

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    All I ask is 10% royalties and first right of refusal on movie deals  ;D
  17. probum non poenitet

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    I believe that many Israelis would be satisfied with that. Not a wilderness, but a wide - wide buffer zone, either administered by Israeli soldiers, Israeli proxies, or at a very-distant third, a competent and aggressive international force. The UN is a non-starter, for many obvious reasons...
  18. probum non poenitet

    History of the Arab-Jewish Conflict

    I may not have made my point clearly: During its many wars, Israel has come into possession of territories that are then referred to as 'Disputed' 'Occupied' or 'Erez Israel' depending on to whom you are speaking. The territories that pop to mind are: The West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza, The Golan...
  19. probum non poenitet

    Question to the CBC and Left

    Can't wait for CBC's next installment in the Trudeau miniseries ...  :dontpanic: This Fall on CBC: Trudeau III - Justin: The People's Prince Takes Back the Throne
  20. probum non poenitet

    What Countries Should be Part of the Lebanon Security Force??

    Edward (and everyone else) if you were in charge, how wide would you make the 'buffer zone?' Tricky question considering how little real estate there is over there. I believe the Israelis used about 20 km, which is a decent chunk of Lebanon. What about civil administration, etc.?